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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. That is a good question. I have no idea?
  2. Thanks. I am sure I will be complaining during the 3rd trimester, but still I have a few months of normalcy to look forward to.
  3. Wanna celebrate with me?? This is my last week of the 1st trimester. Everyone is still alive and ok at my house. Yes.
  4. I am thinking of bju for math for grade 2 next year. I may send some questions your way later on.
  5. Like I said we are only doing math and language arts until I feel better. Hits Abeka language arts! We are loving it. I love how traditional it is. The poetry section is kind of lame, but ds actually asks to read the poem every day. Misses-ish Im not currently loving singapore math. Im not 100% sure why though?? The HIG just doesnt seem to be a great fit for me. Ds is doing fine though. It seems like it always asking us to make up stories for the math problem and neither ds nor I like doing. I know its such a silly thing to not like, but we dont. We. Would rather do math problems. It may grow on us though.
  6. Sounds like we are in same boat! Not to mention #3 has stopped napping. Sigh. This hasnt been my hardest pregnancy, so at least that...
  7. What I hate is my facebook using family's inability to communicate any more with non face booking family.
  8. It ia tight for us not to mention crazy with a van full of tiny people. We would love to see sil and her kids more because our kids adore each other, but sadly we just havent made it there. She comes here from time to time. My cousin works for a hotel and we can get awesome discounts through her, but still traveling is expensive. So, I feel ya, but no advice. I never traveled much growing up and didnt feel I missed out, so I dont have any guilt over us not traveling a lot.
  9. Omg, right in! I can get behind that one! I thought I was the only one.
  10. I had a burst of energy yestetday as I am nearing the end of my first trimester and I am recovering from working so hard yestetday. I had NO energy or patience today. My plans did change a bit today. Dh decided to take the boys to watch Ninjago after work, so it is just me and the baby girl tonight. As far as vacations, we dont do much, but more than I did growing up. The boys keep asking to see the ocean and we are going to try really hard to do that. Dh enjoys travel, but it wears me out. Im a hermit lol. Scrapbookbuzz, where are you thinking of moving to?
  11. I am not sure why Im reading this, curious I guess. I would love to hear about this if you are willing.
  12. We all sit down. The kids usually just complain. Dinner is almost over by the time I sit down. I have to get up at least 10 times to help someone and the baby sits on my lap and tries to take my fork. Sigh. We are not the model family. Lol, but its ok.
  13. Hey, now that is some interesting advice!
  14. I totally agree. I broke in a new pair of shoes at an amusement park this year. Yikes!
  15. Omg lol. Way to lighten the mood!
  16. Sure theyvcan feel how they want, I bet they wouldnt be acting like that if they had served their country. edited by moderator inflammatory
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