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anyone want to help with a trig problem?

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I haven't had a child take trig yet, so I'm a little rusty. I keep going in circles; I'm sure I'm making it tougher than it really is. There are two brothers hoping I've got this figured out by the time I get to church tonight.


tan (2A) = 2 sin (A)


find all positive angles A under 360 for which the above equation is valid.


TIA; some explanation would be nice.

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tan (2A) = sin (2A)/cos(2A), so sin (2A)/cos(2A) = 2 sin A.


Multiply both sides by cos (2A), you get sin (2A) = 2 sin A cos (2A).


Using the double-angle formulas, you get 2 sin A cos A = 2 sin A (cos^2 A - sin^2 A)


Subtracting 2 sin A cos (2A) from both sides (so we can factor), we get 2 sin A cos A - 2 sin A (cos^2 A - sin^2 A) = 0.


Factoring, we get (2 sin A)(cos A - cos^2 A + sin^2 A)= 0. So either sin A = 0, or cos A - cos^2 A + sin^2 A = 0.


sin A = 0 has the solutions of 0 and 180. (not sure if you want to count 0 or not, since you said positive it wouldn't strictly be included)


To solve the second factor, recall that sin^2 A = 1 - cos^2 A. Substituting this in, we see that -2 cos^2 A + cos A + 1 = 0. This is a quadratic polynomial in cos A which may be solved by any method you choose; the roots are 1 and -1/2.


cos A = 1 has a solution only at 0, and cos A = -1/2 has solutions at 120 and 240.


The solutions are 120, 180, and 240 degrees. (and 0, depending on whether you include that or not. I wouldn't, since it says positive.)

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