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Everything posted by imhim

  1. Thank you all. It takes 50 min. In MO we have to count the hours, so I don't think I can only do 30 min and call it an hour, although she may be doing more school than in public school in 30 min. But I do not give homework. Where I grew up we did lots of math, I did not grow up in the US, so I really don't have a good feeling about what is right.
  2. Wow, so this make me think I am doing to much math, maybe? Every day we do 2 pages of CWP (behind several chapters), 2 pages of Abeka workbook, a lesson from HIG with manipulatives, and using the Textbook, and everything for that lesson in the Workbook. When we finish a letter 1a, fi, we do the entire IP for1a, several pages a day, plus the 2 Abeka and 2 CWP and some testing or RS games. Is this too much for a second grader (just turned 7?). My background is MS in Computer Science and i wonder if I am pushing too hard??? 4 or 5 days a week.
  3. Service projects to others. Groceries for an older neighbor or someone in need at church. Volunteering at a hospital reception center, or nursing home. YOu have plenty of time for character training without interruptions. Teaching to use the time that have with a purpose, because it is a gift from GOd.
  4. I used Abeka Phonics in K and some in 1, together with PP. My dd is 7 and is reading well. Stumbles a little on long words, but learning to decode those by pieces. I am using Abeka Phonics K for my just turned 5 yo and combine with PP for him, too. I think it just depends on the child if you want to save for later FLL or WWE. I think FLL is doable, I don't know, cause my dd was reading ok at the beginning of first grade last year. Why don't you give it a try? I would definitely continue with some phonics if he is not pretty fluent.
  5. I think in second grade I would give him credit. In third I would give half credit. My oldest is in second. Where did you find Singapore Tests? I am using 1B, 2A, 2B this year. I have CWP, IP, WOrkbook, Textbook, HIG. Where are the test? Thank you.
  6. I need more time, too. Especially time to...think. Would you all please... share?:)
  7. I just stumbled over Veritas Press and like their history cards and manual. but I am only in second grade. They have something called OMNIBUS for later.
  8. HWOT was the best thing for my now 7 yo - she loved it and has a beautiful print, and has done cursives in first grade already, but she was already printing well. For Cursives I used some D'nelian but now I use a Reason for Handwriting. easy transition. My 5yo never liked to color or draw like my 7 yo, does not have this gift, but he loes HWOT - the songs, the mat man, everythng - begs for more handwriting lessons every day...
  9. Where did I see those guides that follow this Deconstructing approach? There are somewhere, maybe someone from here posted a link?
  10. My just turned 5 yo loves Castle Logix and Royal rescue. but he got today Rush hour for his 5-th bday, so I am sure he will like that, too. My little ones - 5 and 3- like sequence for kids.
  11. I would do the read alouds in the afternoon and call them - "reading books". Not sschooling. I would do math, spelling, science, Sp. in the morning with breaks, and leave the read alouds- SOTW for sure - but also literature - in the afternoon. I could not finish in the morning with that schedule - I can't finish because I get interrupted by my younger ones all the time, so it cannot be all done by noon. I understand.
  12. Oh, I am really not worried about the percentage I gave - because she does not understand them anyway. She is 7 and I gave her a C-, because she understand letters better. And I did not want to break her spirit about it. She has problems retaining details, so I knew this was not going to be great, but maybe it just helped her see she needs to pay more attention. I am more asking in general how to grade. I did not grow up with this kind of grading system. Thank you all!!
  13. I understand... I need a nap, too... and this is my third year...
  14. How do you grade quizes and worsksheets? For instance, my dd just took the SOTW Ch1. quiz. There were 16 questions, and she got 10 right. The last question, where she needs to write an answer, is worth double to me, so I would say she got 11 out of 17. So how do I get a grade out of this. I gave her 80% and "named" it C-. How do you transfer from % to letter grades? Thank you!
  15. I am in 1B with my second grader - because we use the HIG, Textbook, Workbook, CWP, and IP - so it takes time. I find it very thourough. But I also do the Abeka 2 book at the same time - which compared to SIng, is MUCH easier - but provides review and keeps us on track with what US students might learn in a certain grade - it is behind SIng, but it is ok with us. From the HIG, we do all the activities with manipulatives, etc. In my opinion this is not an independent curriculum, which is fine with me.
  16. Nobody is perfect, just remember that. No homeschool is perfect. It is a jurney, for the long run, just try to make it ...fun!
  17. My 7 yo seems to understand, but does not remember details. Names. Places. Her 4 yo playing in the living room while we do this at the kitchen table answers the questions before she does... with details. Every child is different. My child has a problem with memorization and paying attention. Yes, I am pulling my hair, too with this child, for repeating and repeating everything to her. Maybe I will know it by heart by the time I switch to #2, #3 and #4 coming after her... I wonder if your dd does not understand one word in a paragraph, and then gets hung up on that and does not pay anymore attention, so of course nothing makes sense in the end? Does she understand a short story book? SOTW 2 we just started - my dd is able to understand - even when she does not know exactly what is meant, she either asks or gets a pretty close understanding. She turned 7 end of June. Narration only happens here if I beg and beg. Very hard on me!
  18. YOu know, I have made some copies myself at home, but not sure I am saving any money... How do you calculate the price per page if you use your own copier and need to buy the paper and the ink.
  19. Thank you for the heads up!!! No way no how those images and comentaries in my kids minds... I will know now to avoid that video.
  20. Horse riding is $35/per hours for one child here- not the whole hour, part of that time she will learn to put the saddle on, clean the horse, get on the horse, interact with horse, and ride horse. It is very expensive, we will have to start with... once a month.
  21. Of course you can delay. He is just first grade! really, how badly can you mess up?? But if you don't want to delay, start slowly with just some of the subjects. Later on you can add more. Most of all, do not freak out!! Enjoy it!
  22. We studied Van Gogh last year - read a book from the library written by his brother, really interesting. I was reading with my 6 and 4 yo. We got towards the end and I did not realize he killed himself, until I read it!! I had to explain this somewhat mellow to my children, since I was right there reading it. A very tragic end, plus all the mental issues. Just be warned. Don't remember the name of the book, something like Vincent my brother? Anyway, we studied his technique in Starry Night - and my dd did a reproduction of it and got first place in our homeschool group art show. :-) Had to put that in so it won't be all bad.
  23. English is my second language, too. My first is Romanian (latin origin). I cannot pronounce a good short i for the life of me... my dd always corrects me. I was thinking you could use the All about spelling cd to help with the sounds? Maybe having her listen and play on the computer with the cd.
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