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Pretty in Pink

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About Pretty in Pink

  • Birthday 07/21/1980

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  1. Sorry to post and then not come back like that. Last week was a roller coaster for us. My son is enrolled at the local high school now. This is only his second week there but, so far, things have gone smoothly. He has a lot of work to make up from freshman year. The school allowed him to enroll as a sophomore and work on the freshman courses through independent study. So far, so good. He likes his classes, I suspect in part because they are much easier than what we were working on at home. He has finally written a complete essay on his own, no whining, and done a decent job. He is making friends. He likes band class. He hasn't eaten lunch alone yet, which I was really concerned about! It's funny the things we mamas worry about, isn't it? :P I feel very relieved. He has been so pleasant to be around since he began attending classes. He gets himself off to school, no problem. It feels good right now. We'll see how things are when report cards come out.
  2. This still doesn't seem to be working. Between staying on top of him 24/7 about his school work and, really, him still not making adequate progress, and his nasty attitude I really don't think I want him to be here anymore. Maybe some breathing room is what he needs. I could sure use it. I am so broken over this. I just don't know what else to do. I am tired of fighting with this child all the time. He is clearly miserable here at home. Just needed to share somewhere. If I try to discuss this verbally right now I will cry.
  3. On a scale of one to five, licking would rate a one in my book. It's not that big of a deal to me. It's kind of gross but it's not going to make the baby sick or anything. I would just ignore it. She's only three.
  4. Joanne! I am so sorry this happened to you. Thank God your children were not also in the car. You will be on my heart, sweetie. <hugs>
  5. I like Yankee Candles. I currently have salted caramel. I have a stash of lemon something-or-other in the cupboard. I like all the fruity ones and ones that smell like desert. I also use Scentsy.
  6. I've not heard this song but the first lines concern me more than rough sex: Ooh I got a body full of liquor with a cocaine kicker and I'm feeling like I'm thirty feet tall
  7. I take it this is not the first time this has happened with this friend? or is it?
  8. I don't even know. I feel like this frequently. We've been HSing for 11 years. I wonder if it's been a mistake sometimes, or if it's no longer the best fit for one child or another. We live in a remote area with no options. There is one public school and no private schools. And so, we go on. I think my eldest would benefit from traditional school at this point. I wish we had more choices here. I don't know what the answer is. I've been thinking about enrolling him for a few months now. I have all the paperwork lined up and ready to go. I just don't know what to do for him.
  9. I don't even know. I feel like this frequently. We've been HSing for 11 years. I wonder if it's been a mistake sometimes, or if it's no longer the best fit for one child or another. We live in a remote area with no options. There is one public school and no private schools. And so, we go on. I think my eldest would benefit from traditional school at this point. I wish we had more choices here. I don't know what the answer is. I've been thinking about enrolling him for a few months now. I have all the paperwork lined up and ready to go. I just don't know what to do for him.
  10. Of course this is all speculation, but I really think that she and her parents know exactly what they are doing. They've all been in show business for years. I don't think she needed Sinead to point out to her that she is prostituting herself. She knows this and is obviously down with it.
  11. I still get them and I'm 33. My skin is *mostly* clear so I'm not complaining. I only ever get them along my jawline or on my neck, of all places, and then usually around the same time every month. I had pretty bad acne as a pre-teen that cleared somewhat during my teen years. I've had it on and off again, to lesser degrees, as time goes on. My skin was always absolutely beautiful when I was pregnant. It was one of my favorite things about pregnancy!
  12. I have been trying to talk my dh into a small trip for Christmas -- I thought we might take the boys to Los Angeles and visit a theme park or two, eat at Medieval Times, etc. or do a Disney vacation. If only I could convince him... The San Francisco and Singapore trips sound awesome!
  13. Is it too early for this thread?? :P I have five punks to shop for: 15yo boy, 10yo boy, 7yo boy, 5yo boy, and 2yo girl. I've started snagging little things here and there and would love to know what you're planning for your little ones -- and not so little ones. I'm kind of at a loss this year for my 15yo.
  14. My boys are allowed to read by lamplight. We have two boys per room and in neither room do they choose to talk for an extended period of time. They rather enjoy the quiet reading time. :) I suppose if they were being rowdy it would be time for lights out, but I honestly cannot think of a time that has happened...ever. That seems rather unlikely though, doesn't it? Hmm...
  15. Perhaps try to give him a break before he reaches the point of tears? I have a son that tends towards weepiness as well. Sometimes I just let him go to his room for a while until he's feeling better.
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