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Everything posted by imhim

  1. What are specifically looking into buying from Abeka? You do not need everything. But not sure what you mean.
  2. For second grade in the fall I got Elemental Science. It is all planned out, I just need a few more books that go with it. Looks good.
  3. I have the first version, read a bit from the second edition from a friend, but have never seen the latest. Is it very different from the first one, should I buy it?
  4. My dd has nice handwriting at the end of 1-st grade - really neat manuscript after using HWOT - if she tries. If she does not then the letters are not the same size. And she has to redo it. Very happy with the program. I got the cd, because she is so musical, and she loved the singing and dancing. But she is a natural writer and she draws and colors ALL the time.
  5. CBD is ChristianBook Distributors? I know I always get a $5 off coupon in my bag at our homeschool conferences. It's $5 off if your order is $35 or more. I never saw the free shipping.
  6. Thank you, I found the title on Amazon. Can anyone tell me if the book has evolutionist content or not? And if it does, how much of it is it?
  7. I would not do spelling with a 4 yo. But in K, if the child is really interested in spelling (if he is interested, not myself) I would probably try Steck-Vaughn Linking Words to Meaning, first grade. It is fun. I am doing second grade with my first grader and it's fun. She seems to learn. You might want to take a look at a homeschool store or conference.
  8. For what grade would you use this speller (Wheeler)? Is it for first or second?
  9. I have a 6.5 yo in first grade. I am not sure I understand what your dd. has problem with memorizing? Like 20-8? What is she using the abacus for? Mine does mental math facts - not all - we are using Singapore 1A (finished). So she knows all addition and subtraction up to 20. Is your dd memorizing small poems like the ones in First LAnguage Lessons? My dd does not have a problem with them. Or phonics. Mine has a problem with concentration - she gets easily distracted by anything. So I am not sure if memorization is a problem for your dd, unless you tried having her memorize other things and did not work.
  10. at www.christianbook.com? We asked for gift cards to rainbowresource.com, but we ended up with www.christianbook.com - rainbow has more educational material than christianbook. I am looking at next year for a second greader and a K. I use Singapore MAth + Abeka workbook, FFL (I already have), SOTW (have it), science I just follow WTM, WWE... What neat school or game products have you found at christianbook? Thank you for the input.
  11. Especially for the little ones I don't think they are. But they are fine. So we do stuff (art, music, PE, Swim), but I could drop all at any time.
  12. We use HAndwriting without tears for my first grader (6 yo) and she is doing great writing. I have to remind her to mind her writing if I want her to write beautifully, but for mine it's a question of being lazy (so I keep telling her I need to see nice handwriting). SHe loves Handwriting WOT, and I started her on cursive now (not HWOT). So now we do both. What did you use for her handwriting lately?
  13. My oldest is in first grade and doing Explode the Code 3 - too easy for her - will start FLL and WWE soon. She wants to try for the Spelling Bee, but she is not a natural speller, so we work for that. She reads very well, but does not enjoy reading yet by herself, thinking it's school... I just got Steck-Vaughn Spelling: Linking Words to MEaning - I think my dd will have fun with that. They teach proof reading, too, and other skills that I would not have thought of by myself. But English is my second language, and always worry my children will not spell well unless I do a lot with them.
  14. I am clueless, as the country I come from there is only one - or rather, they don't have names for them. I started my 6 yo on D'Nealian with some worksheets, and she is getting a hang of it, but don't know why there are several and which one are the "best"? She is printing really well with Handwriting without tears, but I don't like the look of their cursive writing... Thank you!
  15. MAybe how to use a shopping experience as a math lesson? Maybe to tell people what to look for in their chidren's mathematical "inclination" and if a curriculum does not work, to try another type? Math is important because all the other sciences are based in math. I do not know if people need to explain to their highschoolers who want to become doctors, engineers, computer scientists, accountanants that all these professions are based on math. I don't know who is in your audience. But the above would give me some ideas. But what do I know, my oldest is in first grade and I used to be a computer scientist, so I love math.
  16. Wow, thank you for the amazon "tip" - I don't get why it's cheaper there, but that's ok. Thanks again.
  17. WOw, I was going to buy the wrong thing, then... Thank you all. So I think I need to go with the Workbook 1 that has all I need - text and questions. How much is shpping from the Peace Hill, anyone know? I did not see this info.
  18. I am looking to get this for my first grader, but don't understand what I need - the student pdf pages and Instructor's Manual - I thought that was it - but then I noticed a Workbook 1??? And info in there seems to be the same as in the Instruuctor's Manual? Please help - whoever can make sense of what I wrote...
  19. Is anyone here involved in CC in Nashville area? If so where do you meet, or please post the website about meetings and all. Thank you!
  20. I have a 6 yo girl - first grade. I am not sure what you mean by spelling tests - it does not have to be regimented - she loves to stand up and write on the white board whatever words I tell her (from McGuffey speller and from Phonics Pathway). Mine needs lots of breaks and time to run around. First grade is still fun!!
  21. Some things are beyond us. I need God to take me through these years of young, needy, self-centered childhood. But if you continue to discipline and show the right way, when the little ones are 5 or so, I *heard* life DOES get better! :D
  22. A few months back as we were finishing up K, my (then 5, now 6 as of June 29) started to act that way with the Abeka first grade phonics program I was using! She would hide under the table as soon as she would see me take the Abeka stuff out :-) all my pleading and disciplining were no good, so I quit. She is reading very well, I would say 3-rd grade. All we did the whole summer was to read books (aloud, readers - and I can read or step into reading). If there is too much on a page, she reads one, I read the next, and so on. Or I am one character, she is the other. Now in first grade I started PP - she could be to the last part of it, but I decided to teach her spelling so we go slowly and do the dictation and all. And she still reads to me most days. Maybe you need to take a break from your book and try another, just to give her a sense that you do listen to her, you understand it is boring and all that, so here is this bran new thing we will do.
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