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Posts posted by imhim

  1. We are over a year away, but in case my dd will want to, where should I start now in second grade?

    What fun geography curriculum do you use at this age?

    We have a big world map and US map, laminated, on the wall. And an inflated globe. What else do you find useful for geography?


    Are there any online resources for preparing for this Bee?



  2. I really don't know. I tried to fins some resources to go with SOTW 2 this year, resources that are Christian. So I took some ideas from Veritas PRess - like The CHurch in History, but it is too advanced for a second grader. I also got the Greenleaf Famous men of Middle Ages - it is not about the christian saints only, though.

    Anyway, this was more work than I wanted to invest, so I quit using SOTW 2 - I may use some of the activities. I switched to Diana Waring plus some Veritas Press cards and books, and the Greenleaf book. Diana Waring material is much more christian, the first few chapters we used the Bible as the textbook - and I only bought the activity guide for $10. I have some of the read-alouds suggested by Veritas PRess and this is going to be it for this year.

  3. Looks good to me! We do something simmilar for second grade. Different math, and we are doing curseives with a reason for handwriting.


    Don' forget to do something fun, too - "art", or whatever he enjoys as "extra". We are doing art and SPanish and PE.

  4. My boys, 5 and 3, know they are not supposed to interrupt, and play close to where I am doing school with my 7yo. They have their puzzles and toys they can play during school. SOmetimes they come to the table and play with Legos. It is not perfect, cause they get in conflicts, but I still can do school, just cannot expect it to be perfect. I get interrupted for bathroom needs, or sippy cups - I think it is just life with little ones. But when trained they can obey and keep themselves occupied for 40 min. at a time.

  5. My dd7 would use pronouns only if she could. But I always tell her - give more details, who is "they", there are many characters in the story, you need to be specific.


    This was a while back.


    Now I just say "no pronouns, please". And she corrects herself.


    Yes, that is a complete sentence, using the pronouns, but it is not a clear sentence, or with enough detail. As soon as the story is slightly more complicated, then he, she, they become very confusing.

  6. My oldest is second grade. Would that be the PreA level? Or should I just wait until next year, 3-rd grade. We are finishing up WWE1 and starting WWE2.


    What color should I get first? Green for level A in third? I am not sure I am understanding how this works with levels and colors.


    Thank you for all the input!

  7. My dd 7 is this way. ANd she was like this last year, when she was 6, in first.

    As soon as I get up from the table to give a little one their sippycup, she is gone, or hides under the table. It is very frustrating, I pray every day for her to change and for me to have patience.


    My son, 5, is the opposite. The Lord had mercy on me. He would do more school if I had any nore time for him - which I don't, cause it's all spent on dd7.


    I think some children are just that way. I was not that way, and this is why it is so hard to deal with.

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