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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. It is at ours. We have 1 free ticket, so I was curious.
  2. Right Im O - too and realize how it is good for me to donate and I never have. I really need to, but im so squemish. Is it that bad?
  3. If you have seen it, how was it? My 5 yr old loves emojis. Is this movie ok for a 5 and 4 year old? Any inappropriate parts?
  4. I am so sad for you. We are all crazy about sweet frog right now. My oldest son gets like every topping available. My secod son get plain chocolate frozen yogurt and not 1 topping. Their differences ammuse me. On topic. Yeah, as soon as I move something that belongs to dh that has been in the same spot for a solid month, he instantly needs it. Lol I am distracted. I thought you said you lost your inhaler.
  5. I do. I found out the first time I was pregnant because my rh factor is negative. Im O -. Funny story. My first 2 kids were O + so before I left the hospital I had to have a rhogam shot. I got home fron the hospital with dd and I was in the shower and it suddenly occured to me they did not give me the rhogam shot. I called the hospital in a panic and it turs out she was also O - , so thats was why. lol
  6. We only got streeet names 15 years ago or, so Im guessing thats why. There are so many places I have no idea what the real names are.
  7. lol we do that too. We say turn by the old _____ instead of saying turn by the whatever is actually there now.
  8. I know right? My 2 year old will not even glance at a tv screen. My boys have been limited and would literally watch tv all day.
  9. My whole life I tended to be hot, but after I gave birth for the first time I turned into a cold person...unless Im pregnat and then I freeze everyone around me.
  10. No no no. My dh literally has no standards for a house. He would be all about the land it was on claiming we could fix anything wrong with the house. Dh and I are polar opposite and this would not work out well. We would be living in a shack on a fabulous piece of propety.
  11. Im pretty sure people on this board could debate anything. I say this completely i. fun, but really... Am I right?
  12. Flushable baby wipes are not good for a septic tank.
  13. Yeah a woman in the small town over from us got a huge settlement for this very thing. The only thing we use it for is to get sand off after the sand box. Does anyone know of a better option?
  14. We are currenyly doing a 4 day week and dh will have sat and sun off for the next bit, but when his schedule changes so does our. Mon, Wed and Friday we take the smaller 2 to library storytime. My first grader has to tag along and he doesnt mind at all. Neither does the teacher because she used to be a homeschool mom too. There is another homeschool family there and her kids do wwork, but ds isnt big on being independent yet. On Monday we come home and start on Abeka Language Arts. Hopefully baby naps after lunch and we do a lesson fro. Singapore Math. On Fri we visit with my parents after library. My parents play with the little ones and ds does school with me. On T and Th we try to get Math and Language arts done asap because we cannot count on nap any more. We have soccer in the evening. i never wake my kids as I feel this is a benefit to homescool, getting all the sleep you need. My first ds is just like dh and they both. have a terrible time falling asleep. If we arent goin anywhere we dont get dressed. We wear comfy clothes. Wed is a day off. After I get to feeling better we are going to start history, science and geography on o e dh's day off. Thats about it.
  15. lol yes this is my girl. Everyone said girl were easier.. ha
  16. They also have homeschool classes/workshop type things on certain days. We havent been, thats just what I heard.
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