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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. I am not a smoker. However, if I were a smoker who was in a public place alone with her child, I would want the child right there beside me, especially tots and preschoolers. They can dart away in a flash.
  2. :iagree: :iagree::iagree: I would not want to be a part of a group where members felt free to ask nosy invasive questions about my family planning.
  3. Hair removal has been a custom in various cultures for various reasons over the centuries. The *current* American tradition of hair removal is rooted in pornography but has gone mainstream. Other body modification practices, such as tattooing, have moved from counterculture to mainstream. I suspect that those who support body mod practices overestimate benefits while underestimating risks while those who oppose them do opposite. My position is that each person should do what they want with their body as long as they are of age of reason as long as it is legal. That includes refusing medical treatment that is popularly (and scientifically) accepted as appropriate.
  4. I too miss that Catholic church you described even though I am not a person who finds the basic paradigm of Christianity believable.
  5. Finding hairless female pubic mounds arousing and attractive is a fairly recent phenomenon (1990s) popularized primarily by pornography. Neither my parnter nor I find anything unattractive in what you refer to as jungle look in either males or females, but people have sovereignity over their own bodies. Thus, they should do what pleases them. With a creative mind at work, there are numerous solutions to any practical problems presented by alternative sexual practices with a natural partner. I do not follow most fashion trends, pornographic ones included.
  6. My sociology major college student did an experiment where he posed as a wheelchair-bound person to gain a clearer understanding of what life was like for a mobilely (word?) disabled person. I truly doubt that the boyfriends' parents were in the dark despite what was reported. Both experiments remind me of less elaborate version of Griffin's "Black Like Me." We can read and observe others' experiences but there is no substitute for first hand experience.
  7. Au naturel here too. Although I hold no opinion either way on pubic hair removal for other men or women, I am uncomfortable with the resulting pre-pubescent look for myself. I do not want my 40+ year old pubic mound to look like that of a ten year old. However, I have scissor-trimmed, shaved, bleached, and waxed pubic hair that spread to upper thighs around swimsuit line. Waxing stings like a hard slap, but it really is not all that uncomfortable; pull the skin taut when ripping off the hardened wax. The bleach can be irritating to skin. I itched a day or so after the bleaching. ETA: Was in late teens/early 20s when I experiment with removal of pubic hairs from upper thighs. Reverted to completely natural thereafter.
  8. When pondering death rituals, I have often wondered why this practice is not already in place for those who desire it.
  9. Fist pumping in agreement here! I have a relative who will suck out your life force if you do not shield yourself with tough love.
  10. I would be cheering him on and encouraging him to live adventurously while young. There is no better time to do so.
  11. What made you decide that your children should address you as "ma'am" or "sir?" Were they exhibiting a pattern of disrespectful behavior that you believe use of titles will resolve or lessen? My guess would be that modeling the behavior would be sufficient. However, personally I would consider it a complement to a strong foundation in etiquette, not an essential core element. For what it is worth: our firm has to "unteach" young adult (usually Southern) employees who consistently address clients and partners with "ma'am" or "sir" because it is viewed as subservient and unprofessional.
  12. I have never attended a homeschool convention. However, we own a couple of his dvd sets: the one about teaching writing and the student writing intensive. His approach revolutionized writing for us.
  13. What do atheists believe happen when you die? Body putrefies and decomposes. Is this life the be-all, end-all? Cannot say with certainty, but lack of evidence otherwise leads me to tentative conclusion that it is the be-all end-all. If so, if there is no promise of 'reward' in an after-life, why conduct yourself morally? or do you? I mean obviously you don't want to spend this life in jail, etc... but hopefully you understand what I mean. I assume you would behave as ethically as you do now if you suddenly lost your religious faith. If you did not believe that there is a future system of rewards and punishments, how would YOU behave differently? People who conduct themselves in a compassionate and socially acceptable manner do so because it feels right to them. Those who believe in gods may offer a different explanation for their conduct than those who do not. Religion probably has little to do with morality.
  14. :iagree: Simply because they would not allow a law enforcement officer into their home does not mean that they are breaking the law -- unless being a dumb jerk counts. When I had to call the police about a matter, I waited out front and spoke with them on my porch.
  15. No, I would not do it to please my husband. He could afterschool the children.
  16. You can't learn NFP by someone just giving you tips. It is based on observing the presence and consistency of cervical mucous (and possibly basal body temperature) to determine fertility. Check with the nearest catholic diocese to see if they offer a class. Check Amazon or your library for books on the topic. As a longterm NFP user, it is my personal opinion that NFP is not the best method to use if you cannot handle the possibility of another pregnancy.
  17. I have an old Westbend metal crockpot that sits on a griddle base. It is more than ten years old. I cook my grassfed chuck roasts in stock and gravy mix on high for 2 or 3 hours. Then I add the vegetables and cook another 1 or 2 hours.
  18. Based upon your description of the relationship with them, there is not a parental bond with either of them, especially the stepmother, who is a peer of yours. Thus, I personally would feel no obligation to care for either of them physically or financially when they are elderly and in frail health.
  19. The playing field has never been even. Those with the funds and inclination will get whatever procedures they desire. I sometimes wonder if classic beauty will ultimately be available only to the rich or to the genetically lucky people.
  20. If that is what my guests want, yes I would. I understand how rare or even medium rare beef can be unappealing to diners. I prefer rare too, especially with free range grassfed beef.
  21. If anyone googles my husband's name, the first hit is his consulting business phone number along with a map to our home office. Even if you have whitepages.com and similar sites remove your information, it can reappear when their databases are periodically updated. Some of these sites provide a list of possible relatives. All my young adult children, siblings, and some sibling-in-laws are shown. You can visit property assessor site for our county to learn history of sales and permits pulled for an address; it also lists details like number of bedrooms and bathrooms and square feet. Many court records are online and are public records. Want to know if someone has declared bankruptcy? Call the federal court in their district for copies of records at 50 cents per page. All this and much more can be found free in online searches. A few hundred dollars to a private investigator will yield much more. People often forget that they can be traced through small things like county pet licenses. If you have a professional license issued by your state, anyone can locate your name and business address.
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