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This is just a quick update on a suggestion I made about a week ago. For those of you with kids who love to build, I recommended MAKE Magazine. We had just received our 1st subscription at that time, and my oldest was extremely excited with the magazine.


Since then, he has built a "Beetlebot", a simple robot that avoids obstacles, that was featured in one of the articles. He used as much scrap material as he could find in the shed, and we purchased some new items for him at Radio Shack.


DH had to help a little with the project, but for the most part, my son was able to build it on his own. He even learned how to solder and was able to explain to his brothers how the circuitry works.


MAKE is obviously a big hit around here.

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This is just a quick update on a suggestion I made about a week ago. For those of you with kids who love to build, I recommended MAKE Magazine. We had just received our 1st subscription at that time, and my oldest was extremely excited with the magazine.




Th constributions that Make's readers make to the website will entertain, astound and send you out the door to Radio Shack.




Jane (wife of and mother to charter subscribers to Make)

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