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About staceyd71

  • Birthday 06/30/1971

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  • Biography
    I'm a christian who is happliy married. I homeschool my 15 yr. old wonderful son. Were very blessed!
  • Location
    Houma La.
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    wife, mother, and teacher
  1. My son tried Trisms Rise of Nations in 9 grade. It was not a good fit for him. We really loved the idea but it was so time consuming and lots of filling out same worksheets over and over. We did use IEW because that the writing program we used already and one of my reasons for choosing Trisms. You could easily use it without IEW. We ended up dropping it half way through the year. Best of luck, Stacey
  2. Merry, Do you think if my son did a lesson a day he could finish the course faster? How did you schedule it? Thanks, Stacey
  3. I thought it was weird too that why I called Amazon. I tried to tell the lady it has to be a mistake but she assured me it wasn't. But I do realize now it is a mistake. She wasn't talking good English and I could barely understand her so I just gave up lol. Thanks, Stacey
  4. Hi, I went to Amazon to purchase the books for this course but two are only in the Japanese edition. The teacher book and level two workbook. The others are in English edition. I did call Amazon and the lady said that all they have. Did anyone else have this problem?
  5. I am sorry for not explaining clearly. Teaching Company is The Great Course Company. It is not on Netflex. He is watching Early American History: Native American through the Forty-Niners. He watched World History: The Fertile Crescent to American Revolution last year and enjoyed it, so we continued. He also takes notes during lectures. The American Heritage is on Netflex but on DVD not streaming. He really is enjoying American Heritage also. It is available at Christian Book Store. They both are working out well. We also watch the movie's and documentary scheduled in guide when we can. Nothing extra is necessary with Biblioplan. It is really full but I already had Teaching Company so I scheduled it in. You could print out three weeks samples with Biblioplan to see if you like it. Their customer service is awesome. Please let me know if you have any questions. Stacey
  6. Hi, we are using Biblioplan year 3 for highschool (10th) this year. The companion alone is enough for highschool. He is also watching Teaching Company lectures and The American Heritage on Netflix. The companion is very interesting and covers World and American very thoroughly. Biblioplan Family Guide is very well done and easy to follow. My son uses it on his own. It also has movies and literature scheduled each week. Year 3 is scheduled by 6 units and takes 6 week each. The literature planning is done for you and all you do is choose which books for each unit you want to read. It don't take long at all. I purchase our books before each unit and use Glencoe Literature guides, which is free. Also, it is only three days a week. My son is also doing the Government scheduled in year 3 and he is enjoying all of it! We spread it out in 5 days and it flows very nicely. I was all ready to order Sonlight core 300 for next year to study the 20th century because he requested that core. But he informed me that he really likes Biblioplan and don't want to change. He says he learning so much and loves the Fascinating Facts in the companion. I have been where you are and it is tough. Praying for you, Stacey
  7. Also, I wanted to mention Beautiful Feet Books. It also is a literature base curriculum. Stacey
  8. We do like Biblioplan year 3 and it is a lot lighter then Sonlight. We have done Sonlight before high school and also loved it. After this year, we will not continue with Biblioplan for high school because my son is begging to go back to Sonlight. I reminded him of how much reading was involved but he said he really prefers Sonlight. We felt we needed a brake from it and we have regretted venturing off ever since. We really do like Biblioplan but it is not Sonlight that's for sure. If you want lighter, cheaper, and more flexibility then Sonlight, Biblioplan is great! I would continue with Biblioplan if he would not miss Sonlight so much. The truth is I miss it too. We will continue our last two years of highschool with Sonlight. He is looking forward to core 300! I really think you will be very happy with Biblioplan.
  9. We are also doing the government. He really likes it a lot and it don't take much time. If you have any questions let me know. I pray you make the right choice. Stacey
  10. Hi, I am sorry to say but we had the same experience as Cheryl with TRISMS. My son done Rise Of Nation for 9th grade. I would not recommend it unless you love to research ALOT. It was not a good year for us. This year we are doing Biblioplan year 3. It is the same time period as TRISMS RON we did last year because we had so many gaps in TRISMS. We are learning so much more and enjoying it. Biblioplan companion is very interesting but so many facts at once he complains sometimes. He is enjoying and retaining it. I would recommend Biblioplan!
  11. Thank you for the review. Could you tell me about how long did it take to complete a day? Thank you, Stacey
  12. Has anyone used Power Basic American Government for high school? I can't find any reviews on it. If so, how did you like it? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks, Stacey
  13. I am planning to use year 3 so I am interested to know myself. Was the companion really enough on it's own?
  14. I am having trouble deciding history and literature for 10th grade. If anyone used Biblioplan for highs school, I would like to know how you liked it? Is it really just 3 days a week or does it take longer? Also, I was thinking of government that scheduled in year 3. Does anyone have experience with Power Basics American Government? Also, how many literature books you schedule in a year? Thank You so much for any information, Stacey
  15. I am wondering the same thing. How long does it take to read a chapter in the companion? Are the chapters long for high school? Thanks
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