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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I would say it is a punishment because the single mom is almost out of childcare options and may have to quit college and work if he gets kicked out of daycare.
  2. Nothing helped with 1 and 3. No hope. The dr offered a rx for nausea, but I toughed it out. With this one, just eating even if I didnt want food kept what nausea I had away.
  3. I am not sure, I dont know many details.
  4. Yeah she is doing good to find someone to watch him. He will be with 3 different people for the week.
  5. Idk his brother got bit at daycare and then started biting, so I think he got it from him.
  6. I know, I mean I guess there is no way to suit everyones schedule. I just am left wondering if staying so busy is actually good for families. I am just not sure. I just wonder if us all being home in tbe evening for dinner and enjoying together time isnt the best idea.
  7. Yes I do too. She has a lot on her plate. I was hoping for some advice. Someone told her to put hot sauce on his mouth when he bites and well...I dont think she will, but I think that is horrible.
  8. It is for biting and I do see the daycare side of it. I would be upset if my kid was bit by other kids. I just cannot imagine anyone expecting a week off to change his behavior. I see not allowing the kid back anymore. Any tips on teaching a 2 year old not to bite others?
  9. My nephew is in daycare and I have a curious question. Is it common for a toddler to get suspended for bad behavior? I just dont see how this helps the child learn to behave properly. It seems like it punishes the parents. Is this how daycare handles behavior problems usually?
  10. I know. ITt would be easier if we could get food out, but we cannot always. We have to leave at 5:15 to get there. I usually feed them at 3:30 or so. That way ds isnt running around on a full stomach. We get there at 6 and 2 yr old usually falls asleep. Ends at 7. 7:45 getting home. Sometime dh hasnt had anything to eat since lunch. I miss the old simple life. Sigh. I wouldnt mind a bit if ds was loving, but honestly I just dont see him as an athlete. Thats fine by me, I just hope he gets through trying out all the sports soon.
  11. I have quit just about anything I felt was too hard. He is not wrong. I get in over my head and I bail out. He cannot always take him.
  12. He is fairly reasonable, but sometimes not flexible aboutvwhat he feels strongly about.Its not about the sports at all, he really isnt into them much. He just wants our kids to see things to the end.
  13. On a bright note, Itold dh no sports for the spring. I would be hugely pregnant at the beginning and then have a tiny baby and the spring season is freezing at first and way too hot at the end. I cannot do this a newborn and a 2 yr old. Dh cannot make all games. He agrees. I feel free lol.
  14. Well it depends. We aim for 8:30, but sometimes 9 or 9:30 bedtime. She usually sleeps 12 hours from bedtime.
  15. I suppose, but dh wasnt ever allowed to quit things and so he thinks that make a strong person. Sticking something out even when it sucks. I guess I dont get a sat because he feels so strong about it. Also I quit things as soon as I feel I dont wanna anymore and he thinks thiswont get our kids very far in life.
  16. Im not a fan of other people kids and mykids arent fans of other kids either lol.
  17. Oh the. stroller is a fabulous idea. I need to get exercise anyway. Now I need to buy a stroller. Im guessing this will only work for a few months as it will be getting colder.
  18. Dh wont let our kids quit things. He makes them last the whole season. Trust me, I would.
  19. I could only dream of such a thing.
  20. Baby girl flat out refuses naps now, but still needs them badly. We cant go anywhere in the evening because she falls asleep and it messes up bedtime. What can I do?? I have considered waking her earlier, but ugh waking a 2 yr old when Im so exhausted seems crazy. I have considered a daily drive, but what a waste of gas money and she wakes up when I take her out of the car. Im in a bad spot here guys. lol
  21. I dont kniw for sure, but if this had happened with my bff I would have been thrilled for her. It may be tacky, but I doubt it would bother tbe girl.
  22. He is so odd. We ask him if he likes soccer, he says no. We ask him if he has intentions of tball or soccer in the spring and he says yes. Hiking together appeals to me so much more. I mean I would enjoy his games if he enjoyed himself, but I can watch him pick his nose at home. This what he ends up doing.
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