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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Good question. I will type something about that later.
  2. If I get a chance I will tell you why Sarah latet
  3. Please do I would love to see how it goes. Dh is like this. He doesnt eat beside black coffee all morning for like 6 hours or more. Me and the boys are always hungry and it surprises him we are "alredy hungry" lol. I guess a pot of black coffee keeps some people full..
  4. Sounds like us. My boys NEED food. Dd like never eats.
  5. Thanks I will likely buy him some online.
  6. What do you think? Is it a classic? I know its been around for ages, but I often just think of girls from the 70s/80s/90s as that is the Sarahs I know. I know there are 90 yr old Sarahs but I dont know them. Is Sarah too dated? I like names that sound old fashioned. Im just not sure if Sarah fits this exactly.
  7. Hmm that is intetesting. I wouldnt have thought of thos scenario. Maybe what is going on with her kids??
  8. Ugh this would would drive me crazy. Food is first around here. We may skimp on everything, but we all eat what we want and keep the house warm. I dont have good advice, but I would promise you my dh would probably end up saying something to them. The only other thing that annoys me more than not feeding their kids what they need is people asking kids to eat more after they say they are done. I hope somene has something helpful. I am just annoyed for you. After reading a bit I do realize not everyone is a snack family. We dont snack tons, but it isnt right at all to hike 5+ miles with no snack.. I cannot imagine not bringing something for this or letting my kids eat in front of them. I just dont think I could spend much time with them.
  9. Thanks. I didnt realize they sold slim sizes. I dont think they have them in toddler sizes. This is our first year of big kid clothes. I guess thats the difference. I just picked up a few pair at the goodwill the other day. I will look for slim from now on.
  10. My 5 year is about the 20 th percentile for his weight and height. I dont know his height right off, but he weighs 39 lbs. I am pretty sure a 5 is what he needs for length, but he is swimming in the ones we have.
  11. Dh and I disagee quite a bit. We were raised compmetely opposite. For the most we just kind of know when one person feels so strongly about something that nothing will change our minds and we just go with it. For the most part I do the parenting, so I choose how it goes. For day to day to day stuff like dh would implement eat what is served for dinner or go to bed hungry, but meal time is my area so he doesnt care I am a softiem For instance ds hates soccer and dh insists he doesnt quit and I know he would never budge on this and we are sucking it up and riding it out. Now dh would probably just sign him up again if ds said yes and I know ds hates it and the whole family is hating it including dh so I have set my foot down about no sports until at least next fall, maybe longer. Ds is just not into stuff like that right now. I can read that on him. Dh has no idea. When you ask a 5 yr old if they want to do something, they cant really think if it is really going to be a good idea or not. So dh feels strongly about not quitting and I respect that and I am feeling strongly about no sports until they get a bit older and dh respects that. We just know neither of us can be swayed when we are serious and we just dont dont even try.
  12. Im not sure. I would assume she gets financial aid as she has very little income. Not sure if she would have to pay it back or what?
  13. No way. In many ways I wish I didnt know i was adopted. I dont mind living a lie.
  14. That is awesome. My church used to do dinners too and I loved it.
  15. Hopefully he is just going through some *stuff* he needs space to work through. My thoughts are with you. I cannot imagine how much this hurts.
  16. Yes, dh and I are having a talk. I am going to suggest he works evening shift again to be around to help with school in the morning.
  17. You know, that is not a bad idea.
  18. And his first day back, 2 hours into it, he bit a kid again and now he is out. Sigh.
  19. Randomly going somewhere late makes me feel young too!
  20. Can we just keep going with this? I love to get dinner ideas. Tonight we are having greek yogurt honey waffles, sausage links and fruit.
  21. Ugh I just cannot imagine enforcing playing alone during school. I have always been an attachment parent type and my babies just like to be with me. I just feel I am cheating them by putting them away like this. I suppose it is good for them, it is just not how I am used to doing things.
  22. I was thinking this too. My dh had a very strained relationship with his parents and he still kept them up to date about where he was. Where was he last you heard from him?
  23. Omg no, I would die. I wish I could live and die in the same house my great great grandma was born in kind of traditional. My dh is a nomad. We are not similar at all. Lol. I would be content waking up looking at the same wall every single day. I would die in the rv life. I crave roots. As far as tp goes, I like cottonelle and dh prefers quilted northern.
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