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Everything posted by WTMCassandra

  1. Sorry, there's no way I would do white cabinets on a ranch. Our current house has white cabinets (were there when we moved in) and they show E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. I'm fortunate that they are good quality and clean well, but boy, it is a constant job. And we are just cushy suburbanites. I shudder to think about farm/ranch dirt and white cabinets. What about some kind of wood finish on the cabinets?
  2. That the people who are "closest" to you can be hostile, meaning you ill. Even if they are "Christians." Or family. I haven't found this thread depressing, but cathartic. Thank you!
  3. No, I hadn't heard of it either. But most hilarious!!! (and somehow sad at the same time) I found it particularly funny since I was a technical writer in an earlier life, and I combined writing, science, and math all the time!!!
  4. We have an alumni coaching, but it's her first year coaching. She's very good at "how to argue," but her admitted weakness is research/case writing. I have a lot of general experience in research and technical writing, but am new to debate. I'm trying to figure out the baby steps so I can teach them to my children (and help the other TP team we have). We are all working hard together. But no, it's not like we have multiple alumni/varsity hanging around.
  5. I was not aware of this! Thanks. We did go to a camp, but they didn't have time to cover writing an AFF case. (Don't get me wrong, the camp was really good. They helped in a lot of other areas.)
  6. Oh yes. (I should have remembered to say that in the initial post.) We actually used that format closely for our initial draft, and that did not go over well at all.
  7. We are in a new club that is starting up this year, and we are novices. Our family has a sibling Team Policy debate team. We are looking for constructive comments on how to write a 1AC. (We have a draft but were decimated in club last night.) Can anyone help?
  8. I'm guaranteed to be either the most liberal or the most conservative person in any room. And I don't fit the mold for either. To make it worse, I really like people who like to discuss the realm of ideas. (This is apparently quite rare, to my shock.)
  9. Oh yes, you can get an Amen. I have this problem regularly with one child. And I bet you can guess which one. ; )
  10. Not sure if this is what you want, but have you considered KISS Grammar: http://www.homeschoolfreebie.wholesomechildhood.com/kiss-grammar-mega-course-grades-1-through-12/ I don't know how independent it is, but I saw some samples and was pleasantly surprised by its thoroughness. And a discerning friend of mine swears by it--and she is totally against dumbed down busy work stuff.
  11. No way would I wear skirts if I were cold in them all the time. For everyday wear, I normally wear capri leggings paired with smooth-knit knee socks, as well as a slip so that the leggings don't catch on the skirt. Then I wear a casual leather kind of shoe, or low clogs, or flats. The next step up for me is to wear silk long underwear and possibly a low sock, then the leggings and regular socks over that. If it's truly frigid or I'm going to Leavenworth (boy it is brutally cold there in the winter), I pull 100% wool tights over both of the other layers, and I also wear knee-height snow boots. Usually the skirt causes a sort of cone of warmth that insulates pretty well.
  12. Nor do we need to drop our pencil every 1.7 minutes.
  13. Make the skirt longish, like mid-calf length, of a sturdy fabric. Wear silk long underwear bottoms. Then put 100% wool tights over that, and extra socks, if you'd like. If it's not quite as cold, I wear leggings and knee socks. These measures keep me very toasty. The skirt seems to trap warmer air in a kind of insulating cone, especially if it's a nice sturdy one.
  14. We always copied math problems out. No workbooks there. I can't remember any worksheets, really. I do remember how we loved to smell the occasional mimeograph when I was child. It was a treat!
  15. I would call the pediatrician and have her checked out. My daughter did develop Type 1 diabetes at age 12. It does happen. The pediatrician can check it out pretty easily, and then you'll know one way or the other.
  16. I think you should separate the "forgiving" and the "giving in" parts. I think they are two separate issues. I think you should forgive them in your heart when you are able, but I do NOT think that automatically means you need to trust them, "give in," or otherwise allow toxic people access to your life. I would see this "time out" as a gift from the Lord to give you some rest, and I wouldn't push to end it.
  17. :lol::lol::lol: That is soooo me! Perfect! I always say I'm a charter member of the No Fun Moms club. I am TOTALLY with you on this!
  18. We are pretty WTM-purist here, and we generally go 8-4 with a break for lunch. But typically no homework in the evenings, unless you have been dawdling during the day ; ).
  19. What frustrates me is that at a given salon, people will tout their pet products. I'm hoping for a more objective approach. Thanks for the book recommendation!
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