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Posts posted by TrustAndLove

  1. I have a 13 yrs old needs some challenges. And her current school does not provide AP. The only online, free AP preparation classes I can find is Khan. And the program is flexible enough that she can work in her own pace and time. Has anyone have any experience with using Khan only then taking AP exams? Are those Khan classes itself sufficient for the AP exams? Thanks!

  2. Watching TV definitely helps with the listening ability, especially if it is the program he likes. You can find some in Netflix (if he is older) or https://www.telequebec.tv/jeunesse-famille (for younger ones). My daughter is grade 6 so we listen to french news during our breakfast and I encourage her to watch all movies in french (she grows up watching all animation in french btw).

    Speaking is way difficult, you need to find a tutor who is willing to talk to him in french. I don't see any other ways around this....  

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  3. Thank you very much for all the reply! Especially Wendy, I feel the pain between the lines.

    I am a big fan of the book "The Self Driven Kids". And I intentionally try to give DD space and freedom to plan the day and the week. For example she writes down a list of things she has-to complete and want-to by herself after breakfast, so she understands what needs to be done. Weekends are days she is totally free to learn or do anything she wants to. But I have to echo Wendy's reply, there are many disappointment and arguments at the end of the day or week when I notice she has not completed any work, though she has been "studying" all day.

    I am thinking of paying close attention to her but it hurts me when I feel I am constantly "watching" her - it just does not feel right.

  4. DD is currently in Grade 5. Since the whole family are WFH and I was able to observe how she studies: she starts with one task, for example learning a math skill using Beast. She will pick a random Beast book and read through comics without doing any actual work. 1 or 2 hours later, she is still reading. I had to constantly remind her to focus on reading only the relevant part and  focus on what she planned to complete for the day. That goes for her favourite piano: she wants to play piano and will spend hours and hours jumping from one youtube video to another, searching for different songs without playing much.

    We tried to get her to write down task lists and use tomato timers. But she just gets more and more angry when we remind her to focus. Any advice on how to help this kind of child?

  5. On 4/18/2019 at 8:46 PM, lewelma said:

    9-12 Intro A - self teaching with textbook

    12-13.5 Intro Geomentry, Number Theory, Combinatorics - self teaching with textbooks

    13.5 - 15.5 Intermediate combinatorics, intermediate number theory, intermediate algebra, Olympiad geometry, and precalculus - done through classes. 

    His impression at the time was that there a number of younger kids who were quite braggy about their young ages who really couldn't do the work. There was more than one kid who stated on the board that he was going to loop back around and do all the classes again. It just made me think about the pressure to move quickly through math as a goal.  The race to calculus and all that.  But here it was the race through AoPS, like that was somehow the goal, rather than actually learning the content.  Get an 'A' because you had a ton of help, move on to the next class. But this only works for so long, when it catches up with you.

     I cannot agree with you more! I like how you coin the “discovery method”. 

    I organized a Russian math circle for my DD and her friends since she was 4, most games.

    We talk about math on weekend breakfast table a lot, so we can go free dive onto any topic comes to mind.

    From grade 3, she started self learning using Khan. We had to sit with her for a while to show her that it is worthwhile to have a good understanding of content before doing any work. And this becomes more important when she uses BA in paper. Every time she asks a question, we ask: have you red the example and understand it? 

    We talked about math strategies such as using small numbers first, use a table, draw a picture etc.

    She is managing her own math learning now and I am just a cheer leader. I did not show her the AOPS yet and I know she will be there eventually. It has been a great journey to watch her exploring those on her own and have fun at the same time.

  6. DD9 is a self learner. She is planning to finish grade 5 Khan on her own by end of this summer. At the same time, she is working on grade 4 Beast. I am currently doing a long term plan to see how she can move from Beast to AoPS next summer. I have no idea about which AoPS class to attend and in which format. DD9 does not attend a regular lecture based school, thus she might still need Khan to lay a foundation. She has been doing the Khan and Beast combo, and it has worked out well for her: she likes it so much that she uses Khan to relax herself. Should we also consider Khan and AoPS combo? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  7. My DS9 will turn 10 in a few months. Looks like stormy weather is on the horizon! So far there is no noticeable mood change. But I do notice that I start having adult talk with her such as life, value, dad’s and my work etc. Her interest level in certain things goes much deeper.

    For parents with older girls, do you feel there is a big leap on kids’ maturity level during the pre teen period?


  8. For two year in a roll, we visited to a big local vet hospital in the Door Open Day. Your DD can watch an animal dentist performing an oral surgery, talk directly to a vet and my daughter was told that she has to be good in math and science in order to be a vet. Ha, now I do not have to explain why she has to work on those topics.

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  9. My DD9 becomes more independent recently: she adds more actionable items to her daily planning, is more conscious of what she wants to accomplish,  is able to focus on work and has a basic sense of time management. What helped her is her private school environment: it promotes self planning, self guided learning (though sometimes I wish there were more teaching from teacher) through an online framework. Within this framework, students are aware of what their yearly, monthly and weekly planned goals are, so they can make their own daily goals. They use Khan as the math curriculum and a few other websites for grammar and spelling. So kids can go at their own pace.

    To have an independent learning kid requires more freedom, space and time for the child to plan his/her own learning.  At my home, this applies to all the school work since it is relatively easy. We make it clear that the school work is her own responsibility. For more challenging home work, I may remind her that an assignment might be due soon, it will up to her to decide when and how to finish it. We still check the assignment and let her review and discuss in more details to expand the knowledge. I believe kids benefit greatly from those discussion.

  10. DD9 really enjoys the SOTW. She read through all four books and listened to the CD multiple times. Now she is going through in much slower pace. My thought is I would like to introduce her to Western Civilization via the mythology and later on philosophy during this iteration. Currently she loves the Greek mythology. I am looking for ideas on how to tie the mythology to the Western Civilization. What I can think of are: showing the archeology treasure/famous paintings, statue and associating that with Greek gods; listening to stories such as Helen of Troy and Odyssey; finding a comic books on civilization. I found following books might be interesting:

    - National Geographic Essential Visual history of World Mythology

    - The rising of Rome by Great Courses

    I tried a Brief History of Nearly Everything and she is not interesting (maybe due to age?)

    Do you have any recommendations?



  11. My DD8’s school uses Khan because the curriculum tracks students’ progress and shows gaps. Now the BA also has an online version. Is it time to switch to the BA online version? DD does not have time to do both at the same time. So we have to choose one. From what I can tell, the advantages of Khan are the videos and detailed student progress. On the other hand, BA is always more fun for kids who love math. Any comments?

  12. My DD8 is a big fan of SOTW. Now is the summer time, I am trying to borrow some historical movies, documentaries to suppliment what she has learned. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    we are currently watching Jodaka Akbar. It is a great movie on the life of the Mogulia King Akbar and Hindu princess Jodaka.

    I am looking for some Egyptian, Ancient Greek movies if anyone knows. 


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