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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Oh yeah. My kids love grandparents chickens. We are thinking of getting a few too.
  2. Yeah, Im good eithet way. I grew up eating this meal. Its been a while.
  3. Whoa that is seriously appealing to my pregnant appetite right now.
  4. In my experience the visitation is more about the family and a way to show your concern for he living. For instance your coworker may be sorry for your loss, but may have never met the one that passed on. This might be a good way for her to say Im sorry for your loss by popping in for 20 minutes or so. The funeral o is more of a tribute to the deceased and is usually only attended by those truly grieving the one that passed away.
  5. In my experience the visitation is more about the family and a way to show your concern for he living. For instance your coworker may be sorry for your loss, but may have never met the one that passed on. This might be a good way for her to say Im sorry for your loss by popping in for 20 minutes or so. The funeral o is more of a tribute to the deceased and is usually only attended by those truly grieving the one that passed away.
  6. I agree ish. I show my boys a youtube video and it seems a preview for a horror movie is the ad.
  7. I would love to have some ideas. My dh and both sons like a hunk of meat, pile of starch and pile of veggies. Only dd and I like " mixed together food"
  8. Thanks for that idea. My kids woukd love it.
  9. My girl is only 2 and I am already horrified that shorts are so dang short. Ugh I dont even care to think of the older years.
  10. Sprinklers are nice for warm weather if your kids like it. Only the baby likes water here.
  11. Yes I do the popsicle trick too lok. Sometimes Im feeling good and make homemade healthy ones too.
  12. Ugh talking about a schedule change. Ds 1 had to be at the dr for labwork this morning. 830 am, we live 1 1/2 hours away. I was dropoing the younger 2 with my parents, so I had to leave at 6:30 am to give ample time for kid nonsense. dd was so tired and crying I brought her with us. She cried the full hour from the dr to my parents. Luckily she is napping now. So we were uo at 6:30 and the usually arent even up until 8:30 to 9:30. 10 is the very earliest we were ever out of the house. They kept asking why we were leaving in the night. lol. I wasnt sure if we would get school done today or not, but ds was a good sport. even though he was exhausted. Weather is mid 80s and nice. Startting pregnancy week 12 this week. Trimester 1 is ticking away. Woot!
  13. A note about playsets. If your dh is handy, this is what we are doing. We thought if we bought a playset they may tire of it, so last year we built just a swing set. Next year we are building a playhouse. The next a slide. See saw and so on. Add a feature each spring, so it something new instead of all at once. We built a big sandbox. They have all kinds of neat things besides shovels and pails such as cars, dinosaurs, coins, seashells. My kids are whiny about going out solo even though our yard is safe and fenced. I usually just plop my butt in a chair and relax. Tbey love random ropes.and sticks and wood and junk. Our yard looks awful, but they love it. If you have/ had a garden consider getting then child sized hoes, rakes and shovels. They love digging in the loose soil. They are currently working on a "china hole". Mine are a pain to get out, ultimately have a blast after I drag them out. Also gardening is a hit with my oldest and youngest. They end up just playing make believe a lot. lots of pokemon battles. Ds 1 likes physical challenges like see if you can run 5 laps around the house, do 20 jumping jacks. My ds likes those ride on hopper balls. They try to jump rope lol. Pretend they are race cars and race around the house or to the fence.
  14. True story. My neigbors have a playset and a pool and they are NEVER outside.
  15. How on earth could it be easier to hand wash them all. lol. Im dying for a dishwasher over here.
  16. lol just looked at the poll results. Is it possible we are all in agreement on something?? wow
  17. Dont go. Sending a gift is super generous.
  18. No. We used to have monthly family dinners when my mamaw was alive. My mom randomly cooked family dinners and invited everyone over, but nothing traditional. No tradition at my house right now. I would love it though. It is impossible to get my family together right now.
  19. Thanks for all the suggestions. He had a barium swallow done and all was well with that. He has an appointment monday for some labwork. I have been tryibg to think of any changes with him and I jist thougjt he recently had his 1st dental work done. A filling and a crown. He had the gas and a shot for numbing. I wonder if any of it might be related?? Im mentioning it to dr on monday. Just curious, so thats why Im asking.
  20. Ugh. My inlaws found a huge snake skin in their house, but never the snake. It is always on my mind when we are there.
  21. I go as scheduled. Probably not needed, but Im a rule follower.
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