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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. My ds had a trough like dent too. My dh used to worry so much until I made him feel mine lol. We used to call it his Linus lump like the peanuts character. Thats what his head looked like.
  2. How crazy! When is her bday. Mine is Oct 10 th. Its fine if you dont want to answer.
  3. Awwwww, I want my baby. Look at those cheeks. ps it looks like we have the same couch lol.
  4. Are you saying you have a 23 month old named Audrey? My Audrey is 23 months.
  5. She couldnt even be bought with youtube yesterday. My 4 year old enjoyed it though. lol
  6. Ding, ding, ding we have a winner. I think you win the prize. I think you figured it out. I forgot about this. Of course. My kids get a bit off when nursing slows down. Makes perfect sense now. How did I forget this??
  7. She isnt greatly motivated by food, but we coukd try. She wont go in the ergo anymore. It doesnt matter what toy or distraction really, when her mind fixes on something, you just cant get her mind off. Ds 1 is just like that too, but the things he would focus on didnt upset him quite so bad. Going to the grocery store doesnt bother her at all. Like I said, we walked in the drs office the other day, the door closed behind us and all she could think about was getting back out that door.
  8. We could. Soccer usually isnt a place she hates though. She usually runs around in an open field and plays with soccer siblings My point was that tonight her focus was on going to the car and nothing else matters.
  9. they require pants that had me laughing out loud
  10. Glad you all stuck around. It is great to be able to get advice from those that have been there and done that!
  11. My almost 2 year old is my 3rd child, so I should have this figured out, but she is so different than the boys. It seems almost everywhere we go that involves waiting she freaks out and throws a fit like I have never seen. If we are in a dr. office, library story time, ds soccer game, whatever. Distractions dont seem to work. Removing her from the situation just rewards her because she wants to leave. Im at a loss. She literally cried for 1 solid hour tonight at the soccer game. Now tonight she was tired, but this isnt always the case I mean, she has to go to the dr, dentist, and places like that. She just has to adapt to what we have to do. In the meantime everyone stares like we are murdering her. I hate to compare, but this is my first kid to jump up and down and fall to tbe ground and kick and scream in public. Thoughts?
  12. Do you use lemin juice in a bottle or from a fresh lemon?
  13. Hmm who knew? This makes me giddy. I have always hated cursive. My cursive really looks no better than it did in second grade.
  14. I burned myself cooking once. Lets just say Im glad I didnt have a nursling at the time. How this happened I will never know, at the time they were so small????
  15. Wow, are they not teaching cursive these days?
  16. This reminds me of one day I was grocery shopping. This store had an elderly, Im talking late 80s man working there. I walked into the womens room and he was standing at the sink washing his hands. I poked my head out to see if I went to the wrong restroom by mistake. He saw my reaction and said no honey your in the right one and walked on out. ooooook I was never sure what to make of that one lol.
  17. I think if she. is in need your money will be most aporeciated going toward gifts for the baby. I agree about looking for a church, someones home...something free or cheap. I agree, dessert only or chips maybe. dollar tree plates. No games or free online printable games. You dont have to do pricy prizes. Please just spend your money on something your niece needs. If you do go with dessert only I would say so on the invite, it seems people I know have so much food at parties, I show up starved and ready to eat.
  18. We recently got a grill and dh and I are on a big grilling kick. This is great for this pregnant woman that hates cooking right now. There are tons of bottled marinades out there and tons of recipes. I am looking for something particularly kid friendly. Just a simple healthy basic go to recipe I can make for them if dh and I want something spicy or weird they wouldnt like. They liked garlic and herb a bottled marinade we tried, so something like that or maybe something with lemon might go over ok. Thanks
  19. Absolutely. Dh will go in a women's restroom like this too. Im not sure what the big deal about bathrooms is really.
  20. Glad my 5 arent the only family like this. I mean only 4 of us eat pizza anymore. Oddball 5 year old...
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