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  2. TKD class, taught by dd14. She is murder on the warm-ups!
  3. Documentaries! And they can watch anything they want as long as they can "justify" how it relates to science . . . example, Kid is actually interested in Roman empire but . . . those roads were made out of different types of rocks & materials . . . "See, mom?! It's SCIENCE!" . . . Hockey pucks slide on ice differently with different polymers, recipes combining different flavors / foods / macronutrients, pets who can identify cancer, etc . . . this short exercise re-ignited a middle schooler's curiosity in this house a few years ago . . . maybe it could work for you, too?
  4. beautiful couple! Congratulations!
  5. When I was driving home from college for a weekend visit, the timing belt in my car broke. I walked to the nearest office and asked to use the phone. My parents were outside, burning the grass, I think. They had finally gotten an answering machine, but who knew how long it would take for them to get the message and come for me? I called my boyfriend (dh now) but he was out. I left a message. The office was closing. The business owner, a middle aged man, came and sat in my car with me. He used his cell phone to call AAA. He told me I would "be his daughter" so I didn't have to pay for a tow truck. He called to find a garage that was still open and was willing to take my care. Maybe we sat in his car for awhile then? I don't remember. I do remember that he stayed with me until dh came. It was at least an hour. It may have been closer to two. I also remember he got an irate call from his wife who was p!ssed he was staying to help me and missing a kid's recital. I also remember I felt very safe with him. I was definitely safer with him than alone an hour and a half from my parents' house. He was kindness personified. I never saw him again, but I still appreciate what he did for me. My husband, my dad, my grandfathers, my uncles, my brother, my BILs, my cousins, my nephews, my sons...all of them would be helpful to a girl in the woods. Well, maybe not the little guys. lol They would need help. None of them would hurt her. Men are demonized in this culture.
  6. Could you get your evaluator to write a report specific for this purpose? That's what we did and it was only that report that we sent in.
  7. Congratulations to the beautiful couple! 💕
  8. Congratulations to Soror's dh!
  9. Your son was beautiful and your honored him so beautifully. Thank you for sharing.
  10. No more coins, but also not free. My kid uses a card. In fact anytime I offer him cash for anything, he looks at me as if I were from another planet. He doesn’t understand how cash is used. 😂
  11. Yay!!!.So glad to hear this. 👏👏👏👏👏
  12. I have one like this, drives me crazy! I believe that starting that negative story in your head is a habit- a mentally unhealthy habit. It's true that we do need to vent, and I'm happy to be the listener, but at some point it goes beyond vent into speading negativity- or even spewing negativity on everyone around you!
  13. What a lovely couple and they look so happy! Thank you for sharing!
  14. Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you. He deserves every penny.
  15. What a wonderful update! So happy for all of you. And a big congratulations to your DH on all that he's accomplished and to you too since he couldn't do it all without your support.
  16. I am so sorry you are dealing with this, but maybe it will lead to answers. I am praying you find them!
  17. Congrats!! That is a huge pay increase!!! Makes vacation even better!
  18. So today, my kid went shopping with her friend to look for the friend's prom dress. I warned my daughter not to be negative like she's been about so many things these days. I told her to find something good to say about every single dress, whether or not she would recommend said dress. She said, "OK." Later, I asked how it went. They found a dress. I asked about her negative/positive comments. "I was positive. Mom, I know how to be positive." This was in between a stream of complaints about her not wanting to be where we were, not wanting to do what we were doing, not wanting to see the person we'd come to see ....
  19. Today
  20. SKL

    Man or bear?

    Wait - I see I didn't ask the right questions. Is this a bear I know, or a bear I don't know?
  21. So sweet, congratulations to them!
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