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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Yeah except I drive on this road and like I said vehicle tragedies is a family curse.
  2. I would imagine not. I think it could get ugly. Im just not sure how the national anthem represpects police. In my mind that disrespects our veterans and active duty military. I guess Im just not understanding?
  3. Oh no lol. What kind of tobacco is it and where does it grow? Dhs family were tobacco farmers, but they grew burley tobacco. I never even thought about other types.
  4. There was at our school during that time frame, it was even in the year book. Lol
  5. Lol i was happy to buy 3 new towels at walmart. It just dawned on us that our bath towels were 11 years old. How bad is that?
  6. This is the strangest sounding food idea, but it sounds pretty good!
  7. We are having grilled chicken in catalina dressing, mashed potatoes or rice and broccoli. I have never made this ckicken before. I am not even sure I know what Catalina salad dressing tastes like, but this pregnant woman just thought that sounded good. Lol
  8. I would say you are so proud! Thats wonderful!
  9. My kids like Ninjago. I didnt realize there was a movie out. Oldest ds is going to be the red one for Halloween. It has cute lego hand gloves.
  10. I dont have too much to add today. I dont work outside the home. My weekend was uneventful, but enjoyable. I dont have a favorite movie quote. I am so boring
  11. I totally agree I dont think daycare is best for kids. She really just doesnt have any options. She barely has daycare as an option. She has a few people she can count on from time to time, but no steady helpm
  12. Well VA is tobacco country. My dh smokes so I dont really notice it. I do think it is not good they included the cigar shop as a place to send kids. It seems like only yesterday you chose smoking or non smoking at a resturaunt...it is unreal how much time has passed... sorry I got side tracked Even though my dh smokes, I dont approve of people smoking around kids.
  13. Well I will pass him from now on when safe. I thought I was obeying the law. Still I could never ever imagine anyone riding a bike on this road. I wouldnt personally. I never realuzed how uptight I am... And I am not kidding, our drivers ec teacher said treat a bike just like a car and I just figured that was true. Thanks for teaching me what is correct.
  14. Thats so funny to me though. I think my parents still dont think I am old enough to take care of myself lol. I know they didnt feel I was almost the same as an adult at 16. Im sheltered what can I say.
  15. Ok, it is settled. Im the odd ball worrier. If that was my kid I would just die. If that were me, it would scare the shit out of me. I dont like this road in a car. You couldnt pay me to get on a bike on. Thanks for all the information though.
  16. I didnt mean that he had a responsibility to get off the road. Im just saying most of the time we are stuck behind him until he chooses to turn off on anothet road not pull over.
  17. I didnt say he should. I said before *he* decides to to get off the road. I just said the truckers ride his ass until he chooses to turn off somewhere.
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