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About PrincessBride

  • Birthday 10/30/1972

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  • Biography
    mom of 7
  • Occupation
    homeschool mom
  1. Wow, you ladies have given me some GREAT responses. I wish I could figure out how to multi quote on the iPad but I haven't yet. I'll just say every response on this thread has been valuable to me. Both to know how to respond, and clarifying in my mind WHY we're keeping on. Thank you so much!
  2. Looks good! My kids are really close in age to yours! :) The only other thing I can think of that my older kids are doing is Spanish for foreign language. I'm trying to do Latin too, but we're moving slowly.
  3. Thank you for the input and encouragement, ladies! :) It is encouraging to come here and get ideas from those who are sticking with it.
  4. Good responses! :) Anna, I'm sorry you're getting that response. I guess it goes to show, no matter what path your family chooses, someone is going to feel the need to criticize!
  5. I'm wondering how you respond to these types of comments, or maybe no response is wiser? ;) Things I've been told lately by hsing friends: "I would never limit my kids by hsing high school." "It wouldn't be fair to my younger kids, it's their turn now." "College is too important, I can't mess that up for them." And other similarly themed remarks. We plan to homeschool through high school. I feel like there is no good response. I'm either implying, "Yes, you're right, I'm Superwoman, that's why I'm doing this" or "You're right, but I don't care about my kid's future or my younger kids, so we're going for it!" Do you respond? Or do you just keep your head down and keep going and pray you're making the right decision?
  6. Thank you again! This has given me a lot to think about for next year. :)
  7. Thanks for this info! I will look into those. My head is just spinning! I feel like I'm back to when I was starting homeschooling again. I guess in time I'll build my confidence back up for high school? I hope? :)
  8. For now, for Latin, we'll keep going with Latina Christiana. Is there a Level 2 for that? That would be an option for next year, need to check on that. She is a perfectionist with writing! This kid LOVES rewriting! :) What I may do now is more daily paragraph writing. I know she's going to be frustrated if we don't increase her speed a bit. As far as reading goes, she has really taken off! She is speeding through LOTR right now, totally on her own. It wasn't assigned, she's just doing it for fun. :)
  9. Thank you for the replies! Some follow up thoughts: You all just eased my worry about the fact that co op ends at 8th grade. :) It won't even be an option next year, and your input helps confirm that I DON't need to stress about finding a replacement activity. We actually chose to do Bio this year to give her more time to catch up on math. I plan to have her do Physical Science next year with ds, then move on to Chem, Physics, not sure about 12th grade science yet. Any suggestions for what to add to RS Spanish for more grammar? I forgot to mention PE! We did swim team over the summer. Right now we're just staying active with walks, the Wii, and it's finally cooled off enough for bike riding. We may do something more formal in Spring, we'll see.
  10. Agreeing with all that's been said already. :) And, don't sell yourself short on what your littles are actually getting. I remember the guilt I felt that #3 wasn't getting the same library story times, park days, etc. that my older 2 had because of schooling them and having a baby #4. But when I actually listed out the opportunities and exposure to things he WAS getting, I felt better. My younger kids haven't necessarily had the same experiences (e.g. Library story time) but they've gotten to do some fun stuff. And don't feel too guilty about being housebound either. When my twins were born we rarely left the house, for months. Even now it can be a challenge! We have plenty to keep up busy at home, and it saves money, too. ;) As others said, the challenges don't go away, but they do change and you will gain confidence over time. I am stressing about high school, but for my 5th child going into K next year, I can relax, I've done it so many times now. :)
  11. I just last night finished reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. Dystopia and zombies! ;) There are two more books in the series. I'm still processing it, but there was an interesting tension between loss of freedom with safety vs. freedom with risk. And throughout the book people are called on to make some fairly horrific choices. Might be an interesting, modern YA addition to your list!
  12. Hi there! I am currently schooling 8th gr, 6th gr, 4th gr, 2nd gr, PreK and I have two year old twins. I'm expecting baby #8 in June. My plan is to have my oldest doing MFW for high school next year. Could anyone glance at what I'm doing now and tell me if I'm on the right track in regards to my current 8th gr dd? Math: this has been her biggest struggle, we're now doing MUS and LOF, hoping to get to pre Algebra by spring. Plus she takes an outside math class. Science: Apologia Biology, so far going great! Rosetta Stone Spanish and Latina Christiana Rod and Staff English, IEW, Apples for Spelling, Wordly Wise for LA SL Core 7 Piano lessons One day a week at an enrichment co op, this includes the extra math, digital animation, Shakespeare, drama, a class on reading comprehension. Fun stuff that ties in well with what we're doing at home. I would love your input as I think ahead to next year! :)
  13. Fun seeing it from that perspective! What wasn't at all fun was trying to navigate across a Target parking lot with a cart, a double stroller, and 7 kids! We sat in the van for a while waiting for visibility to improve slightly. It was a memorable experience for sure! Thanks for posting the video!
  14. Thank you Faithr and Renee! I will look into those. I appreciate your input!
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