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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. This sounds good! Do you have any ideas of what would fall under need for a 2, 4 and 6 year old?
  2. Help me think of a polite way to ask my family not to go overboard on Christmas presents for my kids this year.
  3. I will ask my mom. This very thing happened to her. I dont recall her finding a solution?
  4. Dh tried, no refund aftet you start the download. Ds played it a bit.
  5. I agree. It kind of sorts out who your real friends are.
  6. Yeah I tried it out once before I had kids and it was short lived. I found it so annoying. I never posted a thing. I messaged a few old friends and got caught up on a lot of people then I deleted it. This was in 2010. This forum is the only distraction I have :lol:. I dont miss facebook a bit.
  7. Sorry that sucked so much for you. Im just :laugh: your dh thought to clean the oven. I do not think mine ever would. Was he planning on wiping it out. If so... I mean...hey thats awesome.
  8. Thats what I was thinking, at this age especially. I could see if thet were small.
  9. My ds had $800 worth of games loaded in the shopping xart of a leapfrog tablet once, but luckily there was a password on it.
  10. No because she not only purchased it, but began to download it. I meant he put some kind of password I guess to prevent anyone but us from buying stuff.
  11. Bought a $60 game on our ps4 last night. Needless to say dh locked that down quick. Oops.
  12. Not to mention it was my very first cycle back because of breastfeeding. This baby was 100% meant to be I am convinced.
  13. Yeah I eat it too. Dont like it plain. If I sweeten it myself it still is too sweet. Whatever. Im not a health nut.
  14. :laugh: your story is so funny. When ds 1 was 3 he pickes out a jar o wilton food coloring he called brown and carried it around for ages. He still has it.
  15. Well I am NOT getting into a gun debate. I have tbought it all through for a long time and I do NOT believe in gun control. Thats all. Thats it. I'm out. I'll just cling to my guns over here.
  16. Yes. I realize. I was just being funny. I guess not. :lol: I mean if you think I am silly enough to think this way really...
  17. My ds got a Kylo Ren toy for his birthday. My 2 year old is in love with it. IT is almost as tall as she is. She just stands there hugging it, kissing it and saying awwwww baby. It is currently standing over us whe she is nursing. This girl of mine enjoys the craziest things.
  18. Ok so this guy owned an illegal gun? If you take guns away, it only takes guns away from law abiding citizens like me and my dh we feel we need to keep our family safe. If guns were banned, crazy people would still get guns, they dont care about the law and then we wouldnt have a gun to defend ourselves. Trying not to get too out of line here.
  19. My 6 year old is sooo into my pregnancy. He knows: What week pregnant I am, he keeps up What trimester Im in How many trimesters there are How long you are pregnant for He knows the baby is in my uterus because he was worried my stomach acid would digest the baby. He is so dang curious. He created a new term all on his own the other day. He asked me what month he was "launched into the belly!" He is also upset he cannot see the baby come out. He asked dh to take a picture. :lol: This kid is getting way too curious.
  20. Yeah you should randomly try on cycle day 30 too when you are sure no normal human would ovulate. That works too. :lol:
  21. I need too. Or should I say dh needs too. The boys are in 1 bedroom and our 3rd is dhs computer/junk room. Dd doesnt have a room or bed. We cosleep, but with #4 on the way he just needs to not be a hoarder and make a bedroom for #3 & #4. 2nd trimester is coming on. Dh better watch out, I turn into a decluttering crazy woman when I get my energy back.
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