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Everything posted by Stacia

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. Sue, thanks for all the detailed info. I get the feeling that we've had very similar experiences w/ HO, so I'm glad you've reminded me of all the reasons I wasn't happy w/ it. LOL. I'll check out the things you have suggested. Hmmmm. Sounds like I need to keep searching (and searching, and searching).
  2. I'm trying to plan ahead for next year when we'll be hitting 5th grade & returning to the ancients. I've been looking at various programs & trying to decide what, if anything, will work. I'll also have a younger tagging along (doing SOTW I book & AG). Last year, I tried HO's Early Modern package & was extremely disappointed. I felt it was disjointed, the order made little sense, additional resources (of which there were too few, imo) were sometimes in the entirely incorrect section, etc.... Plus, it was pretty boring. It took the life out of history for us (& we have usually enjoyed history). It just didn't work for us & we ended up ditching it & I pulled together my own study for the rest of the year. I was so not happy w/ it that I pretty much nixed the idea of HO for us in the future. But, now I'm trying to streamline a little more (i.e., less legwork/planning for me) and I would like to have something planned for me (open & go), if possible. I prefer secular. I want something that's on par for the skills that a 5th grader should be working on -- outlining, starting to really analyze and dig deeper, etc. So, if you've had experience w/ HO, please let me know how things went. Is the Level 2 Ancients guide good? Great? So-so? Is it better than the experience I had w/ the Early Modern guide? I just really can't decide if it would work well for us or just cause disappointment again. :rolleyes: Please persuade me! LOL. Any other suggestions of curriculums to check out? Thanks! I feel so on-the-fence & would appreciate any comments, suggestions, and advice.
  3. Scrabble Chinese Checkers Yahtzee Risk Clue How about working on a big jigsaw puzzle? Do a scavenger hunt in the house? Look at the constellations from the backyard & make up your own constellations? Do an 'old-time' radio hour -- listen to a book or an old radio show on tape. Everyone could sit around & color/knit/etc... while listening. There's a homeschool radio shows website where you can download different audio programs each week, but the name is escaping me right now. Personally, one game I can't stand is Monopoly -- too long & tedious. Sounds like you guys are having a fun time! Congrats on unplugging the tube!!!
  4. We've done this in past years & it is quick & easy to do. The kids love participating, keeping track of the types of birds we see, etc.... This is a great science activity to do the weekend of Feb. 15-18. http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/ From their kids' page http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/kids "The Great Backyard Bird Count is for kids! The Great Backyard Bird Count (or GBBC) is an event that takes place over 4 days in February each year. It's very easy! All you have to do is watch birds in your yard, a nearby park, or maybe at your school. Then you tell us what you saw by entering your bird list online. We collect that information from people all over the United States and Canada so scientists can learn what kind of birds are being seen in the winter and whether there are more or fewer of them than before. Learn more about how to participate. You'll have more fun taking part in the Great Backyard Bird Count if you first learn about the birds you're most likely to see. We have some fun ways for you to become familiar with birds." Happy bird-watching! :)
  5. www.growingwithgrammar.com It is clear and concise. Straightforward. Lessons are presented clearly w/ associated pages in the student workbook. Workbook pages include the new material, plus material previously learned.
  6. It is as described by some of the other folks. I'm using the elementary level questions. We do the questions, mapping, and make the geography glossary for the notebook. We also add in some country reports (using their e-book form you can print), some crafts/art projects, and lots & lots of fables/stories from the part of the world we are studying (I do searches of the library system & request bunches of books). We don't have the recommended atlas. However, I have a few others on hand that we've had for awhile. It's true that we don't always find the answer we need. But, it is helping my dd learn to research, look through multiple books for info, perhaps go to the encyclopedia, etc.... Personally, I think that's great experience & practice because real life doesn't just have one book that you can keep on the shelf w/ all the answers. Kwim? That said, I have a friend who wanted it to be 'open & go' & they do use the recommended atlas. She has said that, so far, all the answers are indeed in that one atlas. I didn't care much for the look of the art/craft book that is recommended. Instead, we use MaryAnn Kohl's "Global Art". We're getting a lot out of it, but I love geography, don't mind investing the time in finding lots of related storybooks, and don't mind teaching my child to 'treasure hunt' to find the answer. We don't stay on a set schedule & will probably take 2 years to complete the world trail guide. It works great for us. It might also work well if you just wanted to answer the questions & do the mapping, if sticking to the basics like that works well for your child. As w/ many programs, I think it's the type of thing that you can love or hate, depending on how you choose to implement it & what your goals are. Clear as mud. Right? ;)
  7. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but we thought it was a fun book back when we read it. It's by Robert Lawson.
  8. We're in Marietta. It would be fun to try to meet sometime, I think.
  9. Just echoing what some others have already said.... I like to take stock of where we are, where we're going, what's working, what's not working, etc.... I, too, like to mentally 'try out' curriculums before buying. And, I like to make a list of serious contenders so that I can check them out in person (and possibly purchase) at a curriculum fair in the spring. Plus, it's just fun to look at everything! :) Stacia
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