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Shawna in North CA

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Everything posted by Shawna in North CA

  1. Amen! I'm outsourcing a lot for my oldest ds, age 12. He is taking Ominibus I Primary via Veritas Press Scholars Academy. His best buddy is also taking it, same section, so the two of them will have plenty to chat (or comiserate) about. He is also taking IEW Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course B with a small group and a tutor at my home. Can I just say how AWESOME it is to have someone else teach that course!! (Awesome, awesome, awesome.) And, we are also continuing to outsource to our wonderful, amazing piano teacher. :)
  2. Great post and great discussion! We're in CA and have been charter school participants for 7 years now. Interestingly enough, our charter school calls us "homeschoolers"...despite whatever legally we are deemed. The teacher we work with calls herself a "homeschooling mom", and our local homeschool coop is made up of many charter school and non-charter school families. We're are very small, rural community though, so we might do things a little different here. :) I also wanted to mention that although our school will not purchase religious materials, they will allow me to include them on my learning records and as samples of learning. AND, I have purchased MANY materials from classical publishers through our school, including many Susan Wise Bauer resources (Writing with Ease, SOTW, etc), and Greenleaf Press materials. A few years ago, the school hired Andrew Pudewa to come and teach a seminar on writing for all their staff and parents, and since then, we've been using IEW materials almost exclusively for Language Arts. They school buys these materials for me. They also have trained instructors to teach IEW small group classes for their students. Way cool.
  3. I've not seen the book, but we just ordered and received the DVD series. We alos ordered his Beginning Drawing DVDs. My kids are REALLY enjoying them. The Nature Journaling DVDs are more advanced drawing skills, and I plan to have my kids watch the Beginning Drawing DVDs first. I am not an artsy type, and I have ZERO drawing skills. So, I can really appreciate Barry Stebbing's skill as an instructor. My kids are 11,9, 7 and 6 and they all really are enjoying these.
  4. Hello! I am new to this board and excited about learning from this community. I am likely enrolling my 7th grader (next year) in Veritas Scholars Academy. We've been doing a lot of Veritas all along, in an eclectic, Charlotte Mason style. HOwever, my ds is a great student and will really benefit from more structure and feedback. My question is, does anyone know how the Veritas General Science course compares to the Apologia Academy General Science course? Both use the same text, but the Apologia course is about $100 less expensive. I am not concerned about earning a diploma through Veritas, so we could really use either course. Anyone have experience here? Thanks! Shawna
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