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Posts posted by Peso

  1. Hi everyone!

    I'm in my last year of homeschooling (sadly), about to graduate my last senior.  While at my local library this afternoon one of the librarians asked me for homeschool magazine recommendations, and it occurred to me that the library would be best served by periodicals dealing with middle school and below, which I haven't been a part of in 4 years - so I thought I would ask all of you - any ideas?  Secular  and Christian recommendations welcome, I'll pass them along and they can decide which ones to get for the library.

    Thanks very much for any help!

    Penny  🙂

    "I discovered books, and then I read forever"  --  John Adams

  2. Quick Question...

    Does she need the workbook?  If so does it have the answers included in it?  I read upthread that I can email the publisher for the answer key - is that for the book or the workbook?

    I appreciate your suggestion for this program, and the online resource (which I am wondering if maybe that takes the place of the workbook?  If so, does *that* have answers?) - it looks just right!

    Thanks again - 


  3. Good morning!

    My daughter will be a senior next year and would like to finish up with a year of latin.  She has had an introduction and has done three years of French.  She is fairly adept at languages, and loves all things classical.  One of the reasons she wants to do some more latin is because she is narrowing down her goals and is pretty sure classical studies will be a minor or major for her.  An introductory program would probably be best, but not something like Getting Started with Latin.  She has done that and is capable of quite a bit more.  Is there anything like a college intro level program?  Maybe a Memoria Press program? I haven't looked at Latin is a long time, so I'm in the dark about what's out there.  She has also done a year of Greek, which she loved.

    A program or books studied at home are much preferred over online resources (unless its something like a Teaching Textbooks style program).  She does not want to take the class outside of home as she works a lot and it would be hard to schedule.  

    All help gratefully appreciated, and thank you so much!  I can't believe this is my last legit year to read these boards. I've been here since 2003, and could not have done this without SWB and  everyone else!

    Thanks again,


  4. Ohhhhh, I didn't realize that about the Shi book - I thought is was more like SOTW.  Rats.  I made the mistake of not using the SWB high school series (which I own, which makes it really silly that I didn't) and I am kicking myself because this daughter would enjoy history that way.  She just finished world history through Oak Meadow (which was fine, but meh) and she really wants "living books"... hmmm...... must think...

    I'll look at American Odyssey - thanks for the tip!  I will also check Abebooks - that's a great idea.  Might find a whole host of yummy history books!  oboy!! :)

    Thanks for your replies!


  5. Hello everyone - I would like to use the recommendation in WTM for US History, the books by David Shi.  Unfortunately, they are getting terrible condition reviews (missing chapters, falling apart, etc.) on Amazon.   I'm wondering if you all think that the issues are just here and there and I should consider just ordering and hope I'm lucky with our set - or if I should wait until perhaps some new books are printed.  Opinions?

    The other thought is to find different spine  - any ideas?  I have a textbook, but my daughter has specifically requested a narrative spine.  

    All ideas appreciated!  Thank you!!

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