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Everything posted by Peaceseeker

  1. Just take it one year (or one day?) at a time. You made the decisions that were best for your family back then, and you are still making them now. Who knows what the future holds, and maybe someday you might homeschool again if that is the best decision at that time. This is just a chapter in your story right now, and I hope everything works out in the end. ((Hugs))
  2. I think you need to clarify if this is a problem with gaps in knowledge or a need for more review, versus a problem with understanding math concepts already taught, or is it just a problem with careless errors. You may need some kind of testing to figure out which you are dealing with. If the problem is really gaps from jumping around to different curriculums or needing a review but not struggling with math conceptually, I would could go back to Math Mammoth and cover missing areas as it offers a feature organised by topic instead of grade level. If the problem is actually conceptually not understanding something that has been taught before, I would try something totally different like Math u see to see if the math then clicks. If the problem is truly careless errors and being sloppy, I would try outsourcing math to someone else for a grade, like an online class. My child suddenly got a lot more motivated to double check math when those mistakes meant the difference between letter grades for an outside teacher.
  3. It seems we have similar styles. I am very eclectic and love to pull together resources vs following a curriculum. Researching is sort of an ongoing, never ending hobby. You can start a bullet journal or use software to organize future resources as you stumble across them. I just stopped confining it to a particular time of year and I am just always making lists and bookmarking ideas for things to use later. I organize it by grade and subject. As far as planning, I am a big picture person so I have a clear idea of my goals and the educational outcomes I am trying to achieve for any given year. I usually have a fairly good idea of the basic resources I will use to achieve these goals, but sometimes resources are added or dropped. I don't try to plan out my year all at once. I schedule for roughly 3-6 weeks at a time (in pencil). I usually can write out about 3 solid weeks of fairly firm lesson plans (still in pencil, lol). Then I look at the next 3 weeks after my detailed plans end and estimate what books and resources to go ahead and order from the library or supplies to buy if they are not on hand. I usually spend a few hours one afternoon per month on planning. And that probably only takes so long because I write everything by hand, old school style. I will say as a recovering hoarder of way too many resources (some of which have never been used!) that the next shiny thing isn't a magical cure. No matter how fun and interesting I try to make it, sometimes it is still a slog to get through school. I find the planning and researching to be more fun than the day to day implementation...and when school gets tough or boring I have been guilty of researching the next shiny thing to distract myself from those realities. As I have realized this the hours I spend comparing resources (and the money spent on them!) has gone way down.
  4. I came home to this situation late tonight when I got off work (my husband found the license earlier tonight) and we will do something first thing in the morning. He thought to just drop it in the mail in the morning to them, I thought it better to bring it to the local police station. We haven't had any luck finding a phone number. I think I will probably call the local police in the morning and get their opinion. It seems risky to me to mail it honestly. I shall report back their response :)
  5. Yeah I was thinking my answer really depends on who is paying for this semester. I would not be too happy if it was on my dime. If my kid was paying or had scholarships I would definitely give my opinion but let the chips fall where they may. If I was paying I would have much more to say on the topic probably...
  6. I will try to give you people more than five minutes to respond this time, lol...
  7. It was found in a local tourist spot and is from a nearby county about an hour and a half away from us.
  8. And I literally made my poll last about 5 minutes and cannot seem to open it back up. My poll is already closed. First poll fail, lol! The vote is split three ways between the three voters who made it in before the five minute time limit. I am laughing so hard I am crying. Ok, if I can get it together I will try to make another. I guess once a poll closes you can't edit it to reopen.
  9. Good point! Yes if it had been at a store or a restaurant I would have probably taken it to the manager in hopes the person would come back looking. This was literally on the sidewalk in a large public place with tons of different shops and restaurants.
  10. I wouldn't like the you suck either, and might suggest he sub YOUR OUT instead. If anyone corrected him he could just shrug and say he doesn't think anyone on his team sucks. Or he could be funny/different and shout our YOUR AWESOME really loudly when everyone else says you suck. Sometimes being an obnoxious clown works when you don't want to go along but you don't want to seem like the odd man out. Then it looks like you're just being a goofball instead of super earnest, but you are still not bowing to the crowd or saying something you are not comfortable with. Humor helps. I guess as long as it is all in good fun and no one is taking it seriously then not playing seems a bit easily offended. I would not want my kid playing if someone were being hurt or upset though, and I hope they would not go along with it then. That would be the point I would focus on probably, and being ok with their own words and deeds. I hear my tween/teen and their friends constantly ragging on each other and it often seems like their own sarcastic friend language. They never seem to hurt each other's feelings and are often just trying to be funny. I have had talks about when sarcasm can cross the line into hurt feelings, because I myself have a very sarcastic sense of humor and have to be careful. But it just seems to be their friend lingo and they don't take it seriously.
  11. This is my first poll. Hopefully I am doing this right! My husband and I disagreed on this so I thought I would ask the hive.
  12. We are supposed to start on Monday and I may be dreading it more than the kids. So I will do what I have done for many years- let the kids know we are starting next week. Get all books ready and start to wake them earlier this week so it is not a fight. And then on Monday I will ditch all my plans and go do something super fun. Because we can...Because we homeschool. And while we are out on our super fun outing I will remind the kids (and myself) how lucky we are to be able to homeschool and have the freedom to take a day whenever we want to. And I will tell them that I expect great attitudes on Tuesday, when we actually start our work. This has worked for me many times. I find we all need that reminder of how good we have it right before we crack open the books. It really helps us all to have a good first day on Tuesday.
  13. I was trying to find something on Amazon prime since it is such short notice https://www.amazon.com/Rekucci-Womens-Stretch-Bolero-Sleeves/dp/B07DFRGJDR?qid=1534212850&refinements=p_n_size_browse-vebin%3A2343362011&sr=1-24&ref=mp_s_a_1_24 https://www.amazon.com/Rekucci-Womens-Rounded-Stretch-Bolero/dp/B07C2X59PX?qid=1534212923&refinements=p_n_size_browse-vebin%3A2343362011&sr=1-3&ref=mp_s_a_1_3
  14. Or these chiffon type ones look pretty and lightweight https://www.jjshouse.com/Short-Sleeve-Chiffon-Special-Occasion-Wrap-013080280-g80280/?utm_term=80280&utm_size=06&ggsub=pl&ggntk=g&ggcid=227092324208&ggkey=&ggpos=1o5&ggdev=t&ggdevm=&ggplm=&ggtgt=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxfm7wLvr3AIV76GzCh0Rsg28EAQYBSABEgIepPD_BwE
  15. I would say black or silver. Black is probably easier to find something at the last minute. Hard to say what would look nice without seeing the shape of the dress. How about something like this: https://www.macys.com/shop/product/r-m-richards-scalloped-sequin-lace-bolero?ID=915099&pla_country=US&cm_mmc=MSN_Bing_Womens_RTW_PLA-_-RTW+Womens_Womens+Sweaters+-+BS_R+%26+M+Richards-_-11620706825-_-pg2236410_t_kclickid_f6a1f223-bd5c-4350-b09b-d48f43e69ff3&trackingid=424x2236410
  16. I thought it was bad before this week- but then my air conditioning broke, was fixed for 2 days, then broke again. I gave up and we had ice cream for dinner one of those nights in despair. I keep telling myself this is Just a Season...
  17. Agreeing with Ellie on Easy Grammar plus. No diagramming but it is written pretty much to the student and is workbook style. My kids could do it without me for the most part and it gives a nice overview. Every once in a while I had to explain something to my 6th grader. My 8th grader needed almost no help. I do think they also pick up a lot just from going over their writing with me and correcting their errors.
  18. We love the Shea Moisture products as well, but use them more for leave in and deep conditioners.
  19. If she is getting a lot of breakage I wonder if she might benefit from a protein treatment? They have some DIY options at Sally's. Or possibly she may consider doing a deep conditioning treatment once a week, or a hot oil treatment. My daughter has very fine curly hair, but a ton of it. We use As I am coconut co wash for detangling in the shower. It is not super cheap but not the most expensive stuff we have used. I really like it and have found it at Wal-Mart, Target, and Sally's. Actually even our local grocery store has started carrying it which is convenient. https://www.target.com/p/as-i-am-coconut-cleansing-conditioner-16-fl-oz/-/A-14441399?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=bing_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Health%2BBeauty%2BShopping&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001230728pbs&network=s&device=t&querystring=as i am.coconut co wash&gclid=[*GCLID*]&gclsrc=ds
  20. Yeah we are basically living on tacos lately when not eating out. Apparently I am never too tired to make tacos.
  21. I hope I wasn't too discouraging. Like I said, a lot of cooks love their jobs even with all the limitations. I would see if there is any kind of work in the food industry available, even at a mom and pop restaurant. Or if he can volunteer at any kind of soup kitchen or even a church potluck. Any experience is better than no experience. One of the chefs I worked with was a former chemistry major and the chemistry is what drew him to cooking. So maybe your son might enjoy chemistry! I would say most 16 year olds don't really have a clear idea of what they would like to do for a career. If he pursues cooking for a while and tires of it down the road, he can always go back to school and change careers. And it will always be a good life skill.
  22. I am so unmotivated the last couple of weeks. I think I need to do something different. I plan out my weekly meals, shop, and then...nothing. I cook one or two of the meals I plan and we have been eating out way too much. Sometimes because of life, but more so I am just burnt out on cooking right now. I have done once a month cooking before but I feel too unmotivated to do that much cooking at once. It feels overwhelming. But life is about to get busier with homeschool, activities, and my busy season at work and we can't keep eating out all the time! I am wondering about once or twice a week cooking or meal prep (s/o of the other thread). When people say once a week is that really for the whole week, or just M-T or M-F? It seems like some stuff just wouldn't last that long unless frozen. I am usually a 3 days tops on leftovers kind of girl. And it seems like veggies might get mushy or spoil earlier of I chop/prep everything ahead? On the other hand, they are not getting eaten dying in my veggie drawer.? What am I missing here? Any ideas to help me get motivated? I have a lot of uncooked chicken breasts and par grilled chicken on hand in my freezer. As well as some roasts and steaks left from the cow we processed last year. I really don't know what to do with some of these roasts as I usually just use chuck roast for my pot roast. Anything easy I can do with rump roast or sirloin tip roasts? I usually plan for about 5 meals a week since the kids eat once at church on Wednesday and once at their grandmother's on Friday. So I need Sat-Tuesday and then Thursday night for prep purposes. Also once activities start I may need to use the crock pot more some days or have something people can eat at different times on a couple of those nights. Any help or ideas?
  23. Possibly a private chef but I am sure there aren't too many of those jobs lying around. Or catering, once he has experience and if he has a place to prepare food. I work in a fine dining restaurant, and have worked in many types of restaurants over the years. Being a chef is hard. The hours are difficult for having a family, mostly nights and weekends. Even at fine dining restaurants you are making a lot of the same dishes over and over as almost all restaurants are going to have a set menu due to food costs. There may be some specials you can play with a little bit, but it is a lot more repetitive and less creative to be a cook or chef than most people think. And they often don't feel like cooking at all when they get home for their families after cooking all week. My mom has been a cook for 25 years and she literally never cooks for us anymore, not even at big holiday gatherings. We have sandwich platters lol... There is also usually a good bit of cleaning involved, unless you are a head chef at a larger place with a lot of people under you. The pay varies a lot by region. Even with all these things to consider, many of the chefs and cooks I have met really enjoy what they do and wouldn't be happy in a traditional job. I would encourage your son to work in a kitchen when he is old enough to make sure he really enjoys all aspects of it. Culinary school can be a lot of fun, but things are different once you get into a working kitchen day in and day out.
  24. I can't even get motivated to make regular, boring old dinners this week. This sounds fun though!
  25. A copywork program such as Spelling Wisdom might be a gentle way to introduce spelling to a young, intuitive speller.
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