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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. You stated he is too passive about all of this. What do you think he should do that would entail non-passivity ?
  2. Some people seem to have strong focus on pointing out who is to blame particularly in parent-child relationship struggles and itemizing all ways that child has disrespected and disappointed them. You are correct that “young adults are not always blameless” but an effective parent can see the forest (overall picture) without blaming trees and hopefully set aside their own egos in effort to maintain loving relationship with adult child. Maybe the parents and step-parents will reconsider before they lose the child permanently. In most cases adult kids do not cut off parents and step parents without basis. Honestly I think they should consider themselves fortunate if she does reach out to them again.
  3. You stated that mother was opposed to meeting child outside home. It is splitting hairs to claim she did not turn her away when child stated she did not want to be around step-parent. You have no way of knowing whether child had basis to cut contact with either parent or step-parent. You are hearing only mother’s version so a lot is missing from this narrative.
  4. Yes, I would accept child’s invitation. What parent or step-parent in their right mind would turn her away?
  5. Generally I do not wear a bra except when I’m going out somewhere in light colored tops that show my left nipple. The once cancerous right breast has no nipple and is considerably smaller than healthy breast due to shrinking from radiation fibrosis syndrome. However, occasionally I do go out in light tops without bra. I consistently do my fitness walking in neighborhood braless in light tank tops. I am moving toward totally permanently braless.
  6. I was done when I had as many as I felt I could support on my own if I ever had to. Originally we had planned to have one more child, but youngest had special needs which required intensive parenting.
  7. Not quite sure what you mean by “believe in” luck. I “believe in” statistics that are properly gathered and reported. For example, if there is a one in 300,000,000 chance of winning lottery, the winner was fortunate enough to defy the odds. If you live for many years beyond the life expectancy for your socioeconomic level, you were probably fortunate recipient of genetic lottery. Haven’t read replies to post.
  8. To answer original question, I worked for large mainframe computer company with a young man in late 1980 who was convinced the moon landing was a hoax filmed in a field in middle of nowhere. Someone mentioned religious fundamentalism in earlier; he was a particularly zealous Jehovah’s Witness adherent who was an eager proselytizer. He was in his mid 20s at the time. Hope he came to his senses re conspiracy theories. He is only person I have known who thought moon landing was hoax.
  9. How did the biological mother get your phone number? Could you change the number? If you do put house in a living trust, do not use your name as part of trust name. For a determined person, there are workarounds the personal info removal paid services, so I wouldn’t count on them. Many people take care to ensure their privacy but forget small things such as using name and address on county pet license.
  10. If I were asked “what is a woman,” I’d be tempted to respond with something along lines of “I would have thought you would have figured that out by now” and redirect conversation or just walk away.
  11. Give it to adult child who is struggling financially.
  12. I suppose I would agree. However, at any moment in time, my favorite child is whichever one is going through a difficult time and is in need of extra loving care and attention. If all kids are in good place, then I do not have a favorite child. When they were younger, I was careful about shared interests with kids. For example, one kid and I shared interest in Scots Irish heritage, poetry and supporting certain sociopolitical stances. Another one and I enjoyed hiking, outdoors in general and travel. I had little in common with the youngest child but learned enough about fashion and makeup and anime so could enjoy and discuss with her.
  13. Happy and relieved for you and your family.
  14. I do not sell items but I have advertised them as free even if they are still in excellent condition and are desirable. I note that recipient must get item to vehicle himself or herself and it is strictly first come first served. Never again! Too many problems. I received emails and texts for DAYS when gave away a basically new TKD kick thing that stood upright and cost few hundred dollars. I had updated post to state item no longer available. People kept asking me to hold it for them. First woman to arrive had her frail elderly mother as helper for the very heavy sand-filled stand. Husband had to end up getting it into her truck. I wouldn’t put up with the wishy washy woman. People like her are why we simply gave jacuzzi hot tub, exercise equipment, furniture and booze to the workers and contractors who remodeled our house instead of advertising on Facebook give away group.
  15. Yes, I would assuming price was reasonable. May try to negotiate price down due to murder if it was a buyer’s market.
  16. We’ve paid local junk removers couple times for large items. Everything went smoothly. When we did some remodeling last year, we gave away furniture, exercise equipment and other large items to workers who wanted them.
  17. I generally stay out of these threads to avoid heartbreak even though I have a child in his upper 30s who transitioned to male early on in his life. I wanted to address the notion that gender dysphoria presenting in early childhood often resolves itself as child grows. My child exhibited certain mannerisms and behaviors by age 3 or 4 that I had seen in the only other person I knew from my childhood who exhibited gender dysphoria. I don’t know what became of her but I hope she got out of that hick town and found loving support and medical care. My child’s gender dysphoria remained constant. Around 14, he began living as male and started physical transition at age 18 after medical approval. His mental health and general outlook improved when he began the transition process. No one in his life pressured him to be a person who was transgender; in fact, the opposite was true. My child’s story of course is anecdotal but sometimes learning about an actual human’s experience can be more enlightening than slew of studies. Of course, you may choose to dismiss his experience if you wish. This is extent of information I can share without violating my child’s privacy.
  18. If this hobby group is open to public, how can you stop the relative from going or joining ? Sounds very frustrating.
  19. My liver doctor advised against all supplements and alternative treatments such as coffee enema (yes, that’s really a thing).
  20. Assuming brother-in-law’s wife is open to the situation, my first concern would be that brother-in-law will be exhausted with new baby. May be good idea to wait until baby has established a sleep pattern. When time comes that one of dog’s owners no longer want the responsibility, will the other owner step up to plate to provide life long home to dog? Sounds like a good setup for puppy if it’s training is consistent between the two homes.
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