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Opinions needed on BJU Geometry

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We were faithful BJU Math users for Kindergarten through Algebra 1, and we thought it was the BEST thing out there. Then we tried BJU Geometry. We HATED it. It is NOT at all intended for the "non-math mom". There is just not enough explanation for you if you (the mom/teacher) don't "get it". We struggled through it, and figured it was surely a fluke, since all the BJU courses up to that point were so GOOD. Then ER went on to BJU ALgebra 2, and we disliked it too. I had already purchased BJU PreCalculus, but never used it, because I read such bad reviews on the WTM boards by "math-y" people whose opinions I respect.


IMO, in a course that is marketed to homeschoolers, the TE should include explanations & SOLUTIONS (not just an answer key) for EVERY problem in the book. But in their Geometry & Algebra 2 courses, many problems -- the "easy" ones, I suppose -- BJU assumes that you're a math teacher and don't need it.


So, I said all of this to say: I still think that BJU is the best thing out there for Kindergarten Math through Algebra 1, but I was VERY disappointed in BJU Geometry and their subsequent math courses.

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