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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. You can study all you want, but I promise it wouldnt make me happier.
  2. Im hoarder of sentimental items. I think you know my answer. Sorry.
  3. Ok, yikes that sounds terrible. My situation is not bad like that just a bit frustrating.
  4. Thanks for all the advice. I think I will tell them what I prefer and let them know if it doesnt go well we will do presents after Christmas. This will likely get my point across as Christmas eve is a big deal for my family. I think what bygs me most is they got to lavish me with all these gifts growing up because they were my immediate family. It bugs me because I dont think they realize they are extended family to my kids. My dh, me and the kids are a family and I dont think they like to accept that kwim?
  5. Great, I was drawing a blank. Thanks.
  6. I would take his car for a while. I was a safe teen driver so I can say that hypicrite. Dh on the other hand... I dont have a teen so feel free to ignore me. I just know teen drivers can and should be safe.
  7. My thoughts exactly. No mac n cheese, no pizza only pb and j.
  8. No idea. We are in a lunch rut too. It doesnt help my 6 year old doesnt eat cheese any more.
  9. -it was all new in 2006. Someone flipped it. Our price point was so low when we bought it and most of the houses we looked at had wood paneling and green carpet. So even though it is small and not high quality finishes, at least it is new looking. Dh would have never got around to imoroving an old house. The whole yard is fenced. I dont like tbe chain link, but at least it is safe for the kids. Our covered front porch. It is huge and I adore it! The fact it is 1 story. I adore 2 stories but imagine it would not work well for our young family.
  10. I adore baby laundry too. I have kept it all and when I am done using it I plan to make a quilt for each kids baby clothes. I hope I can pull it off.
  11. Oh yeah books here too. A lot of then were my books, so double the sentimental!
  12. I just found it :lol: Almost 6 people in a 1000 sq ft house Yard too small Not a private location No playroom No dishwasher No separate laundry room (in a closet) I would LOVE a paved driveway for bike riding and such.
  13. I know I replied to this?? Maybe I posted it the wrong post? :lol:
  14. No cb here, but my dad and brother were truckers so I got the 10-4 good buddy. Today is my nephews bday, super easy to remember! Dd bday is on the 10th along with my parents 53 rd wedding anniversary also on the 10th.
  15. What kids item are you sentimental about? Generally everything for me, but the Thomas Train stuff is my favorite. It was the first thing my ds liked. Ds 2 loved and now dd is turning into a Thomas fan. I love that blue train. I told dh Im never getting rid of em.
  16. This sounds like a good approach. I think I might write a note as I have talked before and it didnt quite sink in.
  17. There was so much crap with my 3 and my nieces 2 boys that stuff actually got lost and thrown away. It makes me sad how over the top they are. I mean, how does it make you feel good to have the things you got them just tossed aside to see whats next. My boys are generally aporeciative of everythig, but its hard to say well we will just return it because you already got one. Thats not exciting.
  18. There was so much crap with my 3 and my nieces 2 boys that stuff actually got lost and thrown away. It makes me sad how over the top they are. I mean, how does it make you feel good to have the things you got them just tossed aside to see whats next. My boys are generally aporeciative of everythig, but its hard to say well we will just return it because you already got one. Thats not exciting.
  19. I know, my sister does the dollar amount thing. She really thinks preschool age kids understand this.
  20. Im just kind of tired of it. We do Christmas eve at my parents and every year my mom and sister buy more than they get on Christmas morning from us. They arent nearly as excited as they would be because grandma and auntie alreay got them so much. My sister actually bought several things we got them (we only get a few things for them) so Christmas morning was a bit of a let down for them and me.
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