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Silly question: why would a faucet turn on all by itself?

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I feel a bit stupid asking this.


Today I was at work (I'm a nurse) and I was giving home care instructions to one of my patients and I look over to see that the faucet was on and water was about to spill over. I didn't turn the water on, nobody had. I was in there alone with my patients who were in recliners still recovering from anesthetic. The handle was not "loose" and could not work it's way to the on position. Nobody went anywhere near the sink. I told a couple of co-workers in the next room about it and they said strange things happen around there from time to time. They blamed it on the deceased philanthropist whom the building was named after. One even said she was sitting at the desk one day and empty charts went flying off the shelf.


So, hmmm. It's driving me nuts. How can a faucet turn on by itself? I just know there has to be an explanation :001_smile:



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I came home and found the hot water tap in the bathroom was on, and apparently had been for so long that every drop of hot water was gone. I guess the water had been so hot for awhile, it damaged the pipes, and water was running out underneath the sink all over the floor.


I never figured out how that tap turned on. It had been off earlier, and DS and I don't use that bathroom.

Michelle T

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I have seen them explain this a couple of times on Ghosthunters, since the lead investigators are also Roto-Rooter guys. It usually happens in older buildings, and it has to do (if I remember correctly) with water pressure building up inside the tap. Since the tap is a screw, if the pressure pushes against the screw strongly enough, it will open the tap. It *can* happen with the cold water, but that is rare. Most often it's the hot. It can turn all the way up to full force. That would be my scientific guess.

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When this happened at my mom's 100+ yo house, my cousin was positive it was a ghost and would never be alone in the house.


After doing some investigating we figured out it was related to water pressure. This isn't very scientific, but when the toilet was flushed it caused the water pressure to drop at the sink (which was used immediately after a flush). When the person finished washing their hands, they would turn the faucet until the water stopped running and leave. Once the toilet tank stopped filling, the faucet would start running again, usually not discovered until someone came in and saw the ghost faucet running.



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  • 11 years later...
  • 7 months later...

This just happened here. I wouldn't automatically go "ghost" despite knowing and having interacted before except... This isn't the only strangeness lately. Like the crying toddler noise coming out of a room where the sleeping toddler was... The sound of the same kind of bang that happens when my daughter rarely falls off her bed coming from her room when she's sound asleep in the middle of her bed... The smell of coconut strictly in one small section of the kitchen when he have NOTHING food, drink, bath/lotion/spray or cleaning/deodorizer item with that scent or similar and the tell all... Repeatedly when things are happening I feel a goofy/playful spirit here.


And our house isn't old nor the faucet. And I checked it.. it's not at all loose. And I feel him here again.


So... Check your stuff, y'all. Fix it... Or enjoy the company.🤣

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