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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I just looked it up. My state required motorcycle riders to wear helmets, but not bicycle riders too. And for the record, there is rarely a chance to safely pass this kud, but I will next time I can.
  2. I had no idea. Thanks for the chart. Honestly in drivers ed the only thing they told us was treat a bike like any other vehicle and in my mind I thought if I cant pass a car here I cant pass a bike here. ?? I learn something new all the time
  3. Ok so I thought you had to treat a bike like a car I didnt know. As far as me freaking him out though...He is in front of coal trucks with them right on his rear so whatever, its not like Im the only person to ever drive slowly behind him before he decides to get off the road.
  4. So, my question is, if I cannot pass a car here can I pass the bike? I figured if passing a car were illegal passing a bike would be illegal too. I have to admit I dont know the law regarding bicycles too well.
  5. Because there isnt a passing lane. It is illegal to pass on two solid yellow lines. Getting on the edge of the road is not the same as getting off the road. If he came back over while I was passing him and I killed/injured him I am sure I would be responsible because it would not be legal for me to pass him there.
  6. I know we were discussing this earlier and I wanted you all to comment on this situation. As I said before Im a bit of a helicopter mom raised by helicopter parents lol. I am not bothered a bit by other peoples choice to free range parent though. There is this teenager that lives in my area (not sure of his age exactly). He is in the habit of riding his bike up and down the road by our house. In not talking a subdivision/neighborhood. I'm talking main road here. I think the speed limit is 45. There are coal trucks that drive through here all the time. I see bicyclist riding through here a lot kf times keeping up with traffic ish ans wearing helmets. This kid is on a regular bike and doesnt go super fast. If you get behind him he gets way over to the very edge of the road like he wants you to pass and when you dont (im not passing, share the road, treat a bike like a car kinda thing)he keeps turning around the whole time looking behind him. I just know he is going to wreck looking behind him so much. He doesnt wear a helmet. I just know a coal truck is going to flatten him. Would you allow your teenage son to do this? It just seems like a risky thing for anyone to do kid or adult. For the record my 3 year old cousin was killed by a car. My grandma got hit by a car crossing a street, she lived though. My brother was killed in a car accident. My uncle was in a car accident that changed his mental capacity to that of a child. I have countless other relatives to be killed and injured in and by vehicles while I was growung up, so I have always been terrified of things like this.
  7. Yes. This was the time of year my aunt got bit by one. She also had them under her freezer in an out building.
  8. My mom had this a while back. Im talking 30 years after her period stopped. I forgot what it was though. They did an ultrasound to rule out cancer and things. She was fine. It seems like she said there was a thickening of the uterus or something. I will ask her.
  9. If his dr. isnt worried, I am sure he is fine.
  10. In your family, who pays for college? In the opinion of your family is it the parents job to pay for college or do adult children take care of themselves or do parents help their kids some. Im not asking what is right or wrong, just what you do. No arguing please. Someone made a comment about college to me the other day and I was a bit blown away. I was just looking to see how other people viewed the roles of parents providing for adult children. I will reply later on.
  11. This is cracking me up. You guys are so fancy. First of all, I dont have a group of friends. If I did and they drank coffee Id make a pot of coffee and ask them if they wanted cream or sugar and we would just get a cup and drink it. Lol. Where Im from, the only tea drinking is sweet iced tea.
  12. I never ever ever said SHE expected the day care to fix the problem. Im tired of people twisting what Im trying to say around. She doesnt expect a damn thing. She isnt even mad, just stressed. *I* am the one that thought this policy was odd not her, but I have no dc experience or have even given a thought to how a daycare might run. Im not mad either, I just thought it sounded like something that wouldnt be helpful. People, I was just curious if this is how things work everywhere and how she might help him. That is all. This was the reason for my post. Let me say it again, *SHE* does not expect anything, she is just feeling unsure of what to do. Clear enough? Im not mad. She is not mad. No one is mad.
  13. Growing up I did the following things. Church on sundays and Wednesday night Missionettes. If you went to an Assemblies of God church you might be familiar with that program. I was on the academic team one year in high school and in marching band one year in high school. Thats all I ever did. My parents would have done anything for me, but I was never interested. After school I wanted nothing more than to be at home and having free play. I dont regret the childhood I had. My niece was in gymnastics and she and I were crazy about the 96 olympic team. I wish I had signed up with her, but I was too shy. I think I would have been good at it, so sometime I wish I woukd have tried it. I considered volleyball once in high school because I liked to play for fun, but felt to nervous to actually be on the team. I guess Ive just always been a hermit by nature. When Im away from home, all I can think about is getting back home. On a side note, I know a lot of people keep their kids busy to keep them out of trouble, but the athletes at my school were the party crowd. School nerds like me stayed out of trouble.
  14. I am curious what your experience was with your own childhood and your opinion of it. What all were you involved in. Did you have a busy schedule or not? Do you wish it had been diffent? I will post later.
  15. Thanks for understanding what I am trying to say. I see the suspension is more of a wake up call to parents?I guess that makes a bit of sense.
  16. LISTEN CAREFULLY I am not upset. Never said I was upset he was suspended. I just dont think you can teach a not yet 2 year old not to bite if they arent biting at home. Im just confused how a week off is going to help. Im not upset at the situation, I feel it just wont help anything. She only has like 2 hours each evening with him after work and school and obviously that will be dinner, clean up, laundry, baths, bed and prep for the next day.
  17. Maybe, so but she called and called and could not find other options.
  18. I am happy, it just seemed odd to me.
  19. OK what I mean is this week off doesnt teach the baby anything. I know they arent singling her out. Im not taking up for her. He shoukd not be allowed to bite. Trust me Id be pissed if my kid got bit over and over. Im just saying the week off is silly and will change nothing. Did I make myself clear? I agree biters should be kicked out. I do not understand what a week off will accomplish.
  20. I am close enough, but Im miserable pregnant right now and day to day is a real struggle with my 3. She has people for this week, but no one that can commit long term if he gets kicked out. This was the only daycare she could get him in to continue with school for this year.
  21. I agree. I never once said I think the daycare needs to resolve it or that other kids should have to suffer I just was curious if this was the norm everywhere and ideas to help her. I am not saying he should be allowed to remain at daycare, I just thought a suspension was odd for a toddler. I was thinking something like 3 strikes your out would make more sense. Im just not sure whats supposed to change in this week off.
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