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pastor's response to Larry Nassar


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It does make you wonder what dark secrets this so-called pastor is hiding.


I'm sure he considers himself a "red blooded American" male and we all know that such folks cannot possibly resist the temptation of a female body not covered by a shapeless sack.

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I got as far as the first line, saw "Kevin Swanson" in the wording, and immediately stopped reading.


I'm hesitant to say - but I've never heard of him.


It does make you wonder what dark secrets this so-called pastor is hiding.


I'm sure he considers himself a "red blooded American" male and we all know that such folks cannot possibly resist the temptation of a female body not covered by a shapeless sack.


in that case - he's in the wrong country.  he should go to a middle eastern country where women are forced to wear burkas.  (not iran - currently women are rebelling and taking their burkha's  off in public.)

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I believe that men who do and say godless things in the "name of God" will face judgement from God himself.  Jesus was pro-women.  He spoke to them and included them in a culture when he "shouldn't have".  He stood up for women.  He refused to treat them as if they were unclean.  He spoke to a Samaritan woman who had been repetitively left by men in a culture where women depended on men and Jesus never once said "you deserved the treatment you received".  In fact, I think he may have been the first to see her as a person and he offered her a new identity that would not be dependent on a man who could turn around and divorce her and leave her "identity-less".  I think he would have quite the judgement for men who would say that little girls were at fault for being abused by a grown man.

Edited by Attolia
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I decided to listen to the pastor's own words.  (I don't want to link to his radio website, but it was easy to find.   This topic begins at about 15:25 minutes into the program.)


*Parents need to teach their children that the world is a dangerous place and there are people who will try to take advantage of them.


*Children need to be taught that they have a responsibility to God to cry out and tell their parents when something shameful is going on (as some of the victims tried to do)  and parents/churches, etc. need to take seriously the reports of abuse.


*The model of the Greek gymnasium provides an opportunity for pedophilia.  Open showers are a risk (examples:  coaches like Hastert and Sandusky who abused boys)


*Parents need to consider the risks of private, 1:1 coaching.  (The same is true for private time with someone like a youth pastor, too. )


*The Indy Star investigative report on the sport of gymnastics is mentioned.


I listened to the program, and I have to say that I found myself in agreement with some of the advice to parents. ( Based on my own hatred of junior high PE classes because of a creepy female gym teacher who always watched us showering,  I'd be in favor of private showers in schools, gyms, etc.!)     

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For some reason I pictured the doctor visits happening at the same building as the gymnastics practice, where they would be wearing leotards. I never gave it much thought. I have no idea where he saw them or if they were coming from/going to practice.


Either way, no excuse, of course.

He saw some of them for "treatments" in the basement of his home.
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