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Posts posted by imhim

  1. I think many people have a lot of trust in the government -HSLDA and my family don't. I do not see any reason to trust the government, especially when it walks all over parents rights.


    Yes, HSLDA is "narrow" and rigid, if you want to call it this way - so is the Bible teaching, so is the path to Heaven. There is no way around it, it is narrow and straight. Truth is not flexible or bendable. Of course they are this way, they do not hide their beliefs or stands.


    Whenever we get alerts, they are true, at least in our state. HSLDA works with the local legal arm in many ways. They are a blessing here, and the great majority of homeschoolers I know personally are thankful for them.


    You do not have to use them or pay the fee or anything. They talk for homeschoolers - a lot of them. If they don't talk for you, call or email and tell them that you do not agree with their stand. What good does it do to bash them here when you could go directly to them and ask them about whatever complaint you are having with them?

  2. Everybody, EVERYBODY, has an agenda.


    The Bible teaches giving. Especially to a church institution to help others and support the ministers, and to people for many reasons.


    We (mostly) agree with the HSDLA agenda. And we also want the peace of mind.


    Yes, this law puts even more control in the government's hand. HSLDA openly fights this. Yes, it is their agenda. Thank God!

  3. I have not used it yet, but I bought it for the fall for my 8 and 6 and 4/5 yo.

    I have not bought the timeline or CD - I wanted the music CD because my dd8 is very musical and retains better through music. But I forgot to order from rainbow.


    Sorry I cannot help you anymore. I read from other people that the cd is good and fun, and the timeline are great. To me, they were a bit expensive. But I may still order them, have not decided yet.

  4. For the fall.

    I do not know what do choose!!??!! I know I will be doing WWE 3, AAS 2, 3 and A Reason for Handwriting D.


    We are finishing up FLL2.


    But what to do for grammar in 3rd? I was thinking Sentence Island, Building Language, Grammar ISland by MCT. But I wonder if it is a little too complicated to teach, or too much? I was just going to buy the TM and the practice booklets.


    Anyone willing to share their experiences with these two programs?

    English is my second language so I need TMs.



  5. We like the Netflix science documentaries from a christian perspective, like: Amazing creatures that defy evolution, the priviledged planet (have not seen this yet). And Wonders of God's Creation (there are 6 dvds of this).

    Mystery of the Nile was good, too.


    For history I liked Babylon, Past, Present and Future - but this is not for the very young, maybe for older children.

  6. I do not know who Dr. Enn? is, but if you have a good understanding of the Bible, and obey it yourself, then you need to teach the children what it says: Ephesians 6:1, Children, obey you parents in the Lord for this is right.

    Disobedience is sin.


    Now, I am not saying you need to lecture your 2 yo, but we find many references in the Bible about how parents need to teach their children to obey, to teach them right from wrong. Solomon wrote many of his proverbs to his son, teaching him what is sin, and what is not.


    I do not know what Dr. Enn is talking about, but I would not worry about it - we have the Bible, the ultimate manual of raising children.

  7. I went to parent practicum a couple of years ago and was quite impressed, but did not understand why very young ones, 7 and under, need this program, either. I always said it seems very beneficial for grade 4 and up, but it seemed too much for a little one without any context - I know, the context will come later, I just do not see the need for this, they can memorize something that makes more sense.

    I really like the program for older grades for sure!

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