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Status Updates posted by elegantlion

  1. I'm at that part of moving where a studio apartment and one box of books looks appealing, unrealistic but appealing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. homeschoolmama37


      I get it. It's hard. One box at a time. ;)


    3. mommymonster


      I'm right there with you! Also, I'm moderately disgusted at how much stuff we have accumulated. I feel a "minimalism" kick coming on...

    4. MerryAtHope


      I have that thought sometimes. Or the "we can never move" thought...


  2. I am now officially done with my summer classes! 5 weeks until fall semester.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. elegantlion


      Thanks, Colleen.


    3. quark


      Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

    4. elegantlion
  3. I just ordered graduation announcements for ds, now I'm going to distract myself so I don't cry.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. quark


      Wishing you lots of chocolate and hugs. And congrats to DS!

    3. Kfamily


      Congratulations to you both! :)


    4. mominco


      HUGS,I have been following your posts here for a while(years)now!You did great Congratulations!!

  4. Changed my signature to "ds17", deep breath, sigh. *sniff*

    1. swimmermom3


      Wow! Happy Birthday best wishes to your young man and hugs to you:-)

    2. FloridaLisa


      I'll have to change one in 2 months. ::sniffing along with you::

    3. RegularMom


      Awww... but a happy birthday to him... :)

  5. 5 Minute Pity Party begins now. Use yours to stomp, whine, cry, scream in the closet.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. elegantlion


      now that sounds good too.


    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I have been cleaning my house ALL DAY. My back aches, my feet hurt, and my fingers are cramped from gripping the sponge and scrubbing. WAHHHHHHH!!!!

    4. elegantlion


      While your finger are cramped in position, add a glass of your favorite beverage, kick up your feet, and enjoy your clean house. Added bonus: a chilled glass is like icing a injury.


  6. The tracking number on my AoPS order ends with 666. Should I be worried? ;p

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. quark
    3. elegantlion


      Haha, I had forgot about the beast.


    4. Word Nerd

      Word Nerd

      The other day my FitBit counter ended in 666. I couldn't resist stomping around for a few more steps before I took it off for the day.

  7. Online shoe window shopping is much more fun than trying to figure out our geometry plan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. elegantlion


      Now I have to check out those recommendations. Would love to know what you think of those books.

    3. dragons in the flower bed

      dragons in the flower bed

      I really like them both. Haven't tried AhaMath yet but for $8 you might check it out yourself.

    4. elegantlion
  8. I am actually watching Love Actually. review forthcoming.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nmoira


      I agree about Bill Nighy. :D But I'd go on to include Martin Freeman... I'm still not sick of him (though he'll always be Tim from The Office to me).


      I so wanted to love that movie if only because I enjoy so many in the cast.


      I just got a free digital copy of Elf, courtesy of the Google Play Store. I've never seen it. Should I see it? We still haven't seen A Christmas Story this year.

    3. elegantlion


      Yes, Martin and Bill together in every movie, wait they almost are anyway. Now if we could just get Bill on Sherlock.


    4. quark


      I just watched Bill Nighy in Chalet Girl. That man rocketh! Totally!

  9. Holiday PSA: 4 mins @70% power is too long for almond bark in microwave. Burnt chocolate doesn't smell so great.

    1. dragons in the flower bed

      dragons in the flower bed

      Argh, I hate wasted chocolate.

    2. aggieamy


      I can help with this PSA. 8 minutes on high is way too long for my grandma's peanut brittle recipe. Her microwave was from 1982 adjust recipe accordingly.


  10. And I'm on my way to the store to buy some fleece pj pants. I hate winter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Heck, I'm in NoCal and it's supposed to be 24 deg tonight. Stay warm, Paula!

    3. nmoira
    4. elegantlion


      No, it is currently 14 degrees.

  11. Registered for spring classes! Making sure I got into the one online section of a class I need was like old-fashioned last minute Ebay bidding. I got one of the 3 seats left, and by 7:10 they were gone. Whoohoo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. elegantlion
    3. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      What are you taking?

    4. elegantlion


      English comp (2nd part), Government, US History, & Communication

  12. I tested out of all the developmental classes at my college today. I was so nervous about the math test, but I made it! :happy dance:

  13. There is a parade right outside my door, literally. The pets are most intrigued.

    1. nmoira


      In your honour, no doubt. :)

    2. swimmermom3


      Good one, nmoira. Have a Happy Fourth, EL.

    3. elegantlion


      Obviously for me. Actually, the dog enjoyed it, sat on the porch like a good girl, and didn't bark. It's nice the windows are open, it's all good.

  14. I finished my GIS class and earned my certificate with 10/10 on the final test! It's a short course (4 hours) that would be ideal for a mapping or geography supplement.http://training.esri.com/gateway/index.cfm?fa=catalog.webCourseDetail&courseid=2500

  15. To Kay: Thank you for the time with us, you will be greatly missed.

  16. Finally someone interesting was at the door. Two boys selling chocolate bars for their sport team. A gift from the gods, I say. They knew I was out of chocolate and there is a snow storm coming.

    1. Tess in the Burbs

      Tess in the Burbs

      Oh that sounds wonderful. Chocolate fairies :-) Send them my way!

    2. PollyOR
  17. If Androids dream of electric sheep, what do iPhones dream of?

  18. Beware the Ides of March, that is all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dmmetler


      Great--now I'm singing the ELE "Ides of March" song.(To the tune of "The Herse song"-NOT my favorite earworm!)


    3. swimmermom3


      I have a child born on the Ides of March. Bet you can't guess which one. Oh, you are talking about George Clooney, aren't you?


    4. elegantlion


      more about Caesar, less about Clooney. Betrayal, conquering, all that stuff.

  19. If today were a food it would be Brussels sprouts. It sounds interesting and some of you might love them, yet I just want to put the whole thing back and pretend it was never on my plate

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ariston


      try to shred your day and sautee it with bacon :)

    3. Tullia


      ...or add some garlic and avocado oil:)...Wishing you a tomorrow without Brussels sprouts!

    4. elegantlion


      Well we did have bacon for dinner, so that soothed a few ails.

  20. Last night we had pancakes and bacon for dinner. Dh remarked they were the best pancakes I've ever made. Sadly, ds is the one who made the mix, same recipe I've used for years. Guess who is now in charge of pancakes? :D

    1. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      Good Job teaching pancakes, and now you proudly pass the spatula!

  21. First step of organizing the new year, find all the half-read books around here and create a pile. Then finish said pile. I finished one today, forty + to go. I hope that's hyperbole.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. swimmermom3


      Dh will join. My mom gave him a bd check back in May. He lost it. As soon as she wrote him a new one, I located the check being used as a bookmark in a stack of unfinished books on his desk.

    3. swimmermom3


      Dh will join. My mom gave him a bd check back in May. He lost it. As soon as she wrote him a new one, I located the check being used as a bookmark in a stack of unfinished books on his desk.

    4. swimmermom3


      Dh will join. My mom gave him a bd check back in May. He lost it. As soon as she wrote him a new one, I located the check being used as a bookmark in a stack of unfinished books on his desk.

  22. Ds just came downstairs and confiscated all the Plato books, after a long discussion on Aristotle too. Last week it was math, this week philosophy. Who is this child?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lolly


      Obvious this child is YOURs!

    3. ladydusk
    4. elegantlion


      Last Day of Socrates and The Republic.

  23. “Be men now, dear friends, and take up the heart of courage, and have consideration for each other in the strong encounters, since more come through alive when men consider each other, and there is no glory when they give way, nor warcraft either.†- The Iliad book 5 line 529-532

  24. You can hover over threads now! How awesome! Thank you!

  25. It snowed a little today. I am not excited. Ds was thrilled, I am cold.

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