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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. To whoever said he could be 18 with a pic of 16 year old gf. This could be true and he could have gotten 5 years. Who knows. Remember though the mom said she got weird vibes from dad and brother, so I am not suspecting that is the case here.
  2. Yes I wouldnt trust a woman with a sex offender either.
  3. Woot. I convinced dh after spending a quiet weekend home doing nothing that we should have one weekend a month like that, I can make plans one weekend a month. That leaves 2 visits each month for the inlaws. woohoo!
  4. Yeah my kids would never be alone with any of the. The girl could come with us, but that is it.
  5. Well I just told my mom the plans and she thinks it is great. She is good only doing 1 family celebration and changing it to Christmas evening instead of Christmas Eve. Awesome!
  6. 6 year old is doing soccer. Thats it and it is making me tired. I dont know how you all do so much. Im a hermit.
  7. Yes it feels like monday here. Dh was working on my car all day sat so it seemed like he was at work because he wasnt home. So today still seems like sunday to me. I drank a cup of coffee late yesterday which usually wouldnt bother me, but dh made it and it was STRONG. I gave uo on sleep and chose to have a bath to relax. Didnt work. Finally at 12:30 I was almost settled in and dd wone up. I got her to sleep and Im up at 4:30 getting dh ready for work and chores done. I would have gone back to sleep after dh left, but dd was up at 6 instead of her usual 8:30-9. Sigh. At least she and I WILL nap soon.
  8. your right the timing does make it more off.
  9. The thing is we used to be truly close. Really close. They will be sad and I do believe truly sad when they realize their actions pushed us away. They truly are good, but they are just in a selfish spot these days. I truly will miss them too, miss how they were close. Its just sad they dont make time for my kids anymore, they used to adore them and love spending time with them. But Im going through with it anyway.
  10. Thanks for clearing it up a bit. My mom and mil are in their 70s and both of then bathed with their small kids. We all agree thats normal, but I know neither of them would do this with grandkids.. Sorry Im hung up on this post. Just when I think Im dealing with crazies.
  11. You are right Americans are hung up on nudity. Whats funny for me personally is I am ULTRA private, but I am super comfortable with my nudity in front of the kids and with them being naked around each other. I think it bothers dh, but I have breastfed for 6 years now. My boobs are just always out ya know? I read this funny on pinterest it said: daughter: mom your invading my personal space. mom: you came out of my personal space With my kids they just feel like so a part of me it isnt creepy. The thought of my mil naked with my kids creeps me out BAD! So I would think a thing about a woman whipping a boob out to feed her kid, but my mil doing something close and personal isnt my style and the nudity adds to it.
  12. That reminds me, my 4 year old is horrified the new baby will be born naked and that he was. He told me I should have put drawers in my belly for baby clothes. :lol:
  13. Thankfully not my dh, but I do have people in my life like that.
  14. No, no feuds. It is just sad. I wish things were the way it used to be.I just cant understand how soccer coukd compare to building a relationship with your family, kwim? I would much prefer cousins getting togethe playing a game of soccer or baseball. I dont think Im cut out for life in 2017. Im so old fashioned.
  15. My parents are super passive and will do what suits me. Im the one that struggles to want to keep traditional. My sister only has her husband, his parents are dead,1 kid in jail, 1 has no realtionship, so we are her only christmas plans. For my niece and her 2 boys, her moms side of the family is her priority and she works us in so no big deal. She was moaning and complaining last year about having too many places to go anyway. Not going to extended family may cause hurt feelings, but they have hurt my feelings 3 times in a row by not attending parties I hosted so...time to move on I think.
  16. Your right. Most everyone in my family is a young unmarried mom, so my family has this mindset that grandparents take contol when their kids have kids. I honestly think it bugs them my family can take care of itself. Sad really. Glad I broke the cycle.
  17. No not ok. Bathing with parents ok. Grandparents not ok. Im sure it is innocent in her mind because she bathed with her kids. I am constantly reminding grandparents they are not our kids parents. I would have found bathing with my grandma awkward, but i have been ultra private since a very young age.
  18. :lol: We are terrible kids. We did nothing for my parents 50th. They babysat my two boys while I was giving birth to dd on their 51st. My parents are about as un-romantic as me and my dh are, so they didnt care.
  19. That is just odd. No way my dh would go to the trouble to do this. His loyalty lies with sil over mil any day though, so...
  20. What does your Christmas plans look like? Is it always the same or do you switch it up year to year? This is what we have always done Christmas Eve at my parents with siblings and their family. Gifts for the kids. Lots of home made candy, cookies and snacks. Christmas morning dh and I spend the morning with our kids opening presents. That evening we go to either my aunts or my cousins house. We do a gift exchange. Have a traditional dinner. We work the inlaws in where we can, so that day varies. They just give the kids a gift, no festivities so no big deal when we get together. This year Im thinking of switching things up. I think we will stay home on Christmas Eve and do what Im not sure yet. Something fun. Open presents Christmas morning. Talk my parents into switching usual Christmas Eve celebration to Christmas night. Skip the extended family. Work the inlaws in where we can. I am wanting to shift the focus of our life away from being too busy and just focus on the people that live in my house instead of all the crazies Im related to. :lol: Im all ears for suggestions on things to do with my kiddos on Christmas Eve.
  21. :lol: We need to branch out. It is all I ever make. But hey they eat it so I cook it. I hate wasting time and money on food no one eats kwim?
  22. This is funny because broccoli is the only vegetable my whole family eats. I usually just steam it.
  23. I have been on the buying end of rada knives and I love em!
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