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East Coast Sue

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    Homeschooling 4 children.

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  1. Definitely you are NOT on the hook for dinner. It was simply a mistake and once you let them know (better if your DH owns up to the error) it’s all just a fleeting memory.
  2. Thank you everyone! Do I need a prescription or something to get a hospital type bed? Will that be comfortable? Where do I buy a hospital type bed?
  3. Can you recommend a specific brand or model of adjustable bed?
  4. Mobility is impaired. He uses a walker and has difficulty standing up from sitting and laying down.
  5. Can you recommend a bed for an elderly person? I need to replace his bed due to wear/age of the mattress (twin). He has an adjustable bed which he likes but I need a full size bed (needs a bit more room in the bed). I’ll need to purchase a bed frame and headboard too. Thanks for any recommendations for websites or stores and specific beds that work well for elderly folks.
  6. You are right to listen to your instincts and consult your orthodontist or another surgeon. My dd needed a very involved surgery on her jaw and although we knew years in advance, it was very difficult to find someone who was competent. Ultimately, I found an MD and DMD who does complicated cases like my dd
  7. I’m dealing with this situation (my elderly father) and it’s very difficult. His neurologist helped a great deal by telling him that he had accomplished something very rare- completed 65+ years with no accidents- then insisted that he could not drive again but restated what an amazing driving record he’d earned.
  8. Oh dear. I hope you’re okay. You’re in my prayers and I’m glad you went to get checked.
  9. I’m so sorry that this happened. Some more btdt experience here too. My dh was let go several years ago (2009) and it was very difficult to find his next job. He was given 0 severance as his company had been bought out by a Canadian company who had no intention of keeping employees any longer than absolutely required. He was devastated even though he felt it was overall a good thing to be free of a horrendously stressful job. He was offered a wonderful job but it took 6 months and drained all of our reserves and then some. We sold our house, moved across the country, and had a baby born during this time. We’ve never quite forgotten the uncertainty of being unemployed nor have we recovered our financial losses but we are stable and happy with where we are at. I pray you come out of this with a strong marriage and a rewarding job situation.
  10. Specifically, Lewy Body Dementia I’ve got first hand experience with my Dad. His primary care doctor said that he’d hoped it was another form of dementia b/c LBD is the absolute worst torment on both the person experiencing the condition and their loved ones who endure their wrath.
  11. The title says it all. What does my dd need? Electricity adapter? Suggestions? Thank you!
  12. I’ve thought of you often and kept you in my prayers. When I’ve felt despair, I’ve remembered the testimony you and your ds gave of Jesus. It’s drawn me back to my faith. Thank you for thinking of us and sharing how He has blessed you. Many hugs to you and your new family.
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