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Python book for an adult with some programming experience?

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DH is an autodidact embarking on improving some of his job skills. He's working through codecademy's Python course and would like a book to go along with / extend his knowledge as he learns python. Many years ago, he learned Basic and at least one other programming language, so he's not a complete beginner. 


I saw several recommendations for Dawson's Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner on other threads. Is this a good recommendation for an adult with some programming background?



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Free to use for educational purpose LEARNING TO PROGRAM WITH PYTHON https://www.cs.uky.edu/~keen/115/Haltermanpythonbook.pdf


Both the libraries and Barnes & Noble have that book you listed. Actually Barnes & Noble has plenty of python books for adults so it might be worth a trip there if you have one nearby.


My oldest learned from the documentation for python 3.3


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Two books I keep on my shelf for Python reference are:

Effective Python (Slatkin)

Python Cookbook (Beazley & Jones)


Also, when he is finished with the CodeAcademy course, I highly recommend this video course on Udemy for someone with a little programming experience:

The Complete Python 3 Course

It's only $10.99 until 1/11.

The teacher is very good, and I have learned a ton from it (I used to do programming before having kids and am trying to get back into it). The instructor does go fast, so you do have to back up and replay things often in order to follow what he is typing. I took a break about halfway through because the Web Dev part assumes more knowledge than I have in that area, so now I'm working through an awesome Web Dev course (this one, in case your DH is interested - it.is.awesome). But then I'll get back to Python. :)

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This isn't a book, but possibly it is another option for your DH.  I googled for "MOOC+free+Python"  (without the quote marks) and this is the URL of the Google SERPs:




Possibly you can find a course among those listed, that your DH will find interesting and helpful.

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Thanks to all for the suggestions and links. The codecademy course is good for him, but he wants something in his physical hands to reference when he gets stuck. Like me, he's a bit of a dinosaur in wanting a physical book sometimes. Free is great, but only if he'll use it and reading is easier with a book. (Getting computer time in this house is difficult as it is.)


Thanks, as well, for the "next class" suggestions. He won't be ready for them for awhile, but I'll save the links for when he's ready. (I might suggest the Web Dev class first while he works through a book so he doesn't have to pause the python course.)


Many thanks.

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I saw several recommendations for Dawson's Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner on other threads. Is this a good recommendation for an adult with some programming background?




Those were probably my posts.  Yes, I recommend it for an adult with some programming experience, especially the first half.  I also think the AoPS python classes are great for adults.  

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