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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I was thinking this. My grandma used to get easily frustrated and angry
  2. We usually do a big party, but Im thinking of moving away from that. We usually invite family which consists of old people and small toddlers. Neither dh nor I have friends that we do things with, that has kids or kids our kids age. We do activities with kids our kids age, but our kids never really hit it off with then much at all. So, Im thinking it might be fun to spend their birthday just going places and doing things they want to do. It would be cheaper Im sure because I always spend a ton of money and then no one rsvps so I buy a ton of food and so may people flake. I was just curious what everyone else does.
  3. love it. My homeschool group gave us teacher id cards so that made it easy.
  4. Im pregnant and I cannot think of what to cook for dinner this week. Im not sick and smells dont bother me, but Im not hungry for sensible food, so I cant think of what to cook. No special diet here. Whatever goes as long as it requires like little to no effort.
  5. oh no sweet frog. I will have to see of ours offers a discount.
  6. michaels books a million barnes and noble gatlinburg area ripleys attractions a local chuck e cheese style pizza place (i guess that doesnt help though)
  7. Ok my kids usually finish stuff like that pretty well. Heres what drives me nuts. Dh buys weird oddball packages of meat and my freezer is stuffed full of weird stuff I dont know how to cook or no one likes. Chicken gizzards, fish that no one likes except him, pork skins and pork bellies pork tails. I mean what do you do with that stuff? He never gets around to fixing it. And he buys ribs which we all hate except him.
  8. My thoughts would be I can do pretty much anything as normal with a new baby. I always feel great after baby and mine have always been happy as long as they can nurse on demand, but camping ittimidates me personally so I wouldnt. So if this something you could usualky handle then ok. Did that make sense? Im rambling.
  9. I am soooo there. She is trying to quit napping and I cannot count on that time anymore to get school done. She steals pencils, crayons, markers whatever she can get and tries to write on anything we are doing. She tries to rip books. If I try to breastfeed her while teaching she tries to kick my ds. She is a terror during school. What does she do during not school time? She totally entertains herself. She is playing with her dolls and running up and dow the hall not paying one bit of attention to me or ds. Im at the end of my rope. Im due to have a baby in the spring and I feel like In drowning some days. I sometimes just want to send ds to school so I can have time for my babies like I did for him at that age. Hugs for you.
  10. I cant do this because Im pregnant. Kids I just cant do anything right now, let me sleep until my second trimester. I am totally not feeling homeschool right now. I want to be a big fat quitter and put ds on the big yellow bus. He gets so bored and I just cant keep him entertained unless its a screen. Im exhausted.
  11. Happy Birthday to your dd. I love MLP. I gave my kids my old ponies. Even my boys love em. Dh even grew up watching and playing MLP with his sister. lol. My dad just had a bday. My ds is at the end of Sept. Dd in Oct. Dh and 2 cousins in Dec. no bday in jan. another baby cosin bday in feb. Mu ds in march. My bday and baby due date in April, so we are on a constant bday circut around here. Jan is the only month we dont have a close family bday. I could care less about the weather, bit Im begging for fall so I will be farther along in my pregnancy and feeling better.
  12. For me I would never ever ever ever homeschool if my kids didnt want too no matter the age. Im set on doing homeschool while mine are small, but I have no intentions of hs for the older years or if they started asking to go. I would go through with option 1. Im not really sure how the school is these days, but basically I was a good kid in school and avoided the trouble kids. If my kids are the type to seek out doing wrong they will regardless of where they are. If they want to make good choices they will even in bad situations.
  13. That is so precious! My second ds prays that God will unextinct all the plant eating dinosaurs.
  14. I guess what you are saying makes sense, but there are many girls in my family and small rural community that kept their kids with tons of support from their families because they were young and unwed. Grandparents help lot, it would not have been unusal or confusing for her to be my mom while she worked and went to school while our parents helped. She had her tubes tied, so no babies.
  15. Why cant visualize this?
  16. Easy day over here! I have my first ultrasound and dr appt to see baby #4. Dh and I literally are never alone, but we couldnt bring the kids to a vaginal ultrasound. My parents are babysitting and Im a wreck. I have never left except with dh once. She is gonna lose it. Then after that my mom is cooking dinner to celebrate my dads bday. Maybe that should have been more of a list instead of ramble?
  17. Oh no, this is terrible. I am so sorry to her this.
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