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When a math lesson finally works! Whew!


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Can I just share a little victory from our school day?  My eighth grader is about half-way through Jacob's Algebra.  This kid is very smart in math and can do everything in his head.  He's been like that from day one and about once a year we would have our stand-off about how much math work would need to be written out and then I would get weary from the battle and let it go again.


Well, the past few chapters in Jacob's, he's been doing solid to low "B" work.  Missing a lot through careless work and I was very certain it was because he was "eye-balling" the problems, not showing his work and therefore making some silly mistakes.  Today was a show-down about it after he couldn't write a simple equation and argued that he didn't need to because he had gotten the problem right anyway (he had - grrr!).  Anyway, I told him he was going to write the problems out if it was the last thing we did this whole school year and that he would sit on this lesson until I saw every step of every problem on his paper.  


He did it!  And he only missed 2 out of the 41 problems!  I'm so excited but mainly relieved that he didn't still miss 7 or 8 like he had been!  I was so afraid that there wouldn't be a difference - LOL!  Hopefully this will be concrete enough evidence to convince him to show his work!

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Now you can throw some scientific research in by having him do half of his work in his head and half with work being shown and have him graph percentage correct in both scenarios over a month or two. Have him calculate the statistical significance of his findings. Nothing like proving it yourself to own it later ;)


Congrats on that mom power move! I love those homeschool wins :)

Edited by nixpix5
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