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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Never even heard of an ikea shark.. Not even sure where the closest ikea is??
  2. I do. I never even liked movies as a kid. I like a tv series.
  3. We have always bought the kids cheapie shoes from walmart or target. They usually last for a few months and usually not even good enough to save for play shoes for the next kid. Do you hand down good quality shoes to the next kid? Do they really hold a lot better? Do you have a brand you like? I usually just buy the boys tennis shoes/sneakers whatever you call them. They wear them every day. Im not looking for dress shoes or anything. It just seems like their shoes fall apart so quickly.
  4. I didnt even think of this as an option, but YES YES YES.
  5. Biscuits, sausage and gravy. All homemade. My mom used to make this for breakfast every single day before started school. I was literally 7 years old before I had cereal. I make it for dinner quite often because dh doesnt eat breakfast. It is dhs fav too. Im not good at biscuits so I usually use frozen. Can you tell I am from the south. lol
  6. I have upgraded my pregnancy cravings a bit. It has moved from straight junk to subway. Hey at least my craving has a vegetable on it. 7:39 am and I do anything to get to the closest subway.
  7. lol I hate remedies. They never make me feel better enough so I just suffer. I guess my favorite thing is a super steamy shower. not really a remedy I guess.
  8. OMG. I thought copperheads were very aggressive? My aunt got bit by one and it affected her terribly. It took her forever to recover.
  9. Not my own. A few end up in my bed since we co sleep. I used to have a special pillow, but ditched it when I started cosleeping with our first baby. I always have a baby to cuddle.
  10. Oh and yellowstone. Wah I am so jealous. I have always wanted to go.
  11. I would like to see someone try this with my dh around. It would not go over well.
  12. I would have dh call her and tell her to choose another day. My dh doesnt have any problems setting mil straight when she is out of line.
  13. lol thank you. I am such a wimp during pregnancy. Im a beast during child birth, I breastfeed like pro, recovery is great, sleepless nights dont mean a thing, but pregnancy gets to me. I just want to comain to anyone that will listen and Im contemplating ordering pizza again for dinner. I am sure I almost alwYs feel bettet during the second trimester, but it feels SO far away.
  14. Ugh me. 11 weeks pregnant today. I literally am moving as little as possible. Ive said it once and I will say it again. I HATE first trimester. I feel like death. I always feel so down. Just a couple weeks to go... I finished school with ds already and he and other ds are playing video games and dd is napping. I should do something, but I just dont want to.
  15. This sounds like the perfect scenario for us. A lot of times it will be neat to be with just the 2 oldest too.
  16. I see it both ways. All my parents kids live local so no one would ever stay the night. Inlaws kids all live away and still never stay and they have a huge house and really dont need it. I know if all my kids were grown and lived close I would want to downsize, but if they all lived away I d want to have at least an extra room. My mamaws house was tiny and we were packed in like sardines and it was great memories, no big deal. My kids are little and we really need a bigger house, but I am actually sad about moving from my home where my babies grew. That will be the issue for me, the sentimental side of it.
  17. Yeah my kids hate spicy right now. My first son used to eat jalepenos now he has declared carrots spicy???? Might work for lunch for dh though.
  18. I have always been tbe type that the whole family does everything together. We need a gallon of milk?All 5 of us end up at the store. We never use a babysitter. I have been grumpy, stressed and overwhelmed and not as happy as I used to be. Dh has suggested I go out alone and all this, but the thought of that never appealed to me either. Not at all. Ds1 had an important dr appointment yesterday and dh had to work, so my little 2 stayed with my parents. I enjoyed my day so much. I felt like the mom I used to be. I could hear ds talk in the car. I could foucs on his questions without being interrupted. There was no arguing or yelling in the car. Ds had perfect behavior. When he talked to me I was able to look at his pretty blue eyes and take it all in. I could watch him closely and cherish looking at my son instead of nonstop scannig the room counting 123 ok everyone is here. I really got to listen to everything he had to say and it meant the whole world to me. I am so much more calm and relaxed one on one. I was happy to tell dh of my new discovery and he agreed I need to do this a lot. Then I ended up taking dd to the store with me alone that same evening. Also a good experience. So it is decided I must carve out as much one on one time as I can for each of my kids. How do you do this in your home. Just looking for any advice as a good way to remember whose turn it is turn go to the store with mom. How often do you make a special day with each of your kids? My whole family really needs this.
  19. Its getting to be that time of year again and my kids are into soup right now. Whats your favorite recipes?
  20. We didnt play any games and we broughy lunch from subway. 1 bag of cotton candy. Rides for the oldest 2 and thats all.
  21. Maybe, but like I said. He is a big money waster. I think if I were going to cut our budget his bs should go first before our kids fun money. We dont do stuff often.
  22. I agree, but my point to dh is our parents coughed up the cash even though it was expensive for us to have fun and it makes me sad its not worth it to him for our kids.
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