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Breakfast items


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Braunschweiger on saltines or Wheat Thins

All the other stuff people suggested

Costco big jars of cashews

Big bags of shelled pistachios (pricey but very filling)

These crackers--protein, carbs, and you don't feel like eating a million of them:  Nairns' organic oatcakes.  And whatever proteinish is in his fridge.  Cheese slices are especially good but peanut butter or sandwich meat would also work.  As would cream cheese.

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Can he save things from the meal swipes? I know that in college, I could put 1-2 pieces of fruit from the salad bar on my tray with my salad and entree and it was still just one meal credit. I would then take the two apples and put them in my backpack for a snack later that night or the next morning.


He says he does normally walk out with an apple.

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when my kid was on campus using a meal plan, the plan was parceled out with X dollars per meal. If she didn’t use it with that meal, she lost it. So one thing she would do is load up on whatever even if she wasn’t going to eat it then. So like if she had $5 for breakfast (or whatever, just an example) and the pancakes she picked up only cost $4 she would grab a banana or apple or granola or whatever would get her up to $5. Then, she would just take that back to her room and toss it in her fridge when she got back to the dorm.


Maybe he could do something like that with those dining dollars? Just use his dining dollars to pick up that bagel or some fruit or something, when he is there for his regular meal there, then just bring that back to his room with him so he has it there for when he needs something grab and go.


The all you can eat cafe doesn't have this option, so he would have to go somewhere else to get ind. items.  There is no food court or anything and the all you can eat place doesn't parcel out ind. items.


We are changing his meal plan for this upcoming quarter and will see how it goes.  His last one was 14 meals per week and reset every Friday.  They didn't roll over.  And he could only swipe every 4 hours.  The new meal plan is just a set amount per quarter so it resets at the end of the quarter instead of each week, and he can swipe as many meals in as many minutes as he wants (so he could swipe twice if I visit for example).  Hopefully that will work better for him.

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So, there are those Amazon Lockers around campus, and there is one near his dorm.  I had been told I could not send any food to those, but am finding out that isn't true.  I just can't send large items or heavy items.  I have since played around with it a bit and CAN send granola bars or chips/snacks, but CANNOT send a case of drinks (for example).  And it won't accept pantry items.


So, in a pinch, that will work.


And I also found out (posted some questions on the college FB parent group) that his new dorm (apartment style) has a front office where I can get Publix or Kroger delivery BUT my son has to BE there.  They won't accept the groceries and hold them, but the grocery store will deliver to the front office.


So, another option.


How much do you tip for grocery delivery?  One mom on the site said she tips 25%.  That seems high.  

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I have picked him up today. He is home for Spring Break. I plan to drive him back a week from Sunday and will load him up as much as I can. I also plan to go down in 2 weeks during MY Spring Break, and I don't know if I will go again before the end of school. We will see.


I really wasn't asking for suggestions on how he could get food, I was mostly asking for suggestions on the actual food. I am not sure how this turned into me having to explain all the reasons why him getting his own groceries won't work, but it did.


I want to stock him up with frozen foods and shelf stable foods.



Ask what time it is and you'll get questioned why your kid isn't a STEM major who can build you a clock in his spare time.


And now, even though you specifically said shelf stable and frozen, has overnight oatmeal been mentioned? He can use water with powdered milk.



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Ask what time it is and you'll get questioned why your kid isn't a STEM major who can build you a clock in his spare time.


And now, even though you specifically said shelf stable and frozen, has overnight oatmeal been mentioned? He can use water with powdered milk.






You forgot to add in homemade yogurt with homemade kifir grains and preferably chia seeds that have been soaked and sprouted.  


As for the powdered milk, he won't touch the stuff.....so that is a no-go.

He is home (picked him up Friday) and we chatted just a little.  He INSISTS he passed out because he was so tired.  UGH.  He also says he usually takes an apple in the am.  I told him that isn't enough.  He WAS taking trail mix or granola bars before he ran out, so I will def. get him trail mix, granola bars, juice boxes or containers, and then some frozen items he can pop in the microwave.  


Thankfully  his new space has a kitchen.  It is tiny and has to be shared with 4 people, but it is a kitchen.  He won't actually cook more than ramen mind you, but he will have a fridge and full access to a microwave.

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I'm glad his new space will expand his options!


You know, I taught my kids to make their own powdered milk when they were preschool aged. They were much more invested in it, so they just love it! Something to consider...




Sigh.  We will simply never measure up.

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I’m right there with you.


We’re such losers. Maybe we should start a club.


But if we did, we would probably do it wrong. ;)


I am SURE we would do it wrong.  Absolutely positive.


We are not worthy.

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What kind of shelf stable milks are available?  Actual cow's milk.  He won't drink almond, soy, or rice milk.


I am thinking those milk boxes might work for cereal and milk after his fresh stuff runs out.  Is there a larger box that he could open and then refrigerate?


I grew up on self stable milk.  We could get milk but we didn't always have refrigeration so we kept the shelf stable on hand as well. (overseas in rural Africa.)



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