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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I realize this. I cant multi task worth a damn either. Thats why I am sucking at homeschooling. Nothing seems to keep the littles busy during school??? I doubt ds is up for school at 6 pm when dh is home. I mean, I just feel this isnt working for us.
  2. No I dont think you are screwed up at all. I just feel I am inadequate compared to others. It seems they do so much more than I do.
  3. Good advice everyone. I am such a rule follower traditional person, this just feels so hard for me. For the record it is past noon and all wr have done is math. The boys are playing an exciting pokemon imagination game.
  4. Wow that is amazing he would be prek at your school.
  5. Ds 2 is not in k. I said ds 1 was 4 2 months of k and 5 2 months of 1stm. Ds 2 was born in spring so he is fine. He will be 5 for k.
  6. No Im not doing anything with the 4 yr old. He was whining about his brothers school.
  7. No, it is correct. 2 months of school for k he was 4 and 2 months of first he is 5. His birthday is the states cut off date.
  8. Yes. This is how is birthday fell in our state. So he is 5 a couple months of 1st grade.
  9. I was thinking first graders need math, but... And he has been playing for the past 2 hours.
  10. No not a nap! I embrace those these days, but not when I was a kid. Lol
  11. I ask myself sometimes. My 5 year old is faking tired to try to get out of school work My 4 year old wont stop whining because he hates when we do school because he just wants me to play. He wont stop talking about Pokemon which is distracting my 5 year old. My toddler has a diaper box on her head making sounds just to hear it in the box while pretty much sitting on top of ds and his math workbook. I want to take a nap, I need to wash dishes. Ugh, ya know?
  12. I was thinking red cross, but wasnt sure enough to say so.
  13. Well my boys are not boring, but just boring when it comes to things like this.
  14. My son is pretty boring lol. He can do workbooks all day long. He never complains about writing, but as sokn as the directions say color he melts down. For the record I dont require him to color.
  15. Wow. I have no idea. I hope someone has some advice. I cannot imagine what you are going through.
  16. This is what I was thinking, but I am no plumbing expert.
  17. Trash truck picks up trash once a week. I would love it to be more. This isnt typicall for the rural area I live in, but our county does it this way. All the others you drive your trash to the dump. We have to get our own trash cans. No recycling. On a side note it is free for us. All people in the county have pay the fee for trash pick up with their water bill. We live on the county line and we get our water from the county we dont live in for some reason and they dont have trash pick up.
  18. Oh yeah I love to swing. Someone is always whining it is their turn though...
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