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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. For those that are asking. He is completely aware of how he is. He shows emotion about extreme things like when his brother died or his friends little girl with cancer, but he admits he generally has no empathy for people. He has a suck it up, life is hard, you'll survive, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger attutude. No, he never looks for sympathy. His parents never really ever felt sorry for him growing up either.
  2. Yeah, lol. This man cannot will not fake anything. Honesty spews from his mouth. He cannot be fake if he tried and it sucks.
  3. lol, yeah it is kind of hard when you are married to them
  4. Do you have a close person in your life that does not know how to be sympathetic at all. How do you cope?
  5. I cant come up with a costume idea for dd age 2. It seems most girl costumes are tutu or princess dress style and that is not my style. She doesnt like any charcters yet or have a favorite anything really. Any suggestions.
  6. All the time. However, I did not get it from my parents. but I think it is their fault. lol They never even had constuctive criticism for me growing. Everything I ever did was perfect in their eyes, so I became my own worst critic because I couldnt count on them to tell me to ry harder or do better. How to fix, I have NO idea.
  7. We are just getting to our first lesson for spelling. I was curious how you handled spelling with Abeka. Did you do it as the teachers manual suggested? Ive only skimmed over it, so Im not sure if there is a rhythm to the lessons. I was hoping for some simple pattern like day 1 do the seatwork day 2 spell out loud, day 3 copy words, day 4 i dont know? day 5 test. My son is naturally a good speller, so Im thinking copying and or spelling out loud daily is going to be major over kill. I know I am free to do as I please, but I just wantec to know what others did.
  8. Probably too hard today, but I have no idea as I live in a rural mountainous area and there is no way my kids could walk to school. The road to my house is several mile long and it is up up up. Like 7 miles or so just to town. Growing up I would have had to walked a me just to get too a school bus. There are only a handful of kids in reasonable walking distance.
  9. Ugly, but I am the last persom to take advice from. I choose comfort over looks too, but I usually go for sneakers.
  10. Oh yeah for sure. I think I lost 17 lbs with my first. I didnt think I woupd survive.
  11. That will be easy, I dont have one. Thanks.
  12. Thats all I can think about right now. I want: Coffee with flavored creamer A Big Mac A fountain drink Coke A thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut w green peppers and onions A big tub of vanilla ice cream with caramel Nutella I mean, really? The thought of sensible food is so gross to me right now.
  13. lol Uncrustables of all things. I adore junk food, but those always looked gross to me.
  14. This is odd I guess, but we have never owned a grill. The only things I have ever even had grilled is steaks, hot dogs and burgers. Dh friend gave him a grill. What are your favorite things to grill.
  15. Awesome. I love stuff like that.Caramel Apple Spice sounds amazing! I will vote for her. Let us know if she wins. Ok that was hard, the second one sounded great too, but I still voted for her!
  16. You know, if I had the room I would stay stocked up, but I only have room. for like 1 pkg toilet paper and 1 pack of paper towels, 1 laundry detergent. BasicLly what we need for a week or 2. No storage space anywhere. Luckily we dont have bad weather for any length of time. Snow melts about as soon as it comes. Dh can always get out ok.
  17. Lol. My dd is like this too. My boys always were and still are always under foot. I have never ever had to wander about what they might be into. Dd is just into everything.
  18. My boys have pretty much just always worn sneakers. My dd wore sandals all summer, but I have got to get some shoes for fall. Im looking for something comfy and casual, but more dressy than sneakers to wear with casual dresses and leggings. I hope I made that clear enough? I am horrible at describing things. Any suggestions. So...what might you suggest? What shoes do you get for your dd?
  19. I will say I am blessed 95% of the time they just clumb into bed and go back to sleep, but still...just sleep people.
  20. How old were your kids when they started sleeping through the night. Just a curious questin, not looking for advice. The boys never slept a full night until they were 3. It looks like dd will be the same way. The boys will wake now and then, but not much anymore. I suppose it was because they all nursed all through the night that got them in a bad habit. (I havent slept 1 full night night since 2011)
  21. I have just a standard size washer and dryer. I was at Lowes recently and was scoping out the biggest one they had lol. So tell me, if you have a high capacity washer and dryer does it wash and dry a significant amount more laundry or not so much? I kean obviously it does hold some more, but just how much more? We will soon be a family of 6 and wondering if it would help me be more caught up in the laundry department. I have seen people have 2 washers and dryers, but we dont have that kind of space.
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