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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Yes, I really was just pointing out, whoa they taught morals at school. Thats just not how our world is any more. Not trying to stir up a debate. I get why things dont work like that any more.
  2. I try not too, but geez everything I say seems to get twisted here. This is why I have no friends irl.
  3. Ok I see that. Not really what I had in mind for this post, but as always around here people get out of shape. Im not sure why I waste my time... Off to edit and delete F it
  4. We had ds birthday at a community center that used to be a school from 1912-1973. They had old school records and such framed on the wall. I didnt look at all of them as I was busy, but at that school in 1915 the school year was 120 days. There were about 5 students that went between 100-120 days. The majority of the students attended between 65-90 days. This may or may not have been the norm for the time. You all may know a lot about how school used to look. I hadnt ever given it much thought and am surprised about the attendance. I just wanted to share, thought you all might be ammused like I was. I am always so serious about getting my 180 days in. Lol. Guess it wasnt a big deal in 1915.
  5. Can you share your friends with me?? That would be amazing!
  6. Screens. I swore when I was pregnant with my first we wouldnt do screens. Here we are 6 years later. We got him playstation games for his birthday and Im praying my 2 year old will start watching tv so we can get some quiet since she stopped napping. My my how things have changed around here.
  7. Dh and I were discussing birthday parties. I LOVE going all out and theme everything. Its just my hobby. Like, the one thing I enjoy. Now we have almost 4 kids and it is getting expensive. On top of the party we used to take the birtbday kid to do some special activities on their actual birthday. We have cut this out as it is getting expensive. One of our kids has asked just do do sonething special next year instead of a party. Dh and I came up with this. We have a March, April (or march, he/she isnt here yet), September, October birthday. We thinking of 1 big celebration in June or July for all the kids. We could still pick a theme for each kid and have a table decorated for the theme of each kid and cupcakes with their own theme. We could sing happy birthday 4 times lol. Then when their real birthday comes we can just have a day of fun just for our family. Also since really the sept birthday is usually the only guaranteed warm birthday we could do things like have it at a park or have a bounce house, a pool or something. So, here is what I am asking. I grew up the only young kid at home and I dont know what it is like to have to compromise on things like this. Is this going to be something they will be complaining to their therapist about? My parents had so many kids we only had 1 party. I mean is this going to be ok or should I scale back my parties and just have 4 separate smaller parties. I know this isnt huge. I just wanted anyone that has btdt to weigh in on how it has made you feel. Also I would worry about my guests feeling like they needed to bring 4 presents. I would like them there even if they cant bring gifts, but you know most people just wont do this. I would hate for people to not come because of this. And yes people, I do in fact worry and overthink EVERYTHING. I try to make life fair, but sometimes having a bigger family means it just isnt fair. Sigh.
  8. I agree with this too. And play date is silly too. Whats wrong with meeting up to play. It seems these days there has to be a word or phrase for everything. Kwim?
  9. And for the record I am nit bothered by babies getting changed. It is just that there are alot of sick people out there... I am also not bothered by screaming kids in a store or restaraunt, but some people are. I think its just respect for your kids privacy and respect for other people especially poop.
  10. Omg I would die. We hate being busy around here. I just wonder about the people that plan these things, do they hate dinner or what? Why do activities always get in the way of dinner. Lol
  11. Ralph Stanley and his son and grandson. Anyone know who that is. Lol
  12. I treat my kids privacy like my own and change them in as private a place as I can find. I have also developed a technique for public pee diapers when that needs to happen. I lay the baby across my legs with them facing down. I place a clean diaper in place over the old one. Unlatch the old one and slide it out from the old one. Then I reach under and fasten the new one and no one sees a thing. I did this once on vacation and an older-ish lady actually came up and was tellig what a neat way to change a baby. She was impressed lol. If I dont have a seat I just squat down to do it. My niece on the other hand has changed her kids on a table in front of everyone where we were getting ready to eat. M My thoughts on the airport girl, if she was just too lazy to go to the bathroom she could have at least try to blick tbe view a bit. Some people just dont think I guess. I am ultra private so maybe Im the weird one. Idk
  13. It is a bit rashy I just noticed. Red bumps.
  14. My son has an itchy bottom and privates. I think it is because he wets at night and wears a night diaper. So what to try A barrier type thing like vaseline Something like hydrocortisone A antifungal cream Powder Im not sure. Its pretty itchy and his birthday is tomorrow and I would love for it to be on the mend at least. Any quick tips?
  15. Its fine. Im sure you were cooking healthy meals for him daily too. Dhs parents werent. It was a fend for yourself household and what young boy is going to choose to or know how to make himself a healthy meal with no example to follow and then be limited to the junk the other members if the family could have. His dad also took his sister out to eat and not him. So when the rest of the family had soda and he couldnt and his mom kept hidden treats for her only it becomes a big issue. And dont get me started as to why he was a big eater in the first place! He had a lot of sickness as a kid and his dad pushed food as a way to make him well again. Fat and healthy. He was praised for eating until he did get fat. Also, my inlaws always comment on my kids not eating, so I know they were a clean your plate type.
  16. Well I guess there is a right and wrong way to do it, but I promise you dhs parents didnt do it the right way.
  17. And still sitting here under a blanket. Not ready to get moving yet. Ugh.
  18. Same here. I am drinking my coffee and drawing a blank.
  19. You go to bed with ac and a fan and wake up frozen solid. I hate that. Lol. I cant decide if I want ac, heat neither with windows up or down.
  20. I just wanted to add I think limiting kids food is a bad plan. Dh was restricted things growing up and every chance he got to over eat, he did. He struggles with food and his weight. I think the best a parent can do is be a healthy example and have lots of healthy options. I dont have any problems saying no to my kids asking for snacks before dinner, I just say dinner is almost ready have some...apples, oranges whatever light and healthy. If they are starving they have a healthy food option. I only say no at innappropruate times and offer a healthy option. I was never deprived a thing as a kid and I am ok (unless Im pregnant)
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