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About HollyAGarza

  • Birthday 04/29/1979

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  1. That's very true. I'm trying to stay under the radar and not post much about education/learning outside of the forums and groups specified for these purposes
  2. Please delete if not allowed. To say this case of the parents who were chaining, neglecting, torturing and allegedly homeschooling their children is bothering me is an understatement. I'm convinced the depravity of the things that will surface will continuously get worse. I've never seen torture charges or 12 million dollar bail for any defendant! Aside from being angry, saddened and concerned for their offspring I can only speculate as to what this will mean for us as homeschoolers. There is already chatter online and in the community as to it being "Homeschooling's" fault. Many are alleging (could even be somewhat valid considering how long this has been ongoing....) that this went on became worse because they were "hidden" away in a "fake" school. I guess aside from venting and looking for opinions I'm just a bit slightly concerned as to how this will trickle down to us and our rights as homeschoolers. Ideas...thoughts....? https://www.facebook.com/WGNTV/videos/10155227765297411/?notif_id=1516302600837961&notif_t=live_video_invite_taken
  3. After a bit of a scroll on-hate everything and everyone, make-it-political-racial-blame worthy and evil site (aka Facebook) this was a refreshing and welcoming read. Thank you
  4. Thank you so much for this! I just spent half an hour on youtube subbing to different channels =)
  5. My daughter is only nine, I'm still getting the "you DO plan on putting her in Real school (sending her to school/putting her in high school)? " question from time-to-time. I just started answering firmly but not rude that I would actually love to continue doing this as long as it's benefiting her.
  6. I've been homeschooling since my daughter was four years old. I ran across this forum online and decided to join. She is now 9 yrs old :001_smile:
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