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Posts posted by imhim

  1. Still praying about it, this is my oldest, so for the first time doing 3rd.


    But here is what I am planning:


    Character training - Storytime with the Millers, For Instruction in Righteousness - Doorposts.


    Bible Study Guide for All Ages


    MCT Island level

    WWE 3, AAS 2, 3, A Reason for Handwriting D


    Singapore Math 2B, 3A (with CWP, IT) and I always do the Abeka workbook together with Singapore - so Abeka 3


    History - I need some AMerican hist - have done SOTW 1 and are working on 2 so far.


    Science - not sure, something Chemistry


    Lit - Edcon


    Song School Latin


    Art class


    Pe/Swim class

  2. We did SOTW 1 in first, are doing SOTW 2 in second, but for 3-rd, I need some American History before dd will take the standard test with our homeschooling group (Stanford?). Do you have a recommendation?


    I was looking into Abeka (one semester History for 3rd) or BJU Heritage studies with the notebook and mapwork. Anyone has experience with these?


    Any other suggestions?


    Thank you!

  3. I used Earth Science and Astronomy for my second grader this year.

    I like the notebook. Has room to paste the graphic and to write a sentence.

    In my humble opinion, it is only apropiate for the very young.

    YOu also have to buy the supporting books - which are evolutionist in content - I did not care for them, I used a lot of "Truth Be Told" instead. The Fossils one I could use very little because of its evolutionist content. I used it along side a Christian book on fossils, to show my children the difference in beliefs.


    I did not use it at all for Astronomy, as I am doing my own thing, using Christian curricula (like Considering God's Creation and others).


    The typos did not bother me, as English is my second language.


    I will use something a bit more "meaty" - is that a word? -for third grade chemistry.


    I think it is useful for little ones but since our beliefs did not allign with the supporting books, it has been frustrating.

  4. Is she reading the material, or are you reading the WWE passage to her? I think these are 2 different issues. My dd reads very well (7), but when I do WWE 2, she just does not pay attention to details, so she cannot answer some questions.

    However, when I give her reading comprehension tests, she answers the questions well because even if she forgot details or other things, she knows to go back to the text and read to find out the answer- which is not the case with WWE where the parents does the reading.


    A homeschool mom I know uses Specific Skill Series. Don't know anything about it.

  5. I like Abeka K - my son loves the workbook - I am doing letters and sounds. I have the readers. He made huge steps, am thinking of going to first grade soon - he is 5.5. I have some of the phonics cards, he loves to look at them and learn the special sounds.


    The other book you mention - I have seen it, but it seemed boring to me. But many parents find it to work great.


    I used Abeka K and part of 1 with my 7.5 yo and she is a good reader also.


    I am also using Singapore Earlybird, and Abeka first grade worktext arithmetics for my 5.5yo.

  6. Has anyone used this series of abridged classic literature? I am thinking of using this with a 3-rd grader next year, and maybe a first grader, too - they are by grade levels.

    If you used them please share how you liked them (or not).

  7. I am doing Singapore 2A for my 7 yo. When I looked into MM, also good, it seemed to me that it is a bit behind. Never tried it, though, and people here say it is very good.

    I use everything Txbook, Wkbook, HIG, CWP, IP. DD not naturally mathy, but very good because of the program. Much more advanced than Abeka, which she also uses, but just the workbook.


    Oh, I teach the math using the HIG. But she gets it very quickly.

  8. I would not teach my 6, 7, any age child something I had issues with for each respective age. When in doubt, follow your instincts, you are the mother and the one who needs to protect your own child. This is why we homeschool. So we can have control over what goes in these sweet innocent little minds. There will be enough time later.

  9. Wow, thank you for the insight!

    Since MCT is pricy, I wonder if I can reuse some books for my other 3 children (5 and younger) later on.


    So there is no spelling in MCT, nor writing, like WWE2 - my dd loves WWE2, am glad to keep it going.


    Does it cover literature, or do I need literature study in 3-rd? And what would that be?

  10. I am thinking for next year. This year we are doing FLL 2 and WWE2, and AAS.


    But if I were to switch, would it be the Island books? And do you use all the books? Voc, poetry, writing, etc, etc, or just a few ?


    WOuld you keep doing FLL, or WWE, or AAS, or switch completely?

    Thank you.

  11. I thought the fee is 300/year plus 50 registration. So 350*3 = 1050 - how do you come up with the 1300? I may be missing something.

    I think curriculum for CC could go easily to 150-250 or more , but for all combined.

    I have never done it, but looked closely into it and decided I will wait a couple of years. My oldest was 6 at that time.

    This is a memorization program - doesn't cover in detail history , science or anything. I think upper classes are more worth it, because they do Institute for Excellence in writing. The kids also have to do "presentations". It really sounds great to me.


    As for ALE or whatever is called, 8 classes a week would be too much for our family for sure. I guess this is where each family picks and chooses how to goabouthomeschooling. CC meets once a week.



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