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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. No idea?? lol Probably too much shampoo. I always took a bath instead of a shower so I learned how to rinse my long hair by just laying in the tub and running my finger through it a bit until all the bubbles were gone.
  2. lol sounds good. I have nothing against public school at all and I am sure it is in our future down the road.
  3. I have bf all my babies up until about2 months before the next one came. I have always liked the idea of tandem nursing, but my body has never really been on board. My body just does not care for the old baby nursing. I really really really want togive it a shot this time. I am worried that dd will be super jealous as she is already over everything, soI thought letting her continue to nurse would be good for her. So, do just keep right on bf thru pregnancy or do wean and just let the old baby start nursing again after the new baby gets established with nursing. Any tips or advice are appreciated.
  4. I gained 25 lbs with ds1, 70 with ds2 and 50 with dd so its up in the air for me. On a bright note, the falls straight off after giving (so far anyway) so I dont really care too much.
  5. Ugh that really sucks. I dont remember, but mil's dad died when they went to WDW. And to think I was complaining about my kids missing the county fair due to rain. On a bright note at least you will be safe. Sil and her kids came uo here last night to get out of the hurricanes path. Her dh is a fireman and chose to stay behind, I guess to help out witn those that chose to stay?? I cannot imagine how worried she must be about him. Once again I am truly sorry your vacation got ruined.
  6. lol I see. I thought you were saying she will just follow their lead and I was screwing her up by letting her on the little porty. She does try to pee standing up. I suck in the potty department.
  7. Right I know, but she just startef so I hate to take it from her.
  8. Most of the time he will wait til we get home.
  9. Def big enough to be using the big potty. He just never wanted to and I never pushed it.
  10. lol you dont want my advice. I gained 70 lbs with my second son and its not looking good for me this time.
  11. Me too lol, but Im from the south and tons of people men and women talk like this.
  12. That would actually be horrible timing because my almost 2 year old is potty training herself and I would be afraid getting rid of now would confuse her. I dunno? I know they can poop on the big pottt they just dont like to.
  13. lol. I just figured they would move to the big potty on their own.
  14. Well arent you all geniuses! lol We have someone in our house that will not poop on anything but a toddler potty and they are getting waaaay too big. lol. Why didnt someone give this advice all those years back?
  15. What age do your kids start pooping on the toilet instead of a toddler potty?
  16. I thought this at first, but it is with the first bite he takes no matter what it is
  17. My 5 year old, just about every time he eats, says it feels like I have food stuck in my throat. He was drinking a smoothie this morning and same thing. He has a well child visit coming up soon, but I just wanted to see if anyone else experienced anything like this. He has been very picky about eating lately too and he has always been my best eater. He just seems to drink his drink take a nibble sand say he is full. So, Im wondering if his new pickiness might be connected to this sensation whatever it might be.
  18. Currently dd doesnt have a room. We still cosleep, she actually doesnt even have her own bed. With the new baby coming, we are making our computer room into a bedroom for dd and the new baby. We are 95% we are not going to find out the baby's gender, so we are painting a neutral beige color. We dont have fancy or matching bedding. Any suggestions for curtains? They can be plain or kid stuff. Just something it look nice with the beige walls and that wouldnt be overly themey if you suggest something cutesy.
  19. Kind of on the same note, but I can tell from a mile away ds 2 is getting sick, but with ds 1 you just dont notice until he is showing major symptoms. When he starts getting sick he will either be grumpy, unwilling to do anything, not very obedient just some random no good attitude and then a day or so later, oh I see, you were getting sick. It is odd, but ds 2 gets this look about him and does and and says really predictable things and ds2 acts like a jerk and doesnt think to tell me he doesnt feel well.
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