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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Here's a simple fix for the problem: Ditch your land line and existing cell. Purchase a prepaid cell. Give the number only to people you wish to contact.
  2. :iagree: It seems rather provincial and arrogant to assume that we are the only intelligent life forms in the vast expanse of the known and unknown universe. However, I am not referring to aliens who travel in aircraft and who allegedly abduct humans to implant microtransmitters behind their ears or stick probes ....
  3. I thought you were trying to go low contact with mother-in-law to the point of Wolf having to field all contact with her and that you were going no contact with your own mother. I guess I'm confused now that you have stated you asked mil to move to your area prior to the recent birth of your last child. When you were complaining about mil wanting to be called at onset of labor with Boo, I recall your resolve to insist Wolf deal with her while from there on out. Now you seem quite concerned that other family members are under impression you seldom interact with mil. If you truly did go low contact with mil, then that is an accurate assessment on the part of your extended family members. You just have to do what is best for your family and not fret so much about others' impressions of you.
  4. I accidentally clicked "maybe..." when I meant "would not spend over the budget."
  5. :iagree:I still miss certain cultural references from my decade or so of not watching television.
  6. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I am old enough to have heard three different generations [great grandfather lived to be 100] and now my own express the view that the society is on downward spiral. I am convinced that this must be an almost universal human sentiment. In a nice area, our home was extensively burglarized in mid afternoon. We passed on getting the burglar alarm. The kids and I were out of town, but another family member arrived home while it was in progress. We passed on a security system again after there was an unsolved execution type murder in the neighborhood. We live in one of the highest crime rate cities in nation but exercise common sense precautions. One thing we did do was purchase cell phones for all the kids.
  7. Please do nothing except tell her how proud you are of her for her giving kind spirit. Then facilitate getting the cut for her. If her appearance is shocking to you, continue the focus on her selfless act while telling her it will take a little time for you to get used to the new look. Super short cuts are easy to care for and look darn cute. She may decide to keep the short look for a few years. One of my daughters has been harvesting her incredibly fast-growning hair for Locks of Love since she was twelve.
  8. My daughter and I also thoroughly enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom. We will keep an eye out for the other film you mentioned.
  9. He carried out his destruction with a single handgun according to article and held white supremacist views although he was not a member of any organization. It is being treated as a case of domestic terrorism according the the NBC article: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/05/13130110-gunman-opens-fire-at-sikh-temple-in-wisconsin-7-dead?lite
  10. What a timely conversation as the USA has had yet another mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Reportedly seven people were killed.
  11. I think that the posters here were seeking only others' respect, not approval. As for wheedling folks, that probably could be stopped with a "My silence is out of respect for you. Do not confuse my silence for approval of your actions."
  12. A family member was locked out by burglars when he arrived home during the burglary. We always answer, even if it is just via the intercom, because we are afraid it is a neighbor or passerby needing help. Yes, we answer phone for same reason. I would not want to miss an emergency call from child or anyone else in distress. I would much rather interrupt school or dinner for fifteen seconds than to unintentionally miss an emergency call. To clarify, we are not people who engage in casual phone chatting except with family members who live outside the area.
  13. :iagree::iagree: We lived in a similar neighborhood for a few years and handled those situations pretty much the same as you. We handled them same way in the better area; actually it was in the better area where a child short on social skills just walked into our house without knocking. If someone knocks and we are home, we answer, but we have no problem with frankly saying no thank you without explanation to people selling beliefs, goods, or services.
  14. :iagree::iagree: This is precisely what I was attempting to convey in a few choppily written sentences.
  15. I agree with Catwoman that you should continue your education in a marketable skill. You mentioned that phlebotomy school would cost a big percentage of your income. I was wondering .... are you going to a for profit trade school? If yes, you may find a much less expensive program at a local community college; our community college also has an onsite daycare. It is hard juggling school, work, and a family, but you will be glad you chose to do so. When your husband finds a new or better job, you can always scale back your work hours.
  16. :iagree: :iagree: I would not consider this situation complaint-worthy.
  17. I see no problem with five, even more, people using only two bathrooms.
  18. Although the model of traditional family with working father and stay at home mother is ideal for those who desire it, it unfortunately leaves the nonworking partner in a bind if the relationship deteriorates, if husband loses job, or if husband becomes disabled. I hope that they always continue to work part time in their fields, so that they can be financially independent if the need arises. Even if a woman has a professional degree and work experience, as time lapses, that experience becomes less and less relevant.
  19. Absolutely not. I fully expect them to spread their wings and go off on adventures while they are young.
  20. How in the world could you know with any degree of confidence whether either of the two men you mentioned are gay? One lived so long ago that no alleged lovers would be coming out of the woodwork, and, as far I know, the football player has graciously kept his private intimate life private.
  21. You have learned a hard valuable lesson. It is wise to share marital troubles only with your partner or a professional. When you tell a friend or relative of certain actions taken by your partner, that friend or relative may harbor ill feelings long after you have forgiven your partner and moved on, which can make the situation very awkward.
  22. This is what i was going to suggest. Some charities I work with send out function invitations by Evite or facebook. To answer your question, yes, you may be somewhat behind times if you expect U.S. mailed invitations for showers. ALL the shower invitations I've received for last few years have been through Evite. We do still receive U.S. mailed graduation announcements and invitations to weddings.
  23. I'm guessing that the Hive's shock and awe responses give the spankophiles a thrill and giggle.
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