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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Yes. I also married the first guy I dated. :lol:
  2. :lol: My grandma and her twin was born when their mom was 48.
  3. Well I think you all know as I did recently find out I was. I guess get all anxious and depressed like I always do. I wanted all 4 of mine, but the second I saw a + pregnancy test I panic, decide it was horrible timing, feel miserable and get depressed about not being able to keep up with everything, worry I wont love it, get impatient with my kids, stress my husband out. Yep thats what I do every single time. Luckily I am 100% me again the second the baby is out. :lol: If I had horrible birth experiences or pp depression I would have probably been done with 1 or 2. I treasure my childbirth experiences and the new baby and the kids so thats why I want to do it again. I suck at pregnancy.
  4. I couldnt imagine. I am always stressed when outsiders are in my house. Im so super private. I didnt go to sleepovers much just a few and I had afew growing up, but was always homesick. I never had them as a teen because I had already begun my private introverted way and didnt like others in my space.
  5. I dont know. I had 2 growing up. They sent me a catalog recently and it seems they have gone away from the historic dolls and are putting a bigger emphasis ofbthe girls of today. Boo.
  6. We are getting the boys a tablet for Christmas. Ages 4 and 6. We probably shouldnt, but...whatever. Not an ipad though. Some tablet from Amazon, I dont know what it is dh knows. They dont much out of kid tablets vtech and ds leapad is broken.
  7. Im getting the 6 and 4 year old tablets. Pokemon toys if some sort. 2 year old baby girl is getting a kitchen play set. Thats all I got right now. I was actually thinking my boys would love an easy bake oven, idk?
  8. Nm, I just saw someone else posted the same thing. Im not sure how to delete or I woukd. Sorry.
  9. Thanks for all the advice. We decided to keep to separate parties.
  10. They were so neat. In addition to the student info it had info about the school. How much it cost to build How many desks The sq footage of the chalk board If the heat stove was in good repair Number of broken windows Number of days the students werent able to be kept comfortable and why. The distance each student lived from school The number and value of the books Number of maps, globes and charts I loved it!
  11. Cool. Glad some items work out. My mil almost always buys as seen on tv and they usually turn out to be junk. She bought ds some virtual reality goggles. Yes mil thank you for getting a 6 year old a gift that requires a smart phone and the batteries keep popping out of the remote.
  12. Its odd because I always was aware not many in my area were very educated. Just seeing the attendance record just seemed like whoa it was only important to like 5 people kwim? I guess I didnt realize it was this extreme.
  13. Brought to you by mil gifting someone an as seen on tv item. Have you even had anything "as seen on tv" that you liked/it worked lime it claimed to.
  14. I know what you mean by TEA but what does it actually stand for. This is tbe 3rd time I have seen this and I have no idea? Im not a relationship advice type, so I dont have much to offer. Im sorry.
  15. No, its just that I kind of hate all these young people sounding words. It makes me feel old and it sounds so silly to me. I would never say lets plan a play date. I would say lets get the kids together to play sometime. Cutsie sounding words and phrases. Bleh. Come on someone jawm. Im off topic so I will quit.
  16. Does your family do sleepovers or not. I was reading an article on why someone decided on no sleepovers for their family. This is not an issue for us right now because our kids are young. Dh and I were just talking about it. Lets play nice. I want to know if YOUR family allows them or not and why or why not. My nerves are shot these days, no need to disagree and argue on this one please. Please? Lol
  17. Congratulations!! Sorry people are so annoying.
  18. I said we were going to do something special for each child on their actual birthday.
  19. Thats ok. I guess Im just feeling sensitive these days. Im the type to do anything to avoid conflict. It makes me miserable.
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