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Everything posted by Trilliumlady

  1. For those who are using and loving Altras, are you runners by chance? I’m a pretty serious runner, and am looking for the magic unicorn running shoe. I’ve liked what I’ve used over the years for the most part, but always on a search for the greener grass… ETA: specific to bunions, that is. Mine are pretty big but don’t cause too much pain (yet).
  2. I think my desire to file quickly comes from two things: the panic of finding out he’s moving large quantities of money and the papers I will file state that after they are filed, no transferring of funds should be occurring, so I want to get that in place asap I guess. Second, my personality is such that I hem and haw and ponder and pray and think and ponder and am my own devil’s advocate for ages until a decision is finally clear. Then, when it becomes clear, I act immediately, just like I’m getting kicked into gear and want progress right away. So, personality quirk is the other half of the desire to file quickly, I guess.
  3. Thank you so much for asking. It does feel like it’s pouring down, sometimes more than others. I appreciate you asking, thank you.
  4. One more question, if I could, and hopefully someone might have some insight on it. I am really wanting to get these papers filed ASAP. I was planning to do this Monday (in two days) and then would be seeing the lawyer Wednesday for the consult. A few of the offices I’ve called have asked me if papers have already been filed - is this just a normal question? Will it be easier/harder for them if I already have filed? Is there any particular reason I’d be making it less likely to be taken as a client if I already have them filed? Any thoughts at all on this??
  5. All of these answers are so helpful. Thank you so much. Some of them in particular I had not thought of. Trying so hard to not want to panic.
  6. Yes, the family farm is my parents’ farm they put in an estate with them and my sister and I
  7. We separated in April, he has been living in the loft over our garage working on the (family) farm, acres he uses without paying rent. We own (with mortgage) our house and about 1 acre it sits on in middle of family estate farm. Since beginning of Aug he has not be helping out with any household payments (had been giving a weekly amount) but is living here rent free. I’m paying everything for kids, mortgage, bills, etc. I have told him I want divorce, he is unwilling to sign. I will have to file separately, plan is three days from now. He knows this and knows he’ll be served papers but still claims “he won’t sign anything.” Other backstory: I’ve done most of the income earning, ALL of the schooling, 95% of the parenting all the marriage. This divorce is d/t repeated physical and non-physical adultery. Again, we live on family farm and my parents are HUGELY involved in my three kids’ lives. Other details: I found one of his farm business bank statements (my name never got on the account, so I can’t call bank and ask for them). He deposited 13,000 last month. Took out 8000 in cash for who knows what (there have been no new purchases), (DS said he was sending 2500 at least once to “brother” in foreign country.) He doesn’t know I saw the statement. Told him again this morning I am filing and asked if we could come up with an agreement about dividing things to send in with papers. I asked him how much he had made last month, he said “oh I don’t remember (this guy remembers money numbers like nobody I’ve EVER met), maybe 1 or 3 thousand.” Blatant lie. I asked via text to see bank statement, he hasn’t responded. So what do I do. I’m panicked. We have shared bank accounts that I have access to online that he’s never accessed online, and one personal (work, I’m also self employed) bank account, all at same bank. I just moved all but $50 out of all shared accounts to my personal account. Can I do that? What else can I do? Can I get his name off CC account without his knowledge? I’m working on finding a lawyer, but the only one I met with was less than impressive and made it sound like things would go a lot more in husband’s favor than mine. All others I’ve called are not taking new clients, or don’t serve my area (we are rural). I’ve skimmed divorce threads here in the past but am too panicked and scattered right now to search for them. Please help. ETA: Added a question further down in the thread about if I should file before seeing a lawyer or not….
  8. Dealing with a similar issue here and hoping it’s just iron deficiency anemia. DD15 just had labs done, platelets normal, Hgb 8.5, ferritin 2! B12 and Folate were both normal. Vit D 28. Thyroid and CMP all normal. This all started last week. Started on beef liver capsules 4 a day (6 is dosage for adult, she’s 99 lb so thought I’d ease her into it), 5000IU Vit D, Vit C, and then a gentle iron at night. She got an iron infusion 300 mg of venofer yesterday. Plan for us is to recheck labs a week from tomorrow and will repeat iron infusion if necessary and possibly a visit to hematologist if indicated (if levels aren’t starting to rise). Her PCP said that kids generally can respond well to oral and iron infusions and have levels rise more quickly than adults. I’m hoping that’s the case. I need to get her Hemaplex as well but haven’t yet. How she was functioning and running CC with these levels is 100% beyond me. The only way I was clued to know something seemed odd was she cut herself shaving and bled into the next day with it. So, all this to say - I think that considering iron infusion and hardcore supplementation for a month or two then rechecking would be an appropriate option, rather than going to blood transfusion right away. Just my two cents, take it for what it’s worth. Did her ferritin get checked at all??? I bet that’s low too!
  9. We are currently at 165. I think it was 211 earlier today or something like that. No air conditioner, but I think we’re all ok, including my DD who has some exercise induced asthma. I definitely have NEVER seen it as hazy as it was around 11 am today though. EVER.
  10. I’d love some if you have a few off the top of your head, thank you.
  11. Well, it sounds like the history of medicine is the first request, then AP as a second alternative. So far what I have this afternoon is possibly MP Exploring Biology (since I already have it on my shelf for a quarter or so), then Ellen McHenry Cells and Brain, then the last few weeks of the year doing CPR/First Aid/teaching suturing/reading Quark Chronicles/not sure what else….
  12. My DS will be 8th next year. He is in MP Online MS Science 1 now with Mrs. Peterson and thoroughly enjoyed the History of Medicine section. He’s requesting a course next year that might be able to continue this interest. I have been looking and am finding not much, unfortunately. It would be difficult for me right now to come up with a self-made course and figure out how to figure out assessing progress, etc, but I wouldn’t be TOTALLY opposed to the idea. Are there any suggestions anyone has found recently? Thank you!
  13. I tested my TSH a month ago (5.69, has NEVER been this high). Started a regimen of inositol, kelp tablets, Vit D, selenium, Ashwaganda, zinc, among some other supplements for my slightly elevated tryglicerides and LDL (HDL, the good cholesterol, is also way high, which I hope might balance out the other elevated numbers….). Tested my FT4 and Ft3 and thyroid antibodies two days ago and they were extremely normal. My Vit D level was 36 I think last I checked which I’m definitely working on improving. ANYWAY, all this to be said… I don’t really have any obvious symptoms of thyroid problems. I suppose some fatigue in afternoons, but then again I often wake at 530 to 6 and go to bed around 10. Exercises every day at least 30 minutes, usually 60+. Don’t always sleep the best but could also chalk that up to cyclical issues. Often cold, but I’ve also lost some weight in the last year and half and don’t have padding lol. Not having problems with struggling with gaining weight. The big key is that I have over the last year and a half to two years also been under a lot of stress which I’m guessing might have knocked things awry. AND ANWAY, all THAT to be said… In my research, I think I chalk my dx up to subclinical hypothyroidism. And all I’m finding says that it is likely not wise to treat with my picture (which, possibly, looks similar to yours). Often, even, people with subclinical hypo can stay this way for years, (it does not at all mean a guarantee it will progress to full blown hypothyroidism), or even be back to much more normal labs in 5 years or so. SO, i think waiting at least 6 months, at least, if not a year, wouldn’t be unreasonable. I am not opposed to medicating, but I definitely don’t want to just go full board. I do think it was kind of a fad a number of years ago (or at least in some medical circles) to really over diagnose thyroid issues, possibly to the detriment of women. Because I feel my particular case can be chalked up to stress and anxiety, I’m going to work on supplements to heal pituitary and thyroid and work on some mental stressors I have in hopes to get my body reset and then recheck myself in 6 to 12 months. Aviva Romm thyroid articles (google her) and endocrineweb.com have been very helpful at helping me self dx which I feel comfortable at this point doing (I am in a medical field and can consult with friends as needed. I probably will at some point when I’m hanging out with someone). So, maybe spend some time self analyzing what symptoms you have and what has been happening in your life to possibly cause this increase, research on endocrineweb.com, and see what you feel comfortable with?
  14. Wow. Timely post, glad I stumbled on this. Bookmarking for when we finish some Wendell Berry short stories we’re working on…
  15. That Heroes of WWII sounds like something he’d like, I’ll have to watch for that. Picked up 3 of the previous recommendations from above, thank you all SO MUCH
  16. Oh my goodness, this is an amazing list!! Just now getting back to the forums and am going to check these all out tonight. Thank you all so so much!
  17. Looking for Xmas gift ideas here for 7th grade boy who just took MPOA History of Medicine and surprisingly loved it. I always get them a book or two for Xmas and have been racking my brain for some that might really interest him but am coming up short. Fiction, non-fiction, any ideas from anyone in the Hive?
  18. Adding my opinion. We are having a basic screen door installed on a back door at our business in rural Midwest. Handyman isn’t marking up the door cost (~$200) and will be re-doing the framework around it (removing old door jam, painting and installing new 1x10s around the frame) and installing the door and will be about $700. Much less custom work than it sounds you are needing, plus MUCH less fancy of a door.
  19. Following with great interest….. And off to look into a Moka Pot…
  20. Sigh. Cup gaps. Yes. Off to check these out, never heard of them..
  21. My feet which have random bunion problems and DON’T like Chacos AT ALL (or, at least, the soles they used 20 some years ago….) do just fine in them? Not sure if that helps or not!
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