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Posts posted by ELaurie

  1. This will be my 5th year homeschooling (counting preschool and K ) and until last week I had never met another homeschooling family in our community. In order to connect with other homeschoolers, I need to drive a minimum of 30 minutes, usually more. (I'm not complaining, simply describing my situation.)


    At times I felt isolated, until I found the WTM boards. The boards were not only a wonderful source for information, but a source of support as well. It felt like a virtual community, and I echo the sentiments of others who loved the feel of being able to mill about and drop in on a conversation, share a laugh, or offer a word of encouragement.


    Now I feel like all of the conversations are going on "behind the scenes". I find it confusing to follow threads when they jump around on the boards. I do appreciate the efforts of SWB and her team to make the board as "user friendly" as possible.


    But I feel like we're all in separate "cubicles", and it feels less friendly to me. That's not meant as a complaint either, merely an description of my experience.


    I remain grateful for SWB and those who graciously provide these boards for our use but I doubt I'll be posting or lurking as often as I once did.

  2. For us, Latin is secondary to Greek and Hebrew. I want my dc to be able to read the Bible in the original languages. That being said, I would also like for them to have a "working knowledge" of Latin. It's less important to me for them to read classic literature in Latin, but I do want them to understand the Latin roots of English vocabulary and grammar.


    My dc are in K and 2nd this year, and we are focusing on Hebrew at present. I plan to gently introduce some Latin vocabulary when my oldest is in 3rd, using PL, which I happen to have on my shelf. I'd like them to continue with Latin through Jr. High and possibly 2 years in HS. However, at some point, I will also encourage them to choose one (or two) classical language(s) to pursue in a more in depth way during the HS and college years.


    Of course, these are my thoughts now - my ideas may change over time as we tackle 3 classical languages in the grammar school years. If I keep my goals realistic, however, and take things slowly, I hope we will be able to do it.

  3. It's a bit tricky for us because we are a Messianic Jewish family. DH is a Jewish believer, and we practice a Jewish lifestyle, as Believers in Jesus. My dc are learning Hebrew, and memorizing Scripture verses that are relevant to the divisions in the Torah, which is divided into stories, but doesn't have chapters and verse numbers.


    I do feel like it's important for them to be familiar with the chapter headings and verses found in a more typical Bible, but I have really focused more on them knowing that the ten commandments are found in the portion Yitro (Jethro), than knowing exactly which chapter they are in. A secondary goal related to this example would be for them to memorize the ten commandments (in English) and to learn to chant them in Hebrew (when they are older).


    My third priority is to emphasise the connections between the Torah, and other Old Testament stories, with the life of Jesus. For example, there are an important connections between the ten commandments given at Sinai and Jesus' teaching when He gave the Sermon on the Mount.


    As I am writing this, I think I am answering my own question - I've been drawing on the adult study materials we use in our congregational Bible study to help them see these kinds of connections, and perhaps rather than adding another Bible study program I just need to continue doing what I have been doing!


    Thank you for helping me think it through - and I hope you find what you are looking for for your dd :)

  4. Hi Janna!


    I've been away from the boards for quite awhile, and returned just in time to try to figure out the new forums! Alex has moved to Lake Zurich, which is about 30 minutes west of here, and his brother Amadeo is in Northbrook, about 15 minutes south of Deerfield. I haven't seen Alex since he moved, but I hear he is doing great. Amadeo has cut my hair twice, and although I loved Alex, Amadeo is a lot closer, and I really like him too.


    Are you planning to go to the conference in Cincinnati this year? I'm still debating about it . . . I'd really love to go to GA to hear SWB and JW, who will both be there. It's my birthday weekend, and I might just do it! (We have loads of frequent flyer miles, otherwise it would be crazy to even consider it.)


    How are you?



  5. I've been using VP's Bible study materials with my dc, ages 8 and 5 this year. We usually listen to the song a couple of times each week, look at the cards, read the selected passages from Scripture and read several commentaries throughout the course of the week.


    My dc respond to questions on the worksheets orally, and we do the projects occasionally. We also discuss life application questions informally as they come up.


    The questions are generally "just right" for my 5 yo, but my 8 yo complains that they are too easy, and he is bored by them.


    I been doing some sample lessons from the Explorer's Discovery program, with my 8 yo this week, and he seems to find them somewhat more challenging.


    I'm somewhat reluctant to combine the programs, primarily because I don't want to add another subject to our day (Discovery seems a bit daunting for a 5 yo). On the other hand, I want my dc to be interested and engaged in Bible study!


    Another aspect of this may be that we're studying Genesis - Joshua this year, and the stories are so familiar to them at this point that they may be finding it repetitious.


    I like the idea of studying the Bible chronologically with them over the course of several years, and I like the historical context provided by the commentaries we're reading using VP. If I stick with VP, I'm hoping VP's Judges through Kings will be a better fit because the material will be new to them.


    Perhaps I'm just "thinking online" here, but I would welcome suggestions.

  6. but I, for one, enjoy having it :)


    It's written in a very readable style, similar to SOTW.


    (if you are a Christian, and subscribe to a young earth POV - you might want to edit or omit the initial chapter; you also may not agree with some of the views presented elsewhere about Islam and Biblical prophecy. I have not found these offensive; in fact, they have provided some very good discussion topics at our house.)

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