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Posts posted by JenniferinFL

  1. Just as the title states, I am trying to homeschool my daughter while working full time. My husband and I are on nearly opposite shifts. She spends a few hours at my mom's, then gets picked up by my husband. I do school for a couple hours with her in the evening when I get home from work. 


    There is only one private school near us, but, you have to be a member of their religion. The public schools near us are all D rated schools. It seems like they are all trying for last place in our state. 


    In other words, even only having a couple hours in the evening for school still seems likely to be an improvement on the other options. 


    If you only had a couple hours to teach your child Kindergarten, how would you spend it? 


    Right now, we spend most of our time with me reading aloud to her. I read her a mixture of picture books, chapter books and science books. She reads aloud for about 15 minutes. Usually it's a McGuffey lesson and then whatever book she selects. She usually picks something by Dr. Seuss or a similar author. I also bring her home some easy readers from the library which feature popular characters. They are not great, but, it does get her excited about reading them. We spend about 10 minutes practicing her writing. She also spends about 10 minutes doing math online, on the Khan Academy website. Sometimes I print her out math worksheets which she enjoys doing. When we go to the bookstore, I let her pick out a new school book. Last time she selected 2nd grade science and insisted on working through it in a couple days. 



    I want to include more of a classical curriculum, but, I'm obviously a bit pressed for time. I already know we won't be doing Latin unless something dramatic changes. 


    Thoughts and criticisms welcome. :)

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